2025-03-02 Newsletter of
Concord Friends Meeting
A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of
New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends
To request log-in information for Zoom Worship: Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .
Creator: unknown
The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by
The compassionate actions of its members.
~ Coretta Scott King (1926-2006)
An American author, activist, and civil rights leader
who was the wife of Martin Luther King Jr.
Day | Date | Time | Event |
Sunday | March 2nd | 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. |
1st-Sunday Program: “Deepening Our Quaker Experience” Meeting for Worship For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Fellowship With Children: Jennifer; Closing: Heidi B & Juliet C. |
Monday | March 3rd | 4:00 p.m. | In-Person Worship at Lucy's House. Contact RichK [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM%20Monday%20Afternoon%20Worship) (Rich) to confirm. |
Thursday | March 6th | Noon | Peace Vigil, State House Plaza. |
Sunday | March 9th | 2:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. |
SPRING FORWARD 1 HOUR Meeting for Worship For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Fellowship & Potluck Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business With Children: TBD; Closing: Chris H & Dave W. |
Sunday | March 30th | 12:30 p.m. | Dover Quarterly Meeting re: NEYM Visioning (at CFM) |
In this Edition:
- Deepening Our Quaker Experience
- Documents in Advance of Meeting for Business - March 9th, 12:30 p.m.
- Social Justice Resources
- Updates on Religious Freedom Lawsuits
- Peter Blood: “Hope & Rest in Challenging Times” - March 3rd, 7:30-9:00 p.m. on Zoom
- Interfaith Service: “A Call to Love One Another” - March 4th, 7 p.m. at South Church
- Updates from Friends Theological College, Kaimosi, Kenya
- “NEYM Discernment Discovery Day” – Saturday, March 15th, Moses Brown School
- NEYM Annual Sessions – August 1-6, 2025 at UMass, Amherst, MA
- “Countering Christian Nationalism” - March 16th, 4-6 p.m. via Zoomm
- March 5th Sunday: NEYM Visioning
- Vigil for a Cease Fire
- CMM Minutes for Second Month 2025
- Midweek Worship Opportunities
First Sunday Program, March 2nd, 9 a.m.: “Deepening Our Quaker Experience”
Our topic Sunday will be Meeting for Worship. What brings you to Meeting for Worship? How do you settle into worship? What do you DO in worship? And what do you get out of it? These are just a few questions to consider for our time together. Bring your thoughts and bring your questions!
Here is a big ole PDF with pages of beautiful and inspiring bits of Quaker thought and wisdom for you to read if you choose. Please ignore the link at the top of the document — it no longer works.
Documents in Advance of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business on March 9th, 2025
Kindly submit any agenda requests to PresidingAndRecordingClerks [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: CMM%20Documents%20in%20Advance) by the end of the day on Wednesday, March 5th.
Committee reports should be sent to Newsletter [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org as well, so we all have the opportunity to review our advance documents.
On another note, I found this quote on the Philadeliphia Yearly Meeting website and was moved to share it with you, my beloved community:
We know ourselves as individuals but only because we live in community. Love, trust, fellowship, selflessness are all mediated to us through our interdependence. Just as we could not live physically without each other, we cannot live spiritually in isolation. We are individually free but also communally bound. We cannot act without affecting others and others cannot act without affecting us. We know ourselves as we are reflected in the faces, action and attitudes of each other. ~~ Janet Scott, 1980
Social Justice Resources - from PSECC
We are beginning to put together a list of resources for social justice to be added to our website, inspired by what we heard at last Sunday’s program on our peace testimony. Please send your favorites (books, websites, apps, blogs, etc.) to PSECC [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: Social%20Justice%20Resources%20-%20Suggestions)
Also just a reminder that we’ll be bringing our proposed minute on support for the Trans Community to our next business meeting, so please be sure to spend some time sitting with the draft minute in preparation.
Updates on Religious Freedom Lawsuits
- Status of the suit we filed against the Trump Administration, https://www.cbsnews.com/news
- Judge Blocks ICE Enforcement In Houses of Worship, https://democracyforward.org/updates
- Update on Witness for Religious Freedom, https://neym.org
Peter Blood: “Hope and Rest in Challenging Times” - March 3rd, 7:30-9 p.m. via Zoom
March 3rd, 2025, 7:30-9 p.m. Eastern (US & Canada) on campus & via Zoom
Peter Blood-Patterson's First Monday Lecture explores rest and living in faith, letting go of the patterns of urgency and societal conditioning to learn new ways of being with God and each other.
Can we live more deeply in faith and hope? Can we let go of urgency, overwork, and the need to know how things will turn out? Peter will reflect on his journey from being raised as a cisgender white male, addicted to being in charge and “right,” to searching for peace in brokenness, mending relationships, and resting in God’s love. He will explore how two biblical passages on living in faith and rest, Hebrews 11 and Isaiah 30:15-18, have been companions for him this year – and have opened doors to learning new ways to be with God and others.
The talk will be followed by group reflection and sharing.
Free to the public.
Registration required
Register HERE
March 5th-Sunday Program, March 30th - Visioning NEYM Annual Sessions
We have a special opportunity coming up in March and Ministry and Counsel hopes you'll set aside time in your calendar now. We will not be holding a program on 4th Sunday in March. Instead, a very special program is set for 5th Sunday and we are hoping for a strong turnout. Friends will be coming from all over our Quarter. The Meetings in our Quarterly Meeting include Weare/Henniker, Dover, West Epping Preparative Meeting, North Sandwich, River Woods Worship Group (Exeter), and Gonic. Such an opportunity! And the program is especially important.
New England Yearly Meeting is going through changes and needs to hear from Friends far and wide regarding the summer sessions and various alternatives to the current model. Whether you have ever attended a NEYM summer session does not matter. How the YM will meet the needs of individuals and Meetings in our changing times matters to all of us. We hope you will make time to be present on 5th Sunday in March. Stay tuned for more information as the weeks pass.
Revolutionary Visions & Radical Imaginations
Shared by Ruth H.
Revolutionary Visions & Radical Imaginations.” Henry, Bob. 2019, mixed media. Created for Indiana American Friends Service Committee Banquet.
“…We are not for Names, nor Men, nor Titles of Government, nor are we for this Party, nor against the other, because of its Name and Pretense; but we are for Justice and Mercy, and Truth and Peace, and true Freedom, that these may be exalted in our Nation; and that Goodness, Righteousness, Meekness, Temperance, Peace and Unity with God, and one with another, that these things may abound…such a Government are we seeking and waiting for, wherein Truth and Righteousness, Mercy and Justice, Unity and Love, and all the Fruits of Holiness may abound; and the contrary be removed, cast out, and limited.”
Edward Burrough died in prison at age 29 for publicly voicing this Truth.
— Edward Burrough, 1659, Early English Quaker leader
Interfaith Service: “A Call to Love One Another” - Tuesday, March 4th, 6 p.m. at South Church
In these times of uncertainty, when many in communities across NH are feeling disconcerted and the values of justice and dignity seem under strain, we are reminded of the power of coming together—across traditions, across differences—in a spirit of love, hope, and solidarity. I offer that people deeply need to see their faith leaders standing together.
The New Hampshire Council of Churches warmly invites you to join us and participate in an Interfaith Service on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 6:00pm Concord where we will uplift love as our shared response to fear and division. Together, we will bear witness to the sacred truth that every person is beloved.
The service will be a true expression of our interfaith community, with each of our denominations having a meaningful role in shaping the structure, prayers, and reflections we share together. Please confirm your commitment no later than Friday, Feb 21st in order that we may be able to broadly invite members of the public to join us. We can shape the elements of the service together once we know you are coming! Please do not hesitate to call or email me with any questions.”
This service is still being formed, if you’d like to represent your faith, please email me ASAP.
Blessings & Love, Lisa Beaudoin
concordinterfaith [at] gmail [dot] com
Updates from Friends Theological College, Kaimosi, Kenya, February, 2025
Residential students in the FTC dining hall in Kaimosi.
Greetings Friends,
We give thanks to God for the gift of a new year and all the opportunities it brings.
First and foremost, we are delighted to welcome back our Principal, Dr. Wafula, who has resumed his duties after spending six months on sabbatical leave. We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to our Academic Dean, Dr. Wekesi, for admirably stepping in as Acting Principal during this period and successfully providing administrative oversight.
Wekesi and Wafula in the new semester.
Our classes for the residential program officially resumed on January 8. Faculty and staff returned earlier on January 6 to prepare for the arrival of residential students. As of now, we have thirty-nine residential students enrolled for the January semester, with more expected to join in the coming weeks.
During December, 2024, the FTC faculty and staff enjoyed a well-deserved break for the Christmas holiday starting on December 20. In the spirit of the season, the administration distributed Christmas gifts to faculty and staff, consisting mostly of foodstuffs for their families. This gesture was a reminder of the love and care that underpin our community.
We were also privileged to host esteemed visitors from Berea Christian College for Integrated Studies, Nakuru, at the start of the year. Rev. Richard Mwaniki Mutua (Principal) and Rev. Daniel Omollo Owiki (Academic Dean) visited us for a benchmarking exercise focused on online learning and pastoral programs. They expressed admiration for the strides we have made in these areas. Berea Christian College for Integrated Studies is an affiliate of St. Paul’s University, and we are honored to have shared insights with them.
Finally, we invite all Friends to connect with us through our various platforms. Visit our website at https://friendstheologicalcollege.org and follow us on Facebook for updates and insights into our programs and activities. If you are nearby, we welcome you to visit our campus in Kaimosi, Vihiga County, Kenya.
Thank you for your continued support and prayers. May God richly bless you in 2025!
Friends, I just want to remind you that my FTC ministry survives and thrives on your support, both with your prayers and with your finances. My wife Nancy and I sincerely offer gratitude to you for your constant support of our FTC ministry.
Ways to become a partner in the ministry at FTC:
- Please click here to support Robert. You can give once, or become a regular monthly contributor.
- If you’re not sure whether you’re counted as a supporter for Robert, karlaj [at] fum [dot] org (email Karla Jay) , who can check for you.
- You can also mail a check to FUM (with Robert Wafula designated on the memo line) to: Friends United Meeting, 101 Quaker Hill Dr, Richmond IN 47374.
Thank you for your continuing support and prayers!
Dr. Robert J. Wafula
Tel. +254 734 728564
Email: robertw [at] fum [dot] org
Click here to support my ministry
NEYM Discernment Discovery Day – Saturday, March 15th, Moses Brown School
NEYM-Annual Sessions – August 1-6, 2026 at UMass, Amherst, MA
Sessions Location for 2025
We are pleased to announce the 2025 Annual Sessions will be held at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in August.
Each year, hundreds of Quakers from across New England and beyond join together for Annual Sessions. Having first gathered in 1661, Friends continue to gather annually for:
- opportunities to connect
- vibrant youth programs
- seeking how God will guide us in meeting for business
- adult small groups and spiritual enrichment
- worship and spiritual exploration, and
- discernment of how we are led by the Spirit to act and serve
There will be more exciting announcements about this year's theme and speakers coming soon. If you are not already getting the Yearly Meeting monthly newsletter consider signing up so you don't miss updates.
We all come together to make Annual Sessions happen. Will you join in? If you are curious about volunteer opportunities at Sessions please fill out the volunteer interest form.
Countering Christian Nationalism: Sunday, March 16th, 4-6 p.m. via Zoom
Event Timing: Sunday, March 16th, 4:00pm-6:00pm
Address: In-person - Concord, location TBD. Zoom, we'll email you a link.
Contact us: New Hampshire Council of Churches, info [at] nhchurches [dot] org
This HYBRID event, the first in a three-part series, seeks to explain the origins, tenets, and impacts of Christian nationalism, particularly in the context of New Hampshire. Co-hosted by the Countering Christian Nationalism Coalition, the event will provide attendees with knowledge to understand and address this issue in NH.
Panelists include leaders from the racial justice community, the LGBTQ community, and representatives from Muslim, Jewish, and Christian faiths, as well as a policy expert monitoring this issue in NH.
Event co-sponsors include (at time of publishing): NH Council of Churches, American Friends Service Committee, Granite State Progress, Outright New Hampshire, Temple Beth Jacob, & more
Register here to receive info on the location in Concord.
Solemn Vigil for a Cease Fire in Gaza
Thursdays at Noon
The silent vigil for a ceasefire in Gaza continues every Thursday from Noon-1 p.m. The vigil meets at (the northwest corner of) North Main Street and Park Street in Concord on the plaza in front of the State House. Make your own sign, use one provided, or just stand in silent witness beside others. This is done in coordination with NH Peace Action. We suggest that people make signs that convey something about justice for Israel and Palestine. Also please avoid the word genocide, ethnic cleansing, and similar terms.
PSECC Committee
Please Remember
Please remember to keep a pair of slippers or indoor shoes on the shoe rack to limit damage to our floors.
Plastic Bags can be put inside the box by the entrance of the Meetinghouse.
Questions, comments, etc.
Questions, comments, suggestions? Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com
From Past Issues
CMM Minutes for Second Month 2025
The draft minutes for the February 2025 meeting for worship with attention to business are available at 2025-02-09_CMM_Minutes or via Minutes_of_ConcordMonthlyMeeting.
For corrections, missing documents, and/or clarifications of the minutes, please reply to WebClerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: CMM%20Minutes%20for%202nd%20Month) .
Midweek Worship Opportunities
There are other online Meetings for Worship that are generally available to Quakers, unlimited by geography, if that would be of interest. Some of those are listed here.
- In New England, there is a new Monthly Meeting that is currently entirely online. It meets via Zoom link on every other Thursday. Here is their "about" page: https://www.ThreeRiversMeeting.org/about
- While it is not a usual Meeting for Worship, there is a weekly Taizé worship offered Thursday evenings online by a member of Mt. Toby Meeting in Western Massachusetts. See https://neym.org/events-calendar/weekly-taize-service-online
- Pendle Hill, the Quaker study and retreat center near Philadelphia, has Worship available every morning. This can also be accessed online. Go to https://pendlehill.org/explore/worship/online-daily-worship/
- Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has a webpage with online worship opportunities around the world, a few of which are midweek. got to https://fwcc.world/find/online-worship/
- The Ben Lomond Quaker Center offers a daily online meeting for worship from 7:30-8:00 a.m. (Pacific)/10:30-11:00 a.m. (Eastern). You can join them from anyplace in the world. Online meeting for worship. NB. Connection is NOT SECURE
Dear Friends,
If you have information or personal news to share via this Newsletter please email your submission to ConcordFriendsMeeting [at] GMail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter) by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
- Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
- Please remove any formatting if you are able.
- Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share.
- Please send submissions by Wednesdays at 5 p.m.
- Typically, the announcements will go out by Saturday. It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If you don't receive an acknowledgment, we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
- The Newsletter Gmail account is used by Juliet. Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.
- Finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.
Juliet C, Newsletter Editor
Are you wanting information from past announcements?
Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements