CA-ARES Operations Plan – Attachment E
ATTACHMENT E – Weekly Net Script
“This is (Your Call Sign), name is (Your Name), calling the Capital Area ARES Net. I will be Net Control for the Capital Area ARES Voice Net. We meet weekly on Monday at 7:00 p.m. local time for the purpose of providing information and training for emergency communications.”
“This is a directed net. Please listen to Net Control. Do not transmit unless directed to do so except if you have emergency traffic. Stations with emergency traffic may break in at any time. When checking into this net, please state your call sign phonetically, followed by your name, current location, and say the word “traffic” if you have traffic or other business for the net.”
“All stations checking into this net are requested to remain on frequency until the net is closed or permission to secure from the net has been granted by Net Control.”
“Everyone is welcome to check into the net. I will ask for check-ins in the following order:
- Any staff or liaisons wishing to check in
- Portable/Mobile Stations
- Fixed Stations on emergency power
- Any amateur operators wishing to check in”
“Staff or liaisons wishing to check in, please check-in now.”
(Confirm Check-ins and continue until no one answers before moving on).
“Portable/Mobile Stations, please check-in now.”
(Confirm Check-ins and continue until no one answers before moving on).
“Stations on emergency power, please check-in now and state your power source.”
(Confirm Check-ins and continue until no one answers before moving on).
“Any amateur operators wishing to check in, please check-in now.”
(Confirm Check-ins and continue until no one answers before moving on).
“Initial check-ins are now complete. If you have not checked in and still wish to do so, please wait until check-ins are requested by Net Control.
(Ask the EC, if present if he/she has any news for the net.)
“I will now turn the net over to K1XXX (EC) (or K1YYY – AEC)”
(If the EC or AEC is present on the net, turn the net over to the EC/AEC as appropriate for news and/or instructions. If the EC is present, there is no need to rotate through other leadership or staff positions. The other leadership members and staff members can make their comments later during the general ARES business section, just before the informals.)
“Any additional amateur operators wishing to check in, please check-in now.”
TRAINING: (if any)
“Tonight’s training will be done by (A1AAA)”
(Turn over the net to the person in charge of training at this time)
“Any additional amateur operators wishing to check in, please check-in now.”
“Is there any other ARES business to come before the group, please call now.”
“I will break here for emergency traffic. Stations with emergency traffic, call signs please.”
(Confirm emergency traffic and handle as needed.)
“All ARES business is now complete. We will now take informal comments and suggestions for the good of the group.”
(Call upon each member for their informal comments in the order of their check-in order.)
“We will check-in with all staff or liaisons starting with K1XXY. K1XXY hand it over to K1XXZ. K1XXZ hand it over to K1XXA. (LAST CHECK-IN) when you are finished, hand it back to Net Control.”
“We will check-in with mobiles, ht's or other units on battery power starting with X1XXY. X1XXY hand it over to X1XXZ, X1XXZ hand it over to X1XXA, and etc. (LAST CHECK-IN) when you are finished, hand it back to Net Control.”
“We will check-in with all base stations on emergency power starting with X1XXY. X1XXY hand it over to X1XXZ, X1XXZ hand it over to X1XXA, and etc. (LAST CHECK-IN) when you are finished, hand it back to Net Control.”
“We will check-in with all amateur operators starting with X1XXY. X1XXY hand it over to X1XXZ, X1XXZ hand it over to X1XXA, and etc. (LAST CHECK-IN) when you are finished, hand it back to Net Control.”
“Are there any further comments before we close?”
(Handle comments and communication requests as they are presented.)
“I would like to thank all stations that participated in this net. I wish to thank the Capital Area Repeater Society for the use of the repeater. This is (Your Call Sign), Net Control, terminating the CA-ARES Net and returning the repeater to regular Amateur use. Anyone wishing to join CA-ARES, please contact me (Net Control operator) after the net or email the Emergency Coordinator at K1CFI [at] ARRL [dot] NET (subject: Capital%20Area%20ARES) .