Facility Use Policy - Rev. 2.0, 2025-01
Concord Friends Meeting
of the Religious Society of Friends
Facility Use Policy 2.0
Approved September 11, 2011
Revised (Updated Address, Kitchen, Playground Info) January 2014
Revised (Capacity) November 2016
Revised (Remove Reference to AMTP) August 2021
Revised with reference to large screen TV, internet, and conference camera June 2022
Revised Applications into one Form for All types Winter 2023
Revised to make more welcoming to friendly renters and to reduce their cost Jan 2025
The primary purpose of Concord Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (also known as Concord Friends Meeting and Concord Quaker Meeting) is to provide a welcoming Quaker spiritual community for those in sympathy with the faith and practice of Friends. Following from the Meeting’s purpose, this policy has been adopted by the Meeting to serve as a guide for all those who wish to use the building. Meeting programs and those of other Friends have first priority when it comes to the use of the facility. However, the Meeting is pleased to expand its service and outreach to the wider community by offering the use of its facilities when appropriate.
The Meeting has established four types of uses that are listed here in order of priority to rank competing requests for use on the same dates with Type 1 having the highest priority. These categories of uses also allow for differing cost arrangements.
- Type 1. Meetings or events sponsored by other Quaker Meetings and committees, or groups to which Concord Friends Meeting belongs through membership.
- Type 2. Nonprofit groups of which a Meeting member/attender is also a member and private uses by Meeting members/attenders. The member/attender will be the responsible party and present at the event.
- Type 3. Other religious/spiritually based groups and nonprofits.
- Type 4. Individuals and for profit entities.
Building use activities fall under the jurisdiction of the Property Committee of the Meeting and/or the Meeting as a whole through its monthly Meeting for Business on second Sundays of the month. A commitment to you by the Meeting for use on a particular date is made (for Type 1 uses) when we send you the Facility Use Confirmation Form or (for Type 2, 3 or 4 uses) when the Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement Form has been completed and executed by the Property Committee or an officer of the Meeting and yourselves.
Typical uses of the facility are one-time uses or uses in a definable series, such as a course offered within a given time frame. There is limited availability for ongoing regular meetings, e.g., other religious services, a regular meeting of a nonprofit board of trustees. Rental arrangements for ongoing use of an indefinite period are negotiated with the Property Committee and must be approved by the Monthly Meeting for Business. Unlike one time uses, this process could take up to several months for consideration from the date of the request. All aspects of this policy, except the Fee Schedule, are applicable to such on-going rentals.
Approval for use of the facility does not constitute or imply endorsement of any group, its mission, or its positions. Groups approved to use the facility must not advertise the event in such a way as to imply endorsement by the Meeting.
The Meeting has established rules and regulations for the use of its facilities. Some of these are for convenience. Others derive from firmly held principles at the core of the faith and practice of Friends. Careful adherence to all rules and regulations set forth below is a requirement for use of Meeting facilities. Please give full consideration to these requirements prior to submitting an application for use and again prior to the event.
Included in this guide are the following:
- Steps to Facility Use Scheduling
- Fees for Facility Usage
- The Facility, Equipment and Furnishings
- Rules, Regulations and Procedure Notes
- Appendices
- Application for Facility Use
- Facility Use Confirmation Form
- Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement Form
This guide is posted on our web site, ConcordFriendsMeeting.org, under the Property menu.
- If you have never been to the meetinghouse, a site visit prior to requesting use of the facility is strongly recommended. This can be arranged by contacting the Property Committee at PropertyCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org.
- Complete the Facility Use Application provided by the Property Committee with attachments of any additional information that might be useful in determining if your event can be accommodated.
- Return the application to PropertyCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org. The Meeting will then evaluate your request, and you will be notified if it is approved or not approved as soon as possible. If a prompt determination cannot be made, you will be contacted directly.
- Upon approval a Facility Use Confirmation Form for Type 1 uses will be emailed as your confirmation. For Type 2, 3, or 4 uses, a Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement will be mailed to you for your signature and return along with your rental deposit to secure your event date(s).
The cost for use of the facility is associated with the types of uses referenced on page one. Adherence to all aspects of this Facility Use Policy is required whether or not there is a set cost.
- Type 1. The Meeting seeks to provide use at no cost for Type 1 uses. Event dates are secured when confirmed by the user’s receipt of the Facility Use Confirmation Form.
- Type 2. This use is approved with a request that the group make a donation to the Meeting that is commensurate with the user’s budget and/or the available resources of the attendees. Event dates are secured when the executed Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement has been received by the Meeting.
- Type 3. Similarly, this use is approved with a request from the Meeting that the group make a donation to the Meeting that is commensurate with the user’s budget and/or the available resources of the attendees. Event dates are secured when confirmed by receipt of the executed Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement and a refundable deposit of $100. Training is provided so the group can be self-sufficient to open, clean up after themselves, and lock up the building. The deposit will be refunded if the group follows the instructions for cleaning up and locking the building.
- Type 4. The fee for building use is $100 for each 4-hour period, or part thereof, plus the Sexton fee of $20 per hour. The Sexton is there to open and close the building, and clean up following the event. Event dates are secured when confirmed by the Meeting’s receipt of the executed Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement and a deposit of 50% of the rental fee and Sexton Fee.
The Meeting Room has 40 upholstered chairs in it and 30 upholstered folding chairs can be added or set up in the Fellowship Room. There are three folding tables that seat up to 10 each and fit well into the Fellowship Room. An additional table seating up to 8 can be set up in the lobby. The building capacity is 70.
There is room for 31 vehicles in the lot when parked efficiently. Four of the slots are restricted for use by handicap-plated vehicles. Additional parking is available on the street. Large groups need to assign one or two people to direct efficient parking so that on street parking is minimized. All parking lot spaces should be filled prior to any on-street parking. When on-street parking is required, use only the south side of Oxbow Pond Rd. Parking in the parking areas or designated handicapped parking space is available only during the period of time that a group has contracted to use the facility. Any damage to vehicles is at the owner’s expense; the Meeting is not responsible for theft or damage to any personal property.
Appliances consist of a small refrigerator, oven without range burners, microwave, several coffee makers, cooking utensils and pots and pans, and generous number of place settings. Large groups may need to make special arrangements for sufficient cooling, silverware and cups.
There is a small classroom and a small nursery. These can be used for adult break-out rooms or for a children’s program. In the left hand room, the classroom, equipment and supplies, other than the tables and chairs are off limits. The nursery on the right is set up for toddler play. Complete supplies for a youth program must be brought to the site. The playground is available with a play structure and sand box with quite a few toys. No child weighing more than 80 pounds (~36¼ kg) should use the play structure.
The Meeting has a large screen TV, a panoramic camera for conference use, a remote microphone, a MAC computer, broadband internet service. The meeting room has a good set up to welcome remote participants through Zoom or another conferencing software. The WiFi password is ‘CFMsimple’.
The Meeting requests that responsible parties be well informed of the Meeting’s rules, regulations, and procedures. We expect that you will inform your participants of our expectations and make the necessary provisions to adhere to our needs in advance of your event.
All persons and/or groups using the facilities are expected to exercise reasonable care and judgment in order to prevent defacement, damage, breakage, or injury. The persons signing the Room Use Agreement shall be responsible for paying costs incurred by the Meeting in cleaning, repairing, or replacing any part of the building or its furnishings and equipment which in the judgment of the Property Committee has been carelessly or irresponsibly subjected to more than normal wear and tear by the persons or group involved. If the renting entity has general liability insurance coverage an event rider naming the Meeting as an “also insured” is requested.
All rooms have standard setups. Those using the facilities may alter these setups for their own use so long as the rooms are restored to their standard setups at the end of use. Before and after photos are recommended. Not applicable to groups that require sexton services. Users of the nursery are responsible to return all play items to their appropriate places.
All participants in events of groups using the facilities shall abide by a “No Smoking” rule on Meeting property.
Meeting policy prohibits the use of games of chance or gambling on the premises.
- No fewer than two adults must be present and supervising children at all times during any program or event involving children.
- These adults must be 18 or older and must be at least 5 years older than the children with whom they are working.
- The Property Committee will review the user’s child-care plan as described in the application and seek guidance from the Meeting’s Youth and Education Committee if needed.
- Children not engaged in the activities with the adults must be under direct supervision at all times.
The Meeting prefers that food and drink be restricted to the Fellowship Room. An exception would be tea or coffee. Other exceptions may be made by prior arrangement. Spills should be cleaned up promptly.
Type 1 users of the building often expect hospitality to be provided in varying forms. The application form requests clarity with respect to expectations for hospitality. The procedure for the provision of hospitality requires additional arrangements be made dependent upon available resources on the date of the event. Your application can be approved more quickly if you are willing to forego hospitality should the Meeting be unable to provide it.
The serving, consumption, or use of alcoholic beverages, marijuana, or other controlled substances shall not be permitted on Meeting property (except in accordance with the requirements of a religious ceremony and with prior approval). Violation of this rule is sufficient grounds for immediate withdrawal of any group’s use of the facilities and/or to deny use in the future.
All decorations require prior approval of the Property Committee or their designee. Decorations may only be attached with removable painter’s tape or another approved means. No decorating may be attached with nails, thumbtacks, masking tape or anything causing damage to walls or woodwork. All such decorations must be removed immediately and completely following the event.
Types 1, 2, and 3 users of the facility are asked to clean up the building to restore it to the condition in which it was found. Cleaning supplies are available in the Mechanical Room (key hangs on the upper right edge of the door frame), in bathroom cabinets, and under sinks. Clean-up for Type 4 uses is included in the cost of the Sexton Fee.
Recycling is a policy of the Meeting. As a part of this policy, no Styrofoam cups, bowls, plates or other Styrofoam articles are to be used. Your choice of catering services needs to be so informed. The Meeting has a good supply of flatware and prefers that it be used rather than plastic utensils. Recyclable materials include glass, plastic, metals, and clean paper. To recycle after use, there is a receptacle at the rear of the right hand pull-out cabinet drawer in the Fellowship Room. Recyclable material may be mixed together in this receptacle. The front receptacle is for non-recyclable, non-food waste. Food waste is separated into two groups: meat and dairy (non-compostable) and all other food (compostable). Containers for compost are half gallon milk or juice cartons stored under the kitchen sink.
There is minimal storage available at the Meeting. As such, all organizations using the facility will be responsible for storing their materials offsite. Exceptions may be requested.
No weapons are permitted on the premises.
In case of doubt or uncertainty by any outside person or group about the application or interpretation of these regulations, or in our customary practices not specifically mentioned here, the members of the Property Committee or their delegated representative shall decide the matter and all individuals and groups shall abide by the decision or forfeit immediately the use of the facility.
Payment may be made in cash, check, or money order. Deposit requirements (Type 3 and 4 uses only) are noted above and on the Facility Use, Release and Indemnity Agreement. Final payment must be received on or before the date of use. Cancellation Policy: Full refunds will be made up to 3 weeks before the event; 50% refund 2 weeks before the event; less than 2 weeks, no refund.