CMM 2015-05-10

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

Fifth Month 10, 2015

Attending:  9

5.1  The meeting opened with worship.

5.2  Memorial Minute for Susan Chambers:  The meeting discussed the second draft of the Memorial Minute for Susan Chambers, trusting the Minute Committee to consider the suggestions put forward and to finalize the wording.  The Memorial Meeting will be on June 21st at 1:00 pm at the Meetinghouse following a potluck.

5.3  Nominations for 2015-16:  The slate of proposed officers and committee members for 2015-16 was brought forth by Nominating Committee. The Meeting amended and then approved the slate with great appreciation for the work of the committee and the willingness of those nominated to serve.

5.4  Financial Report:  David Woolpert presented the financial report which included projected year-end figures as well as the proposed budget suggested by the Budget Committee.

The total income as of April 2015 is $19,985; total expenses are $20,511 and net income is -$526.  The year-end projected total income is $22,515; projected total expenses are $24,575; and projected net income is $2,059.

The meeting discussed the proposed budget for 2015-2016.  Budgeted program expenses would be $900; budgeted property expenses would be $16,306; budgeted support would be $7,450; budgeted "other" would be $140; total expenses would thus be $24,796.

The Meeting discussed the difficulties of developing a budget with low attendance at meeting for business.  Because we have a projected $2,059 deficit we did not approve the 2015-2016 budget today and will consider it at the next meeting when the fiscal year has ended.  Budget committee is going to let people know about the projected deficit during announcements and encourage them to attend the Sixth Month Meeting for Business.

5.5  The meeting closed with worship.

Submitted by

Recording Clerk, Jonie LaBombard

Presiding Co-Clerk, Ruth Mobilia Heath

Officers and Committees of Concord Friends Meeting

(Sixth Month 1, 2015 — Fifth Month 31, 2016)

Role or Committee 1, 2, 3, 4 Members (alphabetically by first name) C=clerk/convener, eo=ex officio (term ending year)
Presiding Co-Clerks of Meeting Mark Barker

Ruth Heath
Recording Clerk Jone LaBombard
Treasurer David Woolpert
Recorder Jone LaBombard
Bookkeeper Greg Heath
Budget Committee Bill Noyce

Bookkeeper, eo

Treasurer, eo

Virginia Barker
Communications Assistant Greg Heath
Fundraising Committee (to be addressed when needed)
Hospitality Committee Bill Brehm

Greg Heath

Kathy Urie, C

Paula Werme

Penny Petkiewicz
Landscape Design Committee (ad hoc) Greg Heath, C

Jon Hall

Linda Peters

Penny Petkiewicz
Library Committee Jeremi Snook

Kathy Urie

Mark Barker, C
Ministry and Counsel Committee Clerk of Meeting, eo

Jay Smith

Kathy Mercer, C

Mark Barker

Recorder, eo

Rich Klein­schmidt

Rob Spencer

Ruth Heath
Nominating Committee David Woolpert, C (2016)

Greg Heath (2019)

Kathy Mercer (2017)

Rob Spencer (2018)
Outreach Committee Mark Barker

Ruth Heath

Sara Smith
Peace, Social and Earth Care Concerns (PSECC) Charles Friou

Jay Smith

Jeremi Snook

Paula Werme

Sherry Snook
Property Committee David Woolpert

Greg Heath

Jay Smith

Jon Hall, C

Paula Werme
Youth Religious Education Committee Jone LaBombard

Kathy Urie, C

Laurie Maheu

Linda Peters

Ruth Heath

Sherry Snook
Web Clerk Mark Barker
AFSC-NH Support Committee Representatives (serve a three-year term from Ninth Month of the first year through Eighth Month of the third year, renewable once) Charles Friou (2014-2017)

_______ (open)
Beacon Hill Friends House Dover Quarter Representative Mark Barker
Greater Concord Interfaith Council Representatives Pat Wallace

_______ (open)
NEYM Committee on Aging Virginia Barker
>NEYM Ministry and Counsel Representatives Mark Barker

_______ (open)
NEYM Permanent Board Sara Smith
NEYM Publications and Communications Mark Barker
Woolman Hill Board Members Kathryn Cranford

Pat Wallace

Virginia Barker


1 Romans 12:3-8

2 1st Corinthians 12:4-31

3 Isaac Penington in Quaker Faith & Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting, passage 10.27

4 Beatrice Saxon Snell in Quaker Faith & Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting, passage 12.08