Land Acknowledgment
Concord Monthly Meeting - Land Acknowledgment 2022
We acknowledge that we are in N’dakinna on the ancestral land of the Pennacook Abenaki people who have ongoing spiritual and cultural connections to this area near the banks of the Merrimack River. It has been a regular living place for many other Algonquin people from time immemorial through today. We are grateful for their wisdom and long and careful stewardship of the land.
We know that this land acknowledgment is but a small, first step towards reconciling our histories and much more is needed to right the wrongs and bring us into right relationship.
In the spirit of stewardship and shared use as practiced by Indigenous people, we commit to a mutually agreed upon, shared stewardship of the land and celebration of the Creator of the land. We invite the original stewards of this land — the Abenaki People — to join us in its care, use, and celebration.
We pledge our time and resources to work for healing the wounds of colonialism, advancing Indigenous self-determination and working for equity and right relationship, based on the needs and desires of the Indigenous People who were and are still here.
Concord Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends