CMM 2021-07-11

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Seventh Month 11th, 2021

Eleven Friends gathered both in person and by Zoom connection and entered into quiet worship.  We accepted the minutes of Sixth Month as posted on the website.

We opened with a brief period of Worship and an advice from Britain Yearly Meeting.

07.01  Treasurer’s Report:  Our Treasurer reported on our finances for the first month of FY2022. We currently have a $454 net income and have transferred a small amount of money into our reserves.  Complete reports are attached.

Financial Summary
Total Income: $1,225
Total Expenses: $771
Net Income: $454  

07.02  Ministry and Counsel: New England Yearly Meeting Sessions coincides with our August Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business. Historically we do not meet in August; we plan to meet in September, God willing, aware that a meeting can be called if urgent business comes up in the meantime.

07.03  CMM Rep. to NEYM Annual Sessions: Sara will be CFM’s representative to NEYM sessions in August.

07.04  Zoom Practices for Blended Meeting for Worship: Ministry and Counsel reports that they no longer feel it’s necessary to have a greeter on Zoom, since we’re all now familiar with the process, have had no security issues, and expect that guests are more likely to join us in person than online.  Going forward, Zoom attenders would go right into the meeting instead of into a breakout room. We intend to: (1) add a setting that automatically mutes people when they join the meeting; and (2) for security reasons, continue the practice of not making our Zoom link and passcode publicly available.  Ruth volunteered to provide technical oversight to the Zoom attenders in case of any problems.  Inquiries from the public about joining on Zoom will be handled by Ruth, our Co-Clerks, and Betsy.  We approve eliminating the role of the Zoom Greeter and the use of breakout rooms on Zoom.  The full report from M&C is attached.

07.05  Property Committee: The Property Committee reports that Elaine is helping them find solutions to help resolve acoustic issues in the meetinghouse.  We’re also resuming our usual bi-monthly cleaning projects.  People who are unable to attend these cleanup times are invited to come at their convenience to do some of the chores.  A large tree that could have potentially damaged parked cars in our parking lot was removedWe plan to deal with the logs in the parking lot before there are snow plowing needs.  We are reminded that anybody who wants to weed is welcome at any time!  The committee report is attached.

07.06  NEYM Apology to Native Americans: We learned that a slightly amended version of the NEYM Apology to Native Americans letter will be available soon (a few more tribes were added).  A number of other monthly meetings have already endorsed the letter and are listed on the NEYM website.

We heard a concern that this apology is just empty words.  Sara recounted the history of this project in NEYM; its origin in dialog with some leaders of the Wampanoag Tribe, and the hope of future actions as we continue to seek to be in right relationship with the Native Americans.  Many Friends in our meeting have been focusing on learning more about this, for example, the Braiding Sweetgrass reading groups.

We approve this apology, being clear that this is only a first step in an ongoing process and will forward this minute to NEYM along with a cover letter from the CFM Right Relationship working group.

07.07  Guidelines for In-person Meetings: The Pandemic Response Team will keep us up to date on guidelines for in-person meetings through our weekly announcements, and Mark will post them on the website.

After a brief time of quiet worship, Meeting adjourned, purposing to meet again on the Second Sunday of the Ninth month.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Heidi Babb, Recording Clerk   /s/ Mark Barker, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Income and Expenses as of Sixth Month 30, 2021

(8⅓% of Fiscal Year 2022)
Concord Monthly Meeting Budget vs. Actual 2021-06-01 – 2021-06-30 Budget – FY 2021-22 Budget $ Remaining % of Budget  
Contributions $1,225 $25,672 $24,447 5%
Interest Income $810 $810 0%
Prior Year Funds $723 $723 0%
Rental Income $300 $300 0%
Solar Roof Lease $240 $240 0%
Total Income $1,225 $27,745 $26,520 4%
Finance Committee $30 $30 0%
Hospitality $180 $180 0%
Library $140 $140 0%
Ministry & Counsel $400 $400 0%
Outreach Committee $475 $475 0%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $150 $150 0%
Right Relations $500 $500 0%
Website Expense $300 $300 0%
Youth & Religious Education $300 $300 0%  
Total Program $2,395 $2,395 0%
Building Maintenance $500 $500 0%
Data Usage $180 $1,000 $820 18%
Debt Service $3,805 $3,805 0%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $500 $500 0%
Electricity $83 $1,000 $917 8%
Grounds $100 $100 0%
Insurance $190 $2,155 $2,010 9%
Replacement Reserve $318 $3,810 $3,493 8%
Snow Removal $2,000 $1,125 0%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $300 $221 0%
Wood Pellets $1,680 $860 0%
Total Property $771 $16,215 $15,444 5%
AFSC $1,600 $1,600 0%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $10 $10 0%
FCNL $153 $153 0%
Friends Camp $306 $306 0%
FWCC $66 $66 0%
Interfaith Council $50 $50 0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $306 $306 0%
NEYM - General Fund $6,334 $6,334 0%
NH Council of Churches $75 $75 0%
Woolman Hill $235 $235 0%
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Support $9,135 $9,135 0%
Total Expense $771 $27,745 $26,974 3%
Net Income $454

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2022

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Sixth Month 30, 2021
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 6th Month 30, 2021    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $15,453
Money Market 101049498 $6,604
Total Checking/Savings $23,057
Accounts Receivable
Accounts Receivable $0
Total Accounts Receivable $0
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $6,917
Prepaid Insurance $1,141
Total Other Current Assets $8,058
Total Current Assets   $31,115
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $610,855
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $23,123
TOTAL ASSETS     $665,093
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
Accounts Payable $0
Total Accounts Payable $0
Other Current Liabilities
Building & Grounds Fund $485
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $2,000
Solar Grant Funds $1,209
Special Projects
Asylum Seekers Support Fund $1,110
Blended Meeting Technology $1,355
Christine / Kakamega Care Centre $915
Social Justice Fund $603
Total Special Projects $4,184
Total Other Current Liabilities $0
Total Current Liabilities   $8,878
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan 1 $12,942
Replacement Reserve $45,596
Total Long-term Liabilities   $58,538
Total Liabilities   $67,416
Total Equity   $597,676

NB. The Balance Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.

Do we have the resources to support our obligations? No

Variable Assets Less Current Liabilities and Replacement Reserve = $690

Current Liquidity Available
+ Total Current Assets $31,115
+ Total NHCLF Loans $23,123
Total Available Assets   $54,238
- Total Current Liabilities ($8,878)
- Replacement Reserve ($45,596)
- YTD Net Income ($454)

= Net Unrestricted Funds:

(if projected budget is achieved)


Report and Announcements from Ministry & Counsel

M&C Report to Meeting for Business July 11, 2021

Action item:

Ministry and Counsel recommends that beginning next week, we simplify our process for those joining us via Zoom by eliminating the need to be assigned by a Zoom greeter to a worship room.

When we began meeting by Zoom over a year ago, we established the practice of having Friends check in with a Zoom greeter who would welcome them, remind them to put on the mute function, and then invite them into a separate worship room.  This practice served several functions:  it recreated for us a sense of being welcomed by a greeter; it helped those new to Zoom become familiar with its workings; it made a person available to answer questions for anyone new to Friends; and it added an extra layer of security to prevent intrusion from those seeking to disrupt Zoom meetings.

Now that we are back in our beloved Meetinghouse, either in person or virtually by Zoom, Ministry and Counsel has discerned that the extra layer of a Zoom greeter is no longer needed. We recommend that those joining us by Zoom come directly into the worship room rather than through a greeter for the following reasons:

  • Because we do not publish the Zoom link and password information, we would not be increasing our security risk.  We have used this system successfully for business meetings for over a year with no security problems arising.
  • Friends have become familiar with using Zoom and no longer need as much assistance.
  • Any inquirer must reach out through our website to the Clerk or to the Outreach Committee.  The Friend answering the inquiry can make a determination as to whether this is a genuine seeker before giving the Zoom information.
  • The Zoom greeter job is burdensome because that person must be available throughout the meeting for worship to allow access to the worship room.  Even when all Zoom participants arrive on time, the Zoom greeter must be available in case a participant loses the connection and needs to be re-admitted to the worship room.  The Zoom greeter does not get much opportunity for worship.  Now that the Meetinghouse is open, we need volunteers for other jobs such as greeters and closers.  Eliminating the burdensome job of Zoom greeter will help keep our volunteers from becoming overwhelmed.

Property Committee Report

Elaine will be retained (as a volunteer) as a consultant to advise about our acoustic problems in both the worship space and the fellowship room.  She will present possible solutions and related costs to the Property Committee who will then present a plan to the Business Meeting.  A major concern (aside from effectiveness of the solution and cost) to be addressed is environmental sustainability in the production and installation of any materials added to the building.

We are due to start light cleaning every other month.  In the past that has been 20 to 30 minutes of communal work after fellowship on third Sunday.  In the announcements, we also invite anyone who cannot be there to pick a task that they can do at another time that will work for them and let the property committee clerk know that they are doing it.

Logs in the parking lot from the cut-down oak tree will remain where they are for now.  Property committee will make a plan about this at their October meeting to be sure that there is no interference with snow plowing needs.

Jennifer Smith, Clerk of CFM property committee

Concord NH Friends Meeting

Learning and Reflecting on the Apology to Native Americans

by New England Yearly Meeting

(attached to minutes 2021-07-29)

Concord Meeting has over the years, with encouragement and support from NEYM, held workshops on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indian Boarding Schools (with Paula Palmer) which have helped us understand the current need for justice.  This year we took up building our understanding locally to bring us to a place of repentance and readiness for a sincere apology.  We do not wish to make an empty gesture, but to have the understanding necessary to apologize sincerely.

One of our prime activities this year was having three book groups discussing “Braiding Sweetgrass,” by Robin Wall Kimmerer.  This was so engaging and rewarding that weekly discussions led to many learnings about Indigenous culture and a deep appreciation for how this world view could bring all of us together.  The reading was supplemented with other videos and essays to help our understanding of Indigenous culture and history.  We were deeply moved by, and so grateful for, the ways Indigenous people have cared for the Earth through history.

Many videos and articles were shared with our meeting to build our understanding of the contemporary issues.  With a particular focus on local issues, we studied the issues related to a monument to Hannah Duston, which is a mile from our meetinghouse.  We are eager to support local efforts of local Native American groups to broaden the context around this monument so that people understand many of the related issues.

Some of us also read other books on the history of conflicts between Native Americans and European settler colonists.  We found there was much we had not been taught, that we needed to learn.  Holding to the idea of not burdening our Native neighbors with teaching us, we have endeavored to educate ourselves on some of this history, though there is still more to learn.  The more we learn, the more we realize we have a lot more to learn.  This will be an ongoing effort.

We held a listening session on the Apology, using the template and suggested video.  Then we raised the issue of endorsing the Apology in Meeting for Business.  Concern was raised that without follow-up this could be an empty gesture.  With the understanding that this was not intended to be a one-time gesture, but would be followed by concrete actions, we then endorsed the text and spirit of the Apology.

/s/ xxxx, Right Relationship Working Group on behalf of Concord Monthly Meeting of Friends

Website Report for 2021-07-11

Minutes and Documents that once were Lost but now are Found

Many thanks to Sara S for finding missing minutes from years past.  Mark has scanned, converted to Word format, then copied and ‘webified’ (using HTML and CSS) into a webpage.  Many of the documents fill in gaps in our web records, including minutes of Concord Monthly Meeting (CMM), minutes of Dover Quarterly Meeting (DQM), State of Society reports, financial reports, newsletters, and other items.  As review work continues, there may be more updates.  Below are some of the documents that have been found and added (in whole or in part) to the website.

  • CMM Minutes 2004-02-08
  • CMM Minutes 2004-10-10
  • CMM Minutes 2004-11-13
  • CMM Minutes 2005-06-12
  • CFM Newsletter 2005-Summer + CMM Minutes 2005-07 + DQM Minutes 2005-05-29
  • CFM Newsletter 2005-11 (revised) + CMM Minutes 2005-10-09 + CMM Committees & Appointments (revised 2005-10-09)
  • CFM Newsletter 2006-Spring + 2005 CMM State of Society
  • CFM Newsletter 2006-Winter + DQM Minutes 2006-10-29
  • CFM Income & Expense 2006-06-01—2007-04-15
  • CFM Income & Expense 2008-06-01—2008-12-31
  • CMM Minutes 2009-01-18 (Special Called Meeting)