Property Committee Mission Statement

Mission/Purpose of Property Committee –

Draft November 2012

* Updated February 2025 to remove references to wood-pellet heating system and AMTP usage.

  1. Assure proper Meetinghouse conditions each day it is used by the Monthly Meeting

    1. Manage thermostat settings to ensure comfortable conditions for usage.
    2. Monitor and purchase and store supplies in the bathrooms.
    3. Manage weekly maintenance: cleaning / trash removal / laundry.
    4. Schedule periodic/seasonal deep cleaning of the Meetinghouse and grounds.
    5. Arrange for parking lot snow removal and ice sanding.
  2. Deal with occasional needed repairs

    1. Find skilled subcontractors and obtain quotes as needed.
    2. Give approval, arrange access, and oversee work by subcontractors.
    3. Assure prompt payment.
  3. Finances in Regard to MeetingHouse

    1. Recommend the amount of the annual Replacement Reserve and monitor its adequacy.
    2. Recommend budget for year for Meetinghouse expenses; monitor budget during the year.
    3. Approve utility bills and bill for maintenance and repair of the meetinghouse.
  4. Coordinate use of the Meetinghouse for events other than Monthly Meeting activities

    1. Review Property Use Policy to ensure it meets the Meeting’s needs and make recommendations for updates.
    2. Approve applications for groups or individuals using the building.
    3. Assure there is a responsible person opening the Meetinghouse and asssuring the Meetinghouse is in acceptable condition at the end.
    4. Bring to Business Meeting any request for regular use by any group other than the Monthly Meeting.
    5. Maintain a calendar for building usage that is posted in the meetinghouse.
  5. Manage storage spaces

    1. Organize the Mechanical Room for easy access to tools, tables, chairs and cleaning supplies.
    2. Determine what materials are to be kept in the attic and arrange for their storage and retrieval.
  6. Assure adequate security of the building

    1. Create a closing procedure list; coordinate schedule with cleanup of kitchen to ensure that Meetinghouse doors are locked and the windows closed after each use.
    2. Assure proper security of the key and the combination of the lock box and rear door.
  7. Coordinate improvements

    1. Develop or get suggestions for Meetinghouse improvements in the coming years.
    2. Get cost estimates and details of suggested improvements.
    3. Get Meeting approval if an increase in the Property Committee's budget is needed.
    4. Find someone competent to do the work and get a quote for the cost of such work.
    5. Give approval to that person for such work and get the work scheduled.
    6. Arrange access for that person and assure the work is done properly and paid for promptly.