‘Letter of Notification’ for Rob Spencer
Concord Friends Meeting
11 Oxbow Pond Road
Canterbury, New Hampshire 03224
To: One Spirit Interfaith Seminary
247 West 36th Street, 6th floor
New York, New York 10018
This is a written notification that Robert F. Spencer (Rob), a candidate for ordination as an Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister through One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, has requested and been granted an assignment of ministry from the Concord Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Concord Friends Meeting).
Rob has been involved with the Religious Society of Friends for over forty years and has been a member of our Meeting for the past twenty. As a non-programmed Quaker Meeting, we do not employ professional ministers. Rather, each of us brings our own personal gifts of ministry.
Over the years, Rob’s ministry of service has included Co-Clerking the Meeting (with his wife, Louise), Co-Clerking our Ministry and Counsel Committee (responsible for, among other things, attending to the spiritual life and pastoral care needs of the Meeting). He currently serves as one of our faith representatives to the Greater Concord Interfaith Council and as a faith representative credentialed to do visitation at our local hospital. For the past three years, he has served our Prison Ministry by clerking regular Quaker Worship within the New Hampshire State Prison. He has participated, along with others from our Meeting, in many social justice initiatives including ongoing vigils and pastoral care with immigrants under threat of deportation. We have recognized and offer ongoing support of his Mindful Mortality teaching ministry both within Quaker circles and beyond.
In addition to his ministry of service, Rob offers his loving and peaceful presence in our community— particularly at our Meetings for Worship where his vocal ministry (when led by the Spirit to share out of the silence) is much appreciated.
Members of our Ministry and Counsel Committee met with Rob and saw clear to recommend that we provide written notice to One Spirit Interfaith Seminary of his ongoing ministry with Concord Friends Meeting that will serve as his assignment of ministry. This recommendation was approved and minuted at our Monthly Meeting for Worship to Conduct Business held on the 13th day of 1st month, 2019.
Signed by direction and on behalf of Concord Friends Meeting held at 11 Oxbow Pond Road, Canterbury, State of New Hampshire, on the 13th day of 1st month, 2019.
Mark Barker, Co-Clerk, Concord Friends Meeting
Richard Kleinschmidt, Co-Clerk, Concord Friends Meeting
Concord Friends Meeting
11 Oxbow Pond Road
Canterbury, New Hampshire 03224
To: One Spirit Interfaith Seminary
247 West 36th Street, 6th floor
New York, New York 10018
To Whom It May Concern:
We are pleased to send you the accompanying notice of assignment of ministry for Robert F. Spencer (Rob). His gift of ministry exemplifies the following admonition from George Fox, founder of the Religious Society of Friends:
— George Fox, 1656
Please note that the Concord Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Concord Friends Meeting) is legally incorporated as a religious organization in the State of New Hampshire: https://www.ConcordFriendsrMeeting.org/2008-11-02-CMM-IncorporationPapers. [See also Concord Friends Meeting for Business Minute 2008#11.2.]
We do not designate specific individuals to perform weddings or act as marriage officiants.
Rather, solemnization of marriage among Quakers is a community activity with various roles as described in Chapter 5 of “Faith and Practice” of the New England Yearly Meeting: https://www.ConcordFriendsMeeting.org/1985NEYM-Faith%2526Practice#IV.5.a.
Our practice is specifically authorized by New Hampshire statute (RSA 457:31-b) as follows: “Solemnization of Marriage; Applicability. – I. Nothing contained in this chapter shall affect the right of Jewish Rabbis residing in this state, or of the people called Friends or Quakers, to solemnize marriages in the way usually practiced among them, and all marriages so solemnized shall be valid.”
We understand that One Spirit may assign Rob to its outreach ministry, authorizing him to register as a marriage officiant for weddings not performed under the care of Concord Friends Meeting.
Please let us know if you require additional information or if we can help in any other way.
Mark Barker, Co-Clerk, Concord Friends Meeting
Richard Kleinschmidt, Co-Clerk, Concord Friends Meeting