Contacts 2016-17

We’re happy you found us!   Please be in touch.  Visit us any Sunday or

contact the Co-Clerks of Meeting by emailing Clerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org.

Officers and Committees

of Concord Friends Meeting

(Sixth Month 1, 2016 — Fifth Month 31, 2017)

Role or Committee 1, 2, 3, 4 Members (alphabetically by first name) C=clerk/convener eo=ex officio (term ending year) Duties

Presiding Co-Clerks of Meeting

Clerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Mark Barker

Ruth Heath

The clerk conducts all business sessions, sees that business is properly presented to the meeting for consideration, and announces decisions when made. The clerk is responsible for keeping accurate minutes, properly dated and signed, showing all matters discussed and actions taken. These shall be kept in permanent form in a minute book after they have been approved by the meeting.

The clerk carries out the instructions of the meeting on all matters pertaining to the accomplishment of its business and signs necessary documents on behalf of the meeting. The clerk also receives, transmits, and acknowledges communications; the meeting may appoint a correspondent to assist with these matters. In the absence of the clerk, the meeting may appoint another Friend to be clerk for the day.

(See Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting.)

Recording Clerk

RecordingClerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Jone LaBombard

The recording clerk keeps accurate minutes showing all actions taken by the meeting. When appropriate, the recording clerk may assist the presiding clerk in framing a minute.

(See Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting.)


Treasurer [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

David Woolpert

The treasurer receives and disburses funds as the meeting directs.  The treasurer keeps the account books of the meeting and reports regularly to it.  The accounts should be audited annually.

(See Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting.)


Recorder [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Jone LaBombard

The recorder keeps the permanent records of all changes in the status of membership, such as births, deaths, marriages, applications, transfers, and withdrawals. Records should be kept in a form approved by the Yearly Meeting and statistics on membership submitted as called for. It is recommended that recorders issue annually to the membership an up-to-date list of names and addresses of all members. Such a list should be appended to the monthly meeting minutes every ten years, beginning with the first monthly meeting in 1985.

(See Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting.)


Bookkeeper [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Greg Heath

Maintains QuickBooks accounting system and all financial records.

Budget Committee

BudgetCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Bookkeeper, eo

Chris Haigh

Treasurer, eo


Prepares annual budget proposal; manages approved budget, reports monthly to Meeting.  Ensures efficacy and integrity of Meeting financial practices.

Communications Assistant

CommunicationsAssistant [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Greg Heath


Fundraising Committee

(to be addressed when needed)

A Spirituality of Fundraising, by Henri J.M. Nouwen

Hospitality Coördinator for NEYM events

HospitalityCoordinator [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Sara Smith


Landscape Design Committee (ad hoc)

LandscapeDesignCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Greg Heath, C

Jon Hall

David Woolpert

Designs the landscaping around the meetinghouse.  Manages its budget.

Library Committee

LibraryCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Kathy Urie

Mark Barker, C

Paula Werme

Catalogs new media.  Keeps media filed in order.  Ensures Meeting has access to media and ensures borrowed media is returned.  Makes selections for acquisitions.  Weeds collection. Manages its budget.

Ministry and Counsel Committee

MinistryAndCounsel [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Co-Clerks of Meeting, eo

JJ Smith

Kathy Mercer, C

Recorder, eo

Rich Kleinschmidt

Rob Spencer

Ministry and Counsel should be especially attentive to the quality of the meeting for worship. Humility of spirit and confidence that the power of God will work in each person are essential to this service.

Ministry and Counsel should encourage those whose vocal ministry gives evidence of true spiritual insight and offer guidance to those whose messages seem inappropriate to a meeting for worship. The depth and timeliness of the message and its harmony with the spirit of the meeting are more important than the form. The example of one struggling to be faithful in a difficult task may be more helpful than a polished address. Although the vocal ministry serves an important purpose, Friends should be constantly aware that the opportunity for silent communion with God is basic to their religious practice.

Ministry and Counsel initiates the recording of gifts in the ministry.

Where ministry is offered through music, Ministry and Counsel should be sensitive to its contribution to the quality of worship.

Ministry and Counsel should also encourage private prayer, meditation, and devotional reading which promote growth in the spiritual life and prepare each worshipper for the corporate worship of the meeting.

(See Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting.)

Nominating Committee

NominatingCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Greg Heath (2019)

Kathy Mercer, C (2017)

Richard Kleinschmidt (2020)

Rob Spencer (2018)


The nominating committee makes nominations throughout the year for officers, committees, representatives, and other positions of responsibility as directed by the monthly meeting.  Members of this committee are chosen with regard to their discernment, seasoned judgment, and general knowledge of the membership of the meeting.  They confer with proposed nominees before presenting their names to the monthly meeting. Any member of the meeting may suggest changes in the nominations.  Members of the nominating committee serve for no more than three consecutive years.

(See Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting.)

Outreach Committee

OutreachCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Mark Barker

Ruth Heath, C

Sara Smith

Friends are exploring new ways to be present and available in the broader culture, offering the Quaker way for a life lived in the Light and a mode of seeking that together.

Quaker outreach is a broad topic and there is a positive role for every Friend to play. 

  • See with the eyes of a newcomer.
  • Look for the details that speak of cleanliness, safety,  proper maintenance.    
  • Have pamphlets and books available for the new seeker.
  • Embrace an active role in offering the Quaker way.
  • Enfold your outreach efforts in your prayer practice.


Peace, Social and Earth Care Concerns (PSECC)

PSECC_Convener [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org


Charles Friou

Pat Wallace

Paula Werme

Richard Kleinschmidt, C

Sara Smith

Plan Fourth Sundays relative to their concerns; threshing items under their concern prior to business meeting.  Possibly connect with outside groups working on these types of concerns.  Manages its budget.

Property Committee

PropertyCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org


David Woolpert

Greg Heath

JJ Smith

Jon Hall, C

Paula Werme

Keeps building supplies on hand.  Makes minor repairs.  Engages and supervises contractors as needed.  Manages improvements to, maintenance of, cleaning, and rental/use of property and equipment.  Manages its budget lines.

Property Committee Mission Statement

Youth Religious Education Committee

ReligiousEducation [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Jone LaBombard

Kathy Urie, C

Laurie Maheu

Ruth Heath

Plans curriculum and policies for the First Day School.  Hears and responds to concerns of teachers.  Oversees the First Day School and its budget.

Web Clerk

WebClerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Mark Barker

Maintains and enhances web site.

AFSC-NH Support Committee Representatives (serve a three-year term from Ninth Month of the first year through Eighth Month of the third year, renewable once)

AFSC-NH-Reps [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Charles Friou (2014-2017)

Rob Spencer (2015-2018)

Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the committee.  For further information, please see “Orientation for AFSC NH Program Support Committee Members” (a PDF)

Beacon Hill Friends House Dover Quarter Representative

BHFH-BoardRep [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Mark Barker

Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the board.

Greater Concord Interfaith Council Representatives

GCIC-Reps [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

JJ Smith

_______ (open)

At least one representative to attend monthly meeting.  Assists or leads program planning for a Greater Concord Interfaith Council event.

NEYM Committee on Aging




Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the committee.

NEYM Ministry and Counsel Representatives

NEYM-MandC-Reps [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Mark Barker

JJ Smith

Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the committee.

NEYM Permanent Board

NEYM-PermanentBoardRep [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Sara Smith

Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the committee.

NEYM Publications and Communications

Mark Barker, C

Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the committee.

Woolman Hill Board Members

WoolmanHillBoardRep [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org

Kathryn Cranford

Pat Wallace

Virginia Barker

Attends scheduled meetings and participates in the work of the committee.

1 Romans 12:3-8

2 1st Corinthians 12:4-31

3 Isaac Penington in Quaker Faith & Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting, passage 10.27

4 Beatrice Saxon Snell in Quaker Faith & Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting, passage 12.08

Tools for scheduling meetings :

Contact Information Form for the Contact List of Contact Friends Meeting. The Contact List, also known as the 'Blue List', is sent to Members and regular Attenders who have asked to be in it.