11 Oxbow Pond Rd, Canterbury NH 03224
For Type 2, 3, and 4 Uses
• The Meeting is the owner of the real property and improvements located at 11 Oxbow Pond Rd., Canterbury, New Hampshire (“Property”). • The Organization desires to use the property described above for meetings and/or other activities.
NOW THEREFORE in consideration of this Meeting permitting the Organization to use the Property and improvements described above, the Organization agrees as follows:
The Organization hereby releases, discharges, and covenants not to sue the Meeting or its administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, and volunteers, from any and all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages arising out of the Organization’s use of the Property. If any member, guest, invitee, or participant of the Organization makes any claim against the Meeting or its administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, or volunteers, in connection with the Organization’s use of the Property, the Organization will indemnify, defend and hold the Meeting and its administrators, directors, agents, officers, members, or volunteers harmless from any and all litigation expenses, attorney fees, losses, liability, damages, and costs arising out of such claim.
I agree to be responsible for the conduct of those coming to, or participating in, the activity for which this application is being made, and for any damage beyond normal wear and tear that may occur as a result of this activity. I will remove all signs and decorations posted by my group immediately after the meeting/event has ended. I further agree that the Meeting property will be used in accordance with the Rules, Regulations and Procedure Notes of the Meeting, and I hereby consent to the Release and Indemnity Agreement.
The Rental Fee for the event is $ The Sexton Fee is $ (N/A for Types 2 and 3)
Return this signed Agreement to the Meeting with your deposit of $ (NA Type 2) made payable to Concord Monthly Meeting and evidence of insurance (if required) via mail to 11 Oxbow Pond Rd, Canterbury, NH 03224 unless a name and address are noted below. In that case mail to the address below. Please retain a copy for your files.