CA-ARES Operations Plan – Attachment F

ATTACHMENT F – Public Service Net Script

The net control operator (NCS) must consult with the event coordinator and staff to become familiar with event operations including understanding the event coordinator’s expectations of ARES and to establish clear protocols and responsibilities for handling emergencies.  ARES personnel shall always follow established net protocols for emergencies.  The NCS will also keep a log of radio traffic during the event and assign tactical calls as needed.


(This section may be repeated periodically throughout the event).

“This is (Your Call Sign).  I will be <NET CONTROL> for the Capital Area ARES Communications Net. We are providing communications support of <Public Service Event Name>.”

(The following may or may not be needed depending on the number of hams or the event complexity.)

“This is a directed net.  Please listen to net control.  Do not transmit unless directed to do so except if you have emergency traffic.”

“Emergency traffic may break into this net at any time.

(Handle emergency traffic as it presents itself.)


“This is <NET CONTROL>.  I will perform a roll call.  Please response with your tactical call, call sign, and whether or not you are on station.

<NET CONTROL> to <TACTICAL>, please check-in.”

(Confirm Each Response – Continue until the ROLL CALL is completed.

Successive roll calls, if needed, should be done on a regular basis, preferably no longer than every 30 minutes).


(Provide the requested communications support).


“I would like to thank all stations that participated in this <Public Service Event Name> net.  I wish to thank <Public Service Event Name> officials for having CA-ARES provide communications support.  I wish to thank <K1XXX> for the use of the repeater (if a repeater was used).  This is (Your Call Sign), net control, terminating the <Public Service Event Name> Net and returning the repeater or simplex frequency to regular Amateur use.”