CMM 2022-04-10

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Fourth Month 10th, 2022

Thirteen Friends gathered both in person and by Zoom connection and entered into quiet worship.  We accepted the minutes of Third Month as corrected.

We opened with a brief period of Worship.

04.01  Treasurer’s Report:  The treasurer provided a financial report as of the end of March.  We are expecting a budget surplus of $1,700; our income is projected to be about $1,000 over budget and our expenses were approximately $1,000 lower than anticipated.  Our donations and rental income were both slightly above what we had projected.  The Finance committee recommends moving the surplus to our reserves or possibly carrying it over for next year.  Complete reports are attached.

Financial Summary
Total Income: $23,953
Total Expenses: $22,225
Net Income: $1,728  

04.02  Proposed Budget:  We received a presentation of our proposed budget from our Finance committee.  The first draft was sent out with our advance documents, however they are now working from a second draft after a recent committee request.  We see a relatively small increase to projected contributions and rental income.  We see a large budget increase from the web clerks who are working on essential upgrades to our website as requested by the Outreach committee.  We are reminded that anybody, committees or individuals, are welcome to reach out directly to Finance committee with any questions or concerns.  Finance Committee hopes to have a final draft for approval next month.  Draft 2 of the proposed budget is attached.

04.03  Land Acknowledgment:  The Right Relationship working group reported on their continued work on the Land Acknowledgment in consideration of the questions raised by the meeting.  After approval, this acknowledgement could be posted on our website and in our meetinghouse.  The principal changes were made in the third paragraph of the attached document, and we heard gratitude for the work of this committee as well as questions and comments relating to that section.  We approve this Land Acknowledgment.  We agree to hold it in our meeting for a couple of months to see if there is any further light, before publishing it.

04.04  Outreach:  The report from the Outreach committee is attached.

After a brief time of quiet worship, Meeting adjourned, purposing to meet again on the Second Sunday of the Fifth month.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Heidi Babb, Recording Clerk   /s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

  Budget Planning for

Fiscal Year 2022-23
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget Comparisons & Proposal 2021-06-01 – 2023-03-31 Budget – FY 2021-22 Projection – FY 2021-22 2nd Draft Proposal FY 2022-23
Contributions $23,008 $25,672 $26,900 $27,400
Interest Income $810 $810 $810
Prior-Year Funds $723
Rental Income $705 $300 $825 $900
Solar Roof Lease $240 $240 $240 $240
Total Income $23,953 $27,745 $28,775 $29,350
Finance Committee $30 $30 $30
Hospitality $42 $140 $50 $100
Library $140 $140 $140
Ministry & Counsel $140 $400 $300 $400
Outreach $20 $475 $75 $175
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $150 $150
Right Relationships $500 $400
Website Expenses $300 $300 $1,000
Youth & Religious Education $13 $300 $100 $300
Total Program $215 $2,395 $905 $2,695
Data Usage $900 $1,000 $1,060 $960
Debt Service $2,855 $3,805 $3,805 $3,805
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $500 $500 $500 $500
Electricity $833 $1,000 $1,000 $1000
Grounds $100 $100 $100
Insurance $2,035 $2,200 $2,504 $2,890
Maintenance $1,182 $500 $1,182 $1,180
Replacement Reserve $3,175 $3,810 $3,810 $3,810
Snow Removal $1,345 $1,700 $1,700 $1,600
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $118 $300 $200 $250
Wood Pellets $1,360 $1,300 $1,200 $1,200
Total Property $14,303 $16,215 $17,061 $17,295
AFSC $1,333 $1,600 $1,600 $1,640
Dover Quarterly Meeting $10 $10 $10
FCNL $153 $153 $153 $157
Friends Camp $306 $306 $306 $314
FWCC $66 $65 $66 $68
Interfaith Council $50 $50 $50 $50
NEYM - Equalization Fund $306 $306 $306 $314
NEYM - General Fund $5,182 $6,334 $6,334 $6,492
NH Council of Churches $75 $75 $75 $75
Woolman Hill $235 $235 $235 $241
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Support $7,707 $9,135 $9,135 $9,360
Total Expense $22,225 $27,745 $27,501 $29,350
Net Income $1,728 $1,674

Concord Monthly Meeting

Income and Expenses as of Third Month 31, 2022

(83⅓% of Fiscal Year 2022)
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget vs. Actual 2021-06-01 – 2022-03-31 Budget – FY 2021-22 Budget $ Remaining % of Budget
Contributions $23,008 $25,672 $2,664 90%
Interest Income $810 $810 0%
Prior Year Funds $723 $723 0%
Rental Income $705 $300 ($405) 235%
Solar Roof Lease $240 $240 $0 100%
Total Income $23,953 $27,745 $3,792 86%
Finance Committee $30 $30 0%
Hospitality $42 $100 $58 42%
Library $140 $140 0%
Ministry & Counsel $140 $400 $260 35%
Outreach Committee $20 $475 $455 4%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $150 $150 0%
Right Relations $500 $500 0%
Website Expense $300 $300 0%
Youth & Religious Education 13 $300 $287 4%
Total Program $215 $2,395 $2,180 9%
Data Usage $900 $1,000 $100 90%
Debt Service $2,855 $3,805 $950 75%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $500 $500 $0 100%
Electricity $833 $1,000 $167 83%
Grounds $100 $100 0%
Insurance $2,035 $2,200 $165 93%
Maintenance $1,182 $500 ($682) 236%
Replacement Reserve Expense $3,175 $3,810 $635 83%
Snow Removal $1,345 $1,700 $355 79%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $118 $300 $182 39%
Wood Pellets $1,360 $1,300 ($60) 105%
Total Property $14,303 $16,215 $1,912 88%
AFSC $1,333 $1,600 $267 83%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $10 $10 0%
FCNL $153 $153 $0 100%
Friends Camp $306 $306 $0 100%
FWCC $66 $66 $0 100%
Interfaith Council $50 $50 $0 100%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $306 $306 $0 100%
NEYM - General Fund $5,182 $6,334 $1,152 82%
NH Council of Churches $75 $75 $0 100%
Woolman Hill $235 $235 $0 100%
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Support $7,707 $9,135 $1,428 84%
Total Expense $22,225 $27,745 $5,520 80%
Net Income $1,728

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2022

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Third Month 31, 2022
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 3rd Month 31, 2022    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $18,919
Money Market 101049498 $6,604
Total Checking/Savings $25,523
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable $0
Total Accounts Receivable $0
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $6,167
Prepaid Insurance $2,112
Total Other Current Assets $8,279
Total Current Assets   $33,802
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $610,855
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $23,123
TOTAL ASSETS     $667,780
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable $0
Total Accounts Payable $0
Other Current Liabilities
Building & Grounds Fund $485
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $2,000
Solar Grant Funds $1,209
Special Projects
Asylum Seekers Support Fund $1,085
Blended Meeting Technology $183
Christine / Kakamega Care Centre $794
Mindful Mortality $200
Social Justice Fund $603
Woolman Hill $0
Total Special Projects $2,866
Total Other Current Liabilities $7,560
Total Current Liabilities   $7,560
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan 1 $12,942
Replacement Reserve $48,328
Total Long-term Liabilities   $61,270
Total Liabilities   $68,830
General Fund Balance $597,222
Net Income $1,728
Total Equity   $598,950

Land Acknowledgment : 2022-02

Draft from ad hoc Right Relationsip Working Group

February 2022

We acknowledge that we are in N’dakinna on the ancestral land of the Pennacook Abenaki people who have ongoing spiritual and cultural connections to this area near the banks of the Merrimack River.  It has been a regular living place for many other Algonquin people from time immemorial through today.  We are grateful for their wisdom and long and careful stewardship of the land.

We know that this land acknowledgment is but a small, first step towards reconciling our histories and much more is needed to right the wrongs and bring us into right relationship.

In the spirit of stewardship and shared use as practiced by Indigenous people, we commit to mutually agreed upon, shared stewardship of the land and celebration of the Creator of the land.  We invite the original stewards of this land – the Abenaki People – to join us in its care, use, and celebration.

We pledge our time and resources to work for healing the wounds of colonialism, advancing Indigenous self-determination and working for equity and right relationship, based on the needs and desires of the Indigenous People who were and are still here.

Concord Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends


Outreach Committee Report to Business Meeting –

Fourth Month 2022

The Outreach Committee met virtually four times from January through March.  In response to the December 2021 Business Meeting, we have changed a phrase in the committee’s Mission statement and Goals document and have drafted an Affirming Statement as requested.  When the Affirming Statement is finished, we will present them both to the meeting.

One of our plans has been to improve and extend our use of social media to make us more visible to the public.  Focusing first on what already exists, we have been studying how to update the website design. Planning, including a design mockup, has been followed by eliciting advice on feasibility and implementation.  We learned an upgrade requires substantial technical and testing effort, but we and the Website Committee agree this project is worth doing.  The first steps toward upgrading were begun at the end of March by Mark.

– Kathi Connors, committee co-clerk