CMM 2025-02-09

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

9th of Second Month 2025

02.01  Fourteen Friends gathered for meeting for worship with attention to business.  The Meeting opened with words of advice and queries from Noah Merrill, Secretary of New England Yearly Meeting, read by Clerk, Heidi B, and followed by a period of worship.

02.02  The Minutes of First Month 2025 were approved as presented..

02.03  Nominating Committee.  The Committee nominated Dave W to fill the remainder of a term that is presently vacant to serve until the end of this fiscal year.  Friends approved.

02.04  The Treasurer’s report was presented in advance of the Meeting.  The Clerk requested that we limit the presentation to asking and answering questions, and there were no questions.

The clerk of the Committee reported on a gift of $2,000 from a member of the Yearly Meeting that will be placed in the existing Social Justice fund as a temporarily restricted contribution.  Expenditures from the fund will continue to be approved by the Meeting for Business.  The letter from the donor is attached for reference.

Financial Summary FY2025
Total Income: $26,007
Total Expenses: $22,542
Net Income: $3,466  

02.05 Level II Sanctuary Community.  The Meeting is concerned to understand our commitments as a Level II Sanctuary Community.  Such a community provides support in human and financial resources for a Level I sanctuary community such as the Manchester UU Church.  We would like to return to this discussion next month and accept Jennifer S’s offer to reach out to the UU Church in Manchester to understand the current status of their needs and what they expect to need from us.

02.06  PSECC.  Sara S shared the PSECC Committee’s report noting that they are planning with the Outreach Committee to have a dedication program of our Peace Pole on the May Fourth Sunday.  AFSC will join us and lead our April Fourth Sunday program.  A draft minute for the support of LBGTQIA+ individuals and communities was presented as appears here.

“Concord Friends Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends affirms the following minute as our true testimony to our faith through the Living Spirit. 

“Friends experience the varieties of love and gender expression in our community as gifts of God.  We are all children of God, and we all have equal potential to reflect the Divine Light in our lives.  The Light of the Living Spirit is present in all beings and we lift up that Spirit in all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual and others (LGBTQIA+).  We recognize that trans men are men, trans women are women, and nonbinary people exist; they are a blessing to our community.

“We affirm the rights of trans men, women, and youths for privacy, gender-affirming medical care, and non-discrimination in all aspects of society.  We recognize the vulnerability of children and we honor the awareness of their gender identity.  We commit ourselves to providing the love and support they need to flourish as they are led by Spirit to live into their identity. 

“Together we commit to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community where LGBTQIA+ voices of any age are heard, affirmed, and celebrated.  We deeply respect their experiences and we recognize their contributions are vital to our shared journey.  In doing so we embody the love and acceptance that are at the heart of our faith.”

The Meeting would like the draft minute to be circulated in writing so that we may consider it more adequately and return to it next month.

02.07  NEYM Lawsuit re: Religious Freedom and Immigrant Concerns.  A consortium of Yearly Meetings, other organizations, and religious groups have initiated a lawsuit against the US Department of Homeland Security and its Secretary, Kristi Noem, to address immigrant justice issues through the lens of an infringement on the freedom of religion.  There are many immigrants afraid to leave their homes, even to go to their houses of worship due to the current threats they face.  NEYM is one of the litigants. 

Concerns regarding the adequacy of the discernment taken by the YM and friends usual reluctance to resolve differences through the courts were discussed.  We are concerned to act as led by the spirit and not simply out of anger. On consideration, Friends approved support [for] the YM’s decision and will share this with the Yearly Meeting Secretary and Presiding Clerk. 

We ask the web site committee to post this and other resources on the home page in a manner visible to visitors to our web site.  Dave W, Ruth H, and Heidi B will develop text and recommendations for edits to the home page.

02.08  Following our closing worship Friends adjourned purposing to meet again on Second Month 9, 2025 as way opens.

Respectfully submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Greg Heath, Recording Clerk   /s/ Heidi Babb, Presiding Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Statement of Operations as of First Month 31, 2024

(66⅔% of Fiscal Year 2025)
Concord Monthly Meeting Statement of Operations* 2024-06-01 – 2025-01-31 Budget – FY 2024-25 Budget Remaining % of Budget Raised
Contributions $20,307 $24,600 $4,293 83%
Interest Income $1 $1,090 $1,089 0%
Rental Income – Child Care $4,989 $7,440 $2,451 67%
Rental Income – Others $710 $1,300 $590 55%
Total Income $26,007 $34,430 $8,423 76%
Expenses       % of Budget Spent
1 Program
Finance Committee $37 $100 $63 37%
Hospitality $136 $100 -$36 136%
Library $0 $140 $140 0%
Ministry & Counsel $196 $400 $204 49%
Outreach Committee $0 $175 $175 0%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $0 $150 $150 0%
PSECCC - Peace Pole $841 $610 -$231 138%
Website Committee $282 $1,000 $718 28%
Youth & Religious Education $0 $300 $300 0%
Total Program $1,492 $2,975 $1,483 50%
2 Property
Data Usage $944 $1,236 $292 76%
Debt Service – Mortgage, P&I $2,855 $2,855 $0 100%
Depreciation $3,005 $4,508 $1,503 67%
Electricity $1,010 $1,000 -$10 101%
Furnishings $0 $1,000 $1,000 0%
Grounds $14 $1,000 $986 1%
Insurance $2,325 $3,498 $1,173 66%
Maintenance $2,709 $3,000 $291 90%
Snow Removal $530 $1,600 $1,070 33%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $139 $3000 $161 46%
Total Property $15,531 $19,997 $6,466 68%
3 Support
AFSC $1,946 $1,946 $0 100%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $0 $10 $10 0%
FCNL $0 $167 $167 0%
Friends Camp $0 $333 $333 0%
Friends General Conference (FGC) $0 $164 $164 0%
Friends United Meeting $0 $164 $164 0%
FWCC $0 $234 $234 0%
Interfaith Council $0 $50 $50 0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $372 $372 $0 100%
NEYM - General Fund $5,126 $7,689 $2,564 67%
NH Council of Churches $75 $75 $0 100%
Woolman Hill $0 $255 $255 0%
Total Support $7,519 $11,459 $3,941 66%
Total Expense $22,542 $34,431 $11,889 65%
Net Income $3,466

* “A budget is a moral document” ~ often attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968)

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2025

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of First Month 31, 2025
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 1st Month 31, 2025    
Current Assets
Checking MCSB $9,127
Money Market MCSB $114
Savings Granite State Cr Union $10
Schwab Cash Account $51
Total Checking/Savings $9,303
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Insurance $3,595
Total Other Current Assets $3,595
Total Current Assets   $12,898
Fixed Assets
Building/Furnishings/Fixtures $531,695
Less Accumulated Depreciation ($39,888)
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $636,207
Other Assets
Total NH Community Loan Fund $23,361
Total Other Assets   $23,361
TOTAL ASSETS     $672,466
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Loan - Heating - Fire Safety $8,988
Prepaid Contributions $100
Total Other Current Liabilities   $9,088
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan $2,785
Total Long-term Liabilities   $2,785
Total Liabilities   $11,873
General Fund Balance  
Fire Safety Improvements $33,635
Land & Building Fund - Other $610,855
General Fund Balance – Other $561
Total General Fund Balance   $611,416
Temp. Restricted Net Assets
Donor Restricted Funds
Asylum Seekers Support Fund (ASSF) $247
Kakamega Family Support Fund $18
Mindful Mortality $425
Solar Grant Fund $1,209
Total Donor Restricted Funds $1,899
Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds
Friendly Assistance Fund $950
Total Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds $950
Total Temp. Restricted Net Assets   $2,849
Unrestricted Net Assets   $42,863
Net Income   $3,466
Total Equity   $660,593

Social Justice Donor Letter

Donor Letter – original on file with Financial Records of Concord Monthly Meeting – Dated 1/27/2025.  Name and address removed for privacy of donor.

Dear Friends,

In 2016 I wrote you about how many of us were working to come to terms with a new political reality and my response to that was to gift every NEYM Friends Monthly Meeting $2,000.

Well, here we are again.  So again you will find a check enclosed.  In 2016 I left it up to the Meetings to discern how best to use these funds.  I do so again now, with three requests:

  1. I ask your Meeting to consider using this donation for people who are already or likely will be subjected to suffering due to governmental policy choices.  Please prayerfully consider programs or project in your area that help the immigrants who may be harassed or worse, LGBTQ folks who feel that they have to pretend to be someone else, survivors of sexual or domestic assault who may be re-traumatized, indigent women who are denied access to essential health care, or people of color who, with the revocation of DEI, may be harassed or worse, the list goes on.
  2. Please send back to me an acknowledgment letter.  Below is a sample which you can use, change or write your own, as long as all the information is included. ’
  3. I ask that you consider giving feedback on a new website being launched with support, collaboration, and guidance from Barnstable Friends (Preparative) and approval of Mattapoisett Monthly Meeting.  This website focuses on grounding ourselves in what connects us, healing that which separates us from each other, and ways we can move forward in love.  Like messages shared in meeting for worship, not every message on the site will speak to everyone.  Given that, I would like to know if you think there is anything being presented that is contrary to basic Quaker faith or out of unity with Friends principles.  We also encourage you to contribute to the “From the Orchestra” section.  This section includes messages or reflections from anyone or Meeting who wishes to share their sense of the Spirit.

Thank-you for being part of this journey,