Forms & Booklets


(in .doc, .xls, and/or PDF format)
image of ‘Expense Report Form’

Expense Report

Occasionally, Friends make in-kind donations or need to be reimbursed for expenses made on behalf of the Meeting.  You may wish to download this ‘Expense Report’ form in Microsoft eXceL Spreadsheet (.xls) format to simplify submitting the donation record or reimbursement request.  You should be able to use it with Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, or OpenOffice programs.  In future, we hope to create a web form to fill in directly on this web page and e-mail it to the Bookkeeper of the Monthly Meeting.

image of ‘Guest Book Page’

Guest Book Page

Here is a .doc file you can use to print double-sided pages that can be trimmed to 9¾” × 6¾” (~248 mm × ~171 mm, an aspect ratio of ~√2.1:1) and punched for our Guest Book.  There is a ‘dash’ (-) on the left-hand side to align with the bottom hole of a three-hole punch, where the adjacent holes are separated by 2¾” (~70 mm).

Facts About Quakers Brochure

Here is a .pdf file you can use to print a copy of the ‘Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting Facts About Quakers Brochure’. 

image of CMM Membership Brochure

Membership Brochure

Here is a .pdf file you can use to print a copy of the ‘Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting Membership Brochure’. 

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Membership Record

Here is a PDF file you can fill in ‘Monthly Meeting Record of Membership’ form.  Friends have kept careful membership records from the earliest years of the Society.  These records are maintained by the Recorder of the Monthly Meeting.

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‘Silent Worship & Quaker Values - Marsha Holliday’ booklet

Here is a .docx file you can use to print a copy of the ‘Silent Worship & Quaker Values’ booklet.

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‘Meeting for Worship - Douglas Steere’ booklet

Here is a .docx file you can use to print a copy of the ‘Meeting for Worship - Douglas Steere’ booklet.

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‘Stages of Meeting for Worship’ trifold

Here is a .docx file you can use to print a copy of the ‘StagesOfMeetingForWorship-trifold.docx’ trifold.  A summary based on Four Doors to Meeting for Worship, by William Taber [Pendle Hill Pamphlet #306 (1992)].

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‘Vocal Ministry Advices & Queries’ bookmarks

Here is a .docx file you can use to print a copy of the ‘VocalMinistryAdvices&QueriesBookmarks.docx’ bookmarks.  The flowchart of queries is based on the work of Stan Thornburg as well as “Speaking into the Silence” which appeared in Friendly Woman, Vol. 9, № 8.  The list of advices was originally called “The Ten ‘Commandments’ for Speaking in Meeting” from Asheville Monthly Meeting, North Carolina.

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Contact List Consent

Here is a PDF file you can use to print a copy of the ‘Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting Contact List Consent form’.  The Contact List is maintained by the Web Clerk of the Monthly Meeting.

image of 'NEYM Youth Worker Screening Form'

NEYM Youth Worker Screening Form

Here is a PDF file you can use to print a copy of the ‘New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Youth Worker Screening Form’.  For an explanation of the form, please go to the 'NEYM Background Checking Policy' webpage.

image of 'NEYM Youth Worker Screening Form'

Quaker Business Meetings

This document was originally written and produced by some Friends and Attenders from Glasgow Meeting, Scotland, who came together in an informal group in 1995 to explore their experience of business methods in the Society of Friends. It has been tailored to Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) with Amercanized spellings and terms.

Last update: 9th month 2021. Comments and corrections should be sent to Clerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

“A clerk’s guide to minute-preparation, other paperwork, and procedures”    “A clerk’s guide to minute-preparation, other paperwork, and procedures”

A clerk’s guide

“A clerk’s guide to minute-preparation, other paperwork, and procedures” is a collection of advice gathered by ‘weighty Friends’ from Fifteenth Street Monthly Meeting.

“Guidelines for minutes of monthly meeting for business”    “Guidelines for minutes of monthly meeting for business”

Guidelines for minutes

“Guidelines for minutes of monthly meeting for business” is a collection of advice gathered by Friends Meeting of Washington, DC.

“Directions for Clerks and Recorders of Constituent Meetings” - Record Services Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Quakers)    “Directions for Clerks and Recorders of Constituent Meetings” - Record Services Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Quakers)

Directions for clerks & recorders

“Guidelines for Clerks and Recorders of Constituent Meetings” is a collection of advice about archiving records from monthly meetings gathered by Record Services Group of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Quakers) at Bryn Mawr College, Special Collections.

“The role of the clerk (Quaker business meeting practice)” - advice from Arthur Larrabee    “The role of the clerk (Quaker business meeting practice)” - advice from Arthur Larrabee

The role of the clerk

“The role of the clerk (Quaker business meeting practice)” - advice from Arthur Larrabee.

“Raw Notes from the Quaker Clerking Workshop” - from Sue Gardner’s blog    “Raw Notes from the Quaker Clerking Workshop” - from Sue Gardner’s blog

Notes from clerking workshop

“Raw Notes from the Quaker Clerking Workshop” - from Sue Gardner’s blog.

“Reading Resource List for Clerks of Committees and Meetings” - compiled by Martin D Reber    “Reading Resource List for Clerks of Committees and Meetings” - compiled by Martin D Reber

Reading list for clerks

“Reading Resource List for Clerks of Committees and Meetings” - compiled by Martin D Reber, London Grove Monthly Meeting.

“Treasurers Guide for Religious Organizations, 2nd Edition” - by Rosalie Bond


Treasurers guide

“Treasurers Guide for Religious Organizations, 2nd Edition” - by Rosalie Bond, Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.  “... provides bookkeeping and accounting assistance to Meetings ....”

“Friendly Audits” by Elizabeth Muench


Friendly Audits

“Friendly Audits” by Elizabeth Muench provides guidance for those charged with auditing the accounts of monthly meetings.

“A Friendly Audit” by Jack N. Childs, Jr.


A Friendly Audit

“A Friendly Audit” by Jack N. Childs, Jr. provides guidance for those charged with auditing the accounts of monthly meetings.