CONSTRUCTION NEWS June 5th, 2010 + June 6th, 2010
What an exciting time! This week we have ordered the flooring - cork for the Meeting Room and Marmoleum for the Fellowship and Class Rooms. It will arrive shortly so our attention is turning to those items required to be ready. This is a great time for both skilled painters and anyone who thinks of themselves as "unskilled." We hope to have a big turn out of workers to get a lot done in a short time. Then we can move on to the floor install on June 12 weekend.
- Windows : This Saturday (all day) and Sunday (afternoon if necessary), we will be putting the second coat of urethane on all of the window trim in order to avoid dripping on finished floors after they are installed. Yes... it's all installed now. The urethaning will be step ladder work.
- Floors : We'll also be preparing the cement floor to receive the finish floor. That work is: vacuuming all the edges, scraping up drips everywhere, troweling around the edges with a product to fill in gaps that are there. It's hard to describe but easy to do...the only hitch, this is hands and knees work.
- Landscaping : And if those jobs don't float your boat, and the rain holds off, we have lots of landscaping work - iron rakes and long handled spades would be most helpful.
Helpful items to bring :
- clean paint brushes (we have some);
- wide putty knives - 4+ inches;
- short step ladders (once again we have some);
- lunch and snacks if you can stay through.
Please be in touch with Greg Heath if you can come - Saturday any time from 9:00 to 4:00 and Sunday after meeting until 4:00. GregoryHeath [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org or 783-4401.