CMM 2019-05-12

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Conduct of Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Fifth Month 12, 2019

Ten Friends gathered on the 12th day of Fifth month to pay worshipful attendance to Meeting affairs.  The clerk read an advice regarding the conduct of Friends’ Meeting for businessMinutes from Fourth month as posted to the website were accepted.

05.1  Budget Committee.  A verbal report for the budget committee was given by our bookkeeper in the absence of the treasurer.  The shortfall in contributions (relative to our proposed budget for the fiscal year that will end in about 3 weeks) previously announced has now been made up.  Discussion ensued around ideas for how committees that have spent or wish to spend above their budget line could have approval for those expenditures.  The Meeting empowered the budget committee to approve additional expense reimbursement requested by a committee as long as the expenses in the total budget are within the original budget for the year.  [The Income and Expenses Report and Balance Sheet are attached.]

05.2  Nominating committee presented recommendations for the coming year.  We are transitioning from a co-clerk arrangement to a single presiding clerk.  We are also naming a small clerk’s consultation committee to provide guidance to the clerk when that seems useful.  M&C clerk expressed a concern that the committee is smaller this year.  M&C can consult with nominating committee during the year about adding members.  We approved the nominations and expressed our gratitude for the service of those who have filled roles so ably over prior years and are now stepping out of those roles.

05.3  The 2018 State of Society report was approved as it has been posted on our website.

05.4  Memorial Tree.  The clerk read a request for planting a memorial tree on our property for the recently deceased daughter of a Meeting member.  We agreed that landscape committee would work with this member on finding an appropriate space and the right tree.

05.5  ‘Solarize’ Campaign.  A Meeting member who is chair of the Canterbury Energy Committee would like to be able to post a sign for the next few months on our property near the road to encourage other Canterbury residents to join in the ‘Solarize’ campaign that the town has begun.  Meeting members were favorable with some thoughts expressed about whether a sign should name a particular company and where it should be placed relative to our own welcome sign.  We decided that such a sign should not reference a particular company.

05.6  Committee ReportsPSECC read its written report which is appended.  YRE Committee also reported and will forward its written report to be appended to these minutes when posted to our website.  The M&C report was given by its clerk.  That written report is appended to the minutes.  Outreach Committee is working on a trifold leaflet about the Meeting that will be available for giving to outside people using our meeting space.  They sent a written report on this that is also appended.

There was no report this month from the Property Committee.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Jennifer J. Smith, Recording Clerk   /s/ Mark Barker, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Income and Expenses as of Fourth Month 30, 2019

(91⅔% of Fiscal Year 2019)
Concord Monthly Meeting Income & Expenses 2018-06-01 - 2019-04-30 FY 2019 Budget Amount Remaining % Budget
Contributions $24,893 $25,271 $378 99%
Interest Income $617 $680 $63 91%
Rental Income $1,450 $1,380 -$70 105%
Solar Roof Lease $240      
Total Income $27,200 $27,331 $131 100%
Budget Committee $21 $30 $9 71%
Hospitality $78 $180 $102 43%
Library $0 $50 $50 0%
Ministry & Counsel $157 $175 $18 90%
Website Expenses $0 $280 $280 0%
Outreach - Other $324 $260 –$64 125%
Total Outreach $324 $540 $216 60%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $250 $300 $50 83%
Youth & Religious Education $161 $300 $139 54%
Total Program $991 $1,575 $584 63%
Building Maintenance $30 $600 $570 5%
Debt Service $3,806 $3,806 $0 100%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $0 $500 $500 0%
Electricity $917 $1,000 $83 92%
Grounds $0 $100 $100 0%
Insurance $1,634 $1,800 $166 91%
Replacement Reserve Expense $5,280 $5,760 $480 92%
Snow Removal $1,560 $1,900 $340 82%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $242 $190 -$52 128%
Wood Pellets $1,597 $1,600 $3 100%
Total Property $15,067 $17,256 $2,189 87%
AFSC $1,364 $1,490 $126 92%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $0 $10 $10 0%
FCNL $0 $140 $140 0%
Friends Camp $0 $280 $280 0%
FWCC $0 $60 $60 0%
Interfaith Council $50 $50 $0 100%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $0 $275 $275 0%
NEYM - General Fund $5,159 $5,800 $641 89%
NHCADP $100 $100 $0 100%
NH Council of Churches $0 $75 $75 0%
Woolman Hill $0 $220 $220 0%
Total Support $6,673 $8,500 $1,827 79%
Total Expense $22,731 $27,331 $4,600 83%
Net Income $4,469

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2019

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Fourth Month 30, 2019
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 4th Month 30, 2019    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $14,916
Money Market 101049498 $6,591
Total Checking/Savings $21,508
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $9,083
Prepaid Expense - Other $64
Prepaid Insurance $1,259
Prepaid Wood Pellets $100
Total Other Current Assets $10,508
Total Current Assets   $32,014
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $610,855
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $21,427
TOTAL ASSETS     $664,296
Current Liabilities
Building & Grounds Fund $1,976
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $3,000
Solar Grant Funds $1,209
Special Projects
Christine / Kakamega Care Centre $563
Social Justice Fund $869
Total Special Projects $1,432
Total Current Liabilities   $8.617
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan 1 $21,693
Replacement Reserve $36,189
Total Long-term Liabilities   $57,882
Total Liabilities     $66,498

NB. The Balance Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.

Do we have the resources to support our obligations? YES

Variable Assets Less Current Liabilities and Replacement Reserve = $3,806

Current Liquidity Available
+ Total Current Assets $32,014
+ Total NHCLF Loans $20,836
Total Available Assets   $52,850
- Total Current Liabilities ($8,617)
- Replacement Reserve ($36,189)
- YTD Net Income ($4,469)

= Net Unrestricted Funds:

(if projected budget is achieved)


Approved by Meeting for Worship with attention to Business Fifth Month 12, 2019.  [NB. For completeness, some non-Nominating Committee appointments are listed as well.]

Committee appointments may be adjusted during the year.  Contact members of the committee to express an interest.

Proposed Officers & Committees 2019-06-01 – 2020-05-31
Role or Committee 1, 2, 3, 4 Members (alphabetically by first name) C=clerk/convener, eo=ex officio (term ending year)
Presiding Clerk of Meeting
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
Recording Clerk
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Chris Haigh
  • Jone LaBombard
  • Greg Heath
Budget Committee
Child Care / YRE Assistants

(Discernment by YRE Committee)

Clean criminal background checks with regard to child abuse are a requirement for those out with children (teacher, helper, or floater)
  • Chris Haigh
  • Greg Heath
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Kathy Mercer
  • Laurie Raymond
  • Mark Barker
  • Pat Wallace
  • Penny Petkiewicz
Clerk’s Consultation Committee
  • Betsy Meyer (convener)
  • Heidi Babb
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
Communications Assistant
  • Greg Heath
First Day School Teachers

(Discernment by YRE Committee)

Clean criminal background checks with regard to child abuse are a requirement for those out with children (teacher, helper, or floater)
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
  • Ruth Heath
Landscape Design Committee (ad hoc)
  • Faith Sillars
  • Greg Heath (convener)
  • Pat Wallace
Library Committee
  • Faith Sillars (convener)
  • Lynda Dyer
  • Mark Barker
  • Ruth Heath
Ministry and Counsel Committee
  • Betsy Meyer
  • Mark Barker
  • Pat Wallace
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
  • Ruth Heath
  • Sara Smith (convener)
NEYM Hospitality Hosts & Helpers
  • Faith Sillars (host and helper)
  • Gini Barker (helper)
  • Greg Heath (host and helper)
  • Heidi Babb (helper)
  • Jonah Sutton-Morse (host and helper)
  • Kathy Urie (coördinator)
  • Lynda Dyer (helper)
  • Pat Wallace (host)
  • Penny Petkiewicz (host and helper)
  • Richard Kleinschmidt (host and helper)
  • Sara Smith (host and helper)
  • Thomas Hedberg (helper)
Nominating Committee
  • Faith Sillars (2022)
  • Kathy Urie (2021)
  • Mark Barker (2023)
  • Richard Kleinschmidt (2020) (convener)
Outreach Committee
  • Jonah Sutton-Morse
  • Mark Barker
  • Ruth Heath
  • Sara Smith
  • Wendy Lapham (convener)
Peace, Social and Earthcare Concerns Committee (PSECC)
  • Charles Friou
  • Faith Sillars (convener)
  • Kathy Urie
  • Laurie Raymond
  • Richard Kleinschmidt
Property Committee
  • Chris Haigh
  • Greg Heath (convener)
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Lucy Nichols
  • Michael Evans
Solar Committee (ad hoc)
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Greg Heath (convener)
  • Ruth Heath
Youth Religious Education Committee
  • Heidi Babb (convener)
  • Jone LaBombard
  • Laurie Raymond
  • Michael Evans
  • Ruth Heath
  • Wendy Lapham
Web Clerk
  • Jonah Sutton-Morse (assistant)
  • Mark Barker
AFSC - NH Support Committee

(Discernment by AFSC-NH Program) Representatives (serve a three-year term from Ninth Month of the first year through Eighth Month of the third year, renewable once)
  • Charles Friou (2017-2020) (2nd term)
  • Faith Sillars (2018-2021) (1st term)
AFSC - Northeast Region Executive Committee (NEREC) Member

(discernment by AFSC-NEREC & AFSC Board)
  • Mark Barker (2017-2020) (1st term)
Beacon Hill Friends House Dover Quarter Representative

(discernment by Dover Quarterly Meeting)
  • Laurie Raymond
Greater Concord Interfaith Council Representatives
  • Rob Spencer
  • Rob Yager
NEYM Ministry and Counsel Representatives

(discernment by CMM M&C)
  • Jennifer Smith
  • Mark Barker
NEYM Nominating Committee Representative

(discernment by CMM)
  • Vacant
NEYM Permanent Board

(discernment by NEYM Permanent Board)
  • Sara Smith
NH State Prison Ministry

(discernment by CMM M&C)
  • Rob Spencer [Men’s Prison]
  • Vacant [Women’s Prison]
Woolman Hill Board Members

(discernment by Woolman Hill Board)
  • Heidi Babb
  1. Romans 12:3-8 (NRSV)
  2. 1st Corinthians 12:4-31 (NRSV)
  3. Isaac Penington in Quaker Faith & Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting, passage 10.27
  4. Beatrice Saxon Snell in Quaker Faith & Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting, passage 12.08

Peace, Social, and Earthcare Concerns Committee (PSECC) Report, May 8th, 2019

The committee provided post cards, suggested script, and help, to find the information, about which legislator to contact and their addresses, for sending requests that the legislators vote to override a veto by the governor, of the abolition of the death penalty.  

Next meeting is Saturday, June 1st, at 9 a.m. at the Meetinghouse.

Youth Religious Education (YRE) Committee report

YRE met May 12 and made final plans for Spring Party on June 2.  We will not use lots of colored paper, just green cutup paper added to some cracked corn (for color and to feed the birds).  We will ask people to bring own plates and silver.

We will be purchasing 4 to 6 new chairs as some of the current ones are breaking.  Last class will be mid June and then child care begins.  However, we hope to gather materials for and make some fairy houses over the summer in order to have a September outreach event of a Fairy Garden walk.  We will continue planning this next meeting, June 16.

Ministry and Counsel Committee Report, May 10th, 2019

Ministry and Counsel

Report to Meeting for Business

May 2019

Ministry and Counsel met on Monday May 6, 2019 and report the following:

  1. We hope those people with copies of Elizabeth Meyer’s pamphlet will make them available to others to read before the May Fourth Sunday program.  [Pendle Hill Pamphlet (PHP 453, “A Practical Mysticism : How Quaker Process Opens Us to the Promptings of the Divine” [ISBN:  978-0-87574-453-7 / 0-87574-453-2], which is in our Meeting’s library].  See link for purchase.
  2. We plan on only having potluck meals for fellowship in July and August on fourth Sundays.  Enjoy Summer!
  3. We are looking at programs on The Right Sharing of World Resources, and a report from Puente De Los Amigos in the future.
  4. We will continue to have a Meeting for Learning on First Sundays after Meeting for Worship and first and third Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m.  All are at the meetinghouse.
  5. We have moved Mid-Week Worship to second and fourth Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.  This will allow us to offer a mid-week opportunity on separate weeks.
  6. We have begun the process of contacting and checking in with those on our contact list who have not been contacted by Nominating Committee this year.  They will be given the option of having their names removed from the list if they wish.
  7. The State of Society Report has been available for review and comment and will be presented at the May Meeting for Business for approval.

Outreach Committee Report, Fifth Month 11th, 2019

The Outreach Committee met to work on a small pocket size piece for use when the Meetinghouse is used by outside groups.  It will be a 1/3 letter-size paper, folded into thirds with a brief description of our values, worship, and witness in the world, inviting them to worship with us.