2025-02-09 Newsletter of

Concord Friends Meeting

A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of

New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends

To request log-in information for Zoom Worship: Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

Snowfall (Adobe stock)

“Snowflakes are the butterflies of winter.”


Day Date Time Event
Saturday February 8th All day Mindfulness Retreat (Rental)
Sunday February 9th 10:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

12:30 p.m.

Meeting for Worship

For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

Fellowship & Potluck

Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

With Children:  TBD;

Closing:  Dave & Sue.
Monday February 10th 4:00 p.m. In-Person Worship at Lucy's House. Contact RichK [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM%20Monday%20Afternoon%20Worship) (Rich) to confirm.
Thursday February 13th Noon Peace Vigil, State House Plaza.
Sunday February 16th 10:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

Meeting for Worship

For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .


With Children:  TBD;

Closing:  Heidi B & Chris H.
Sunday March 30th 12:30 p.m. Dover Quarterly Meeting re: NEYM Visioning (at CFM)

In this Edition:

Important Reviews for this Sunday’s Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Click on the links below:

Meeting Accompaniment Group: Witness for Religious Freedom Call, Saturday, February 8th at 11:00 a.m.

Dear Friends serving on behalf of your local Friends meetings,

Since the "Witness for Religious Freedom" email update was sent to Friends on Wednesday, there have been many emails and calls to the Yearly Meeting’s Accompaniment Group seeking resources and clarifications about planning and precautions that meetings might consider.

Accompaniment Group is inviting leaders in monthly and quarterly meetings to an informational Zoom call at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 8The Zoom link is included below.

The call will be a conversational space to ask questions, share approaches and become better informed on two specific areas of concern:

  1. What if people concerned about the impact of the Department of Homeland Security’s new policy on themselves and/or their families come to our meetings seeking assistance?  What are the best approaches here?  What is and is not allowed/legal?
  2. What if ICE (Immigration Customs and Enforcement) agents come to our meetings?  What do we do?  What must we do?  What should we not do?

We will also share a non-overwhelming list of resources that respond to those questions briefly, clearly and accurately. The meeting will be recorded.

If guidance is needed before that call, please reach out to accompaniment [at] neym [dot] org.  If there is an emergency and a need for immediate response, please contact Noah Merrill, Yearly Meeting Secretary at ymsec [at] neym [dot] org or at 617-615-6396.

If you are not able to join the call on Saturday, key resources will be posted on neym.org and shared on the February 12th call for Friends serving their local meetings (details here).

I am deeply grateful for your care of and faithful service to your meetings. You are not alone!

In service,

Sarah Gant, Clerk, NEYM Meeting Accompaniment Group

Sarah Gant is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Meeting Accompaniment Group: Witness for Religious Freedom Call

Time: Feb 8, 2025 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Meeting ID: 868 2720 4609

Passcode: 111632


Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kewdYaYn0e


Sara Hubner, NEYM Office Manager


Sign up for our monthly newsletter!

Sing Your Heart Out. Friday, February 21st, 7–9 p.m.

Come "Sing Your Heart Out" on Friday, February 21st from 7-9 p.m. at Quaker Meetinghouse at 11 Oxbow Pond Rd, Canterbury (near Exit 17).

Here's our chance to gather together on a cold, dark night to add some light and song to our lives.  We'll focus on songs of hope, peace, justice, and resilience.  Bring your 'Rise Up Singing' and 'Rise Again' songbooks (or borrow ours - we have lots!) and a finger food snack to share in our break for fellowship and food.

Everyone gets a chance to choose a song, and we'll all leave with lifted hearts.  Bring a friend, it's open to all. Contact Ruth H. (RuthH [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM%3A%20Sing%20Your%20Heart%20Out) or 603-724-4343) if you have questions or if you can bring an instrument and accompany songs.

This event will occur every 3rd Friday of the month.  Save the dates!  We moved it to avoid a conflict with the First Friday High Street Coffeehouse at Boscawen Congregational Church (which is a great event also).  Their February 7th feature is Tom Smith.  Find out more at: Tom Smith at High St Coffee House

In joyful song,

Ruth H.

Acoustic Panels installed in Meeting Room

CMM Friends installing acoustic panels in the Meeting Room

Last week a crew of four installed 18 acoustic panels against the ceiling in the Worship Room.  Many thanks go to Jennifer, Rich K (not pictured), Chris, and Greg.  A thank you also goes to Steve Booth for lending his staging for the job and especially to Elaine B for the architectural advice.

We can tell that the sound is much improved now that there is less echoing going on in the room.  There are about 2 or more gallons of ceiling tile adhesive left over from the job.  Speak to the PropertyCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: Ceiling-tile%20Adhesive) (Property Committee) if you have a use for it.





Friendly Eights Returns!

Drive the winter doldrums away with an evening meal (or luncheon) with 6-8 other Meeting attenders sometime in February.  We'll create the groups and let the hosts know who is attending.  (Let RuthH [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: Friendly%20Eights) (Ruth H) or HeidiB [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: Friendly%20Eights) (Heidi B) know if you can host.)

With gratitude,

Ruth 603-724-4343 and Heidi 603-340-2281

Witness for Religious Freedom

Dear Friends across New England,

By now, many of you may be aware that on Monday, January 27, New England Yearly Meeting of Friends joined with Philadelphia and Baltimore Yearly Meetings in a lawsuit challenging last week's rescinding of the longstanding immigration enforcement policy prohibiting Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) from conducting enforcement operations in or near houses of worship. This unnecessary change to the nation's fundamental and constitutionally established protections of religious freedom means that ICE agents may now enter meetings, churches, and other worship gatherings at any time they might choose.

The claims of this lawsuit are grounded in the heart of Friends' communal experience of the Spirit which gathers us, and in our commitment that our meetings should be open to all who seek the solace, healing, and guidance available in waiting worship. With keen awareness of Friends' historic role in the establishment of religious freedom in what would become the United States, it seemed this was a moment when Friends' testimony could be of some small help in these troubled times.

The necessity for swift action, simply, is that ICE raids on worshipping communities have already begun, and that even the threat of such actions creates fear and has a chilling effect, not only on people who may be undocumented immigrants who are part of our communities, but on many of our members and neighbors who are not undocumented, yet might be especially targeted in these raids.

The assertion Friends are making together, as living witness to our faith, is that creating conditions that intimidate or prevent Friends—and all people—from gathering with members of their faith communities to share in worship together is a fundamental violation of the freedoms of religion and association guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. More information, including the press release and the complaint itself, are available here.

After prayerful discernment, and consistent with New England Yearly Meeting's policy on time-sensitive public statements, including consultation with the Coordinating & Advisory committee and other Friends engaged in long-term witness supporting our immigrant and refugee members and neighbors, NEYM Presiding Clerk Rebecca L. and Yearly Meeting Secretary Noah M. found unity to approve New England Yearly Meeting participating in this lawsuit.

Legal support for this filing is being provided by Democracy Forward, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to legal challenges, if necessary, to policies and actions they believe undermine core freedoms and democracy in our country.

New England Yearly Meeting was joined by Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Baltimore Yearly Meetings, which include Friends meetings in much of the mid-Atlantic states, as well as two monthly meetings affiliated with Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Friends in several other yearly meetings have expressed their support, and discernment continues on how Friends across the country may be involved going forward.

In this message, we hope to share important information that may be of use to you or your meeting in the days and months to come:

  • If your meeting experiences intimidation or other hostile behavior related to their care for immigrant Friends or neighbors, or due to awareness of Friends' involvement in this suit which has gained national attention, or any other concerning activities, please communicate immediately with Yearly Meeting Secretary Noah M. at 617-615-6396 or at YMSec [at] neym [dot] org
  • If Friends caring for your meeting would like particular support or help considering how you might take precautions, or how to speak about these matters in your meeting, please contact Sarah G., clerk of the Yearly Meeting Accompaniment Group at Accompaniment [at] neym [dot] org.
  • We are sharing links to two resources that Friends and meetings may find useful.
    • The first is an article reporting on guidance from the State of Massachusetts to religious leaders on preparations that may be helpful.
    • The second is a resource on "doxxing"—that is, online harassment intended to discourage expression that can also lead to physical harm—and how to navigate these situations if they arise. If any participant in your community is the target of doxxing, please contact the Yearly Meeting immediately. 
  • If you or your meeting receive media inquiries, please also forward them to the Yearly Meeting Secretary, who is serving as a liaison with the legal team that is assisting us and our sibling yearly meetings. They will help guide us in how to provide an appropriate response. It is imperative to the prospects of this lawsuit that our responses as a Yearly Meeting to media enquiries are consistent, accurate, and clear. 
  • The Yearly Meeting is welcoming financial contributions to support these ongoing efforts.
    • Friends desiring to directly support the legal work of filing and pursuing this case in federal court may consider contributing directly to Democracy Forward.
    • We also welcome contributions to the Fund for Sufferings, a resource within the Yearly Meeting created to support expenses arising from hardship because of Friends' witness to Truth.
    • Finally, if you are interested in offering support for the staff time and other expenses associated with our Yearly Meeting's witness in this way, and supporting our ongoing work to nurture and amplify the worship and witness of Friends across our region, you may consider an unrestricted contribution to the wider ministries of the Yearly Meeting.

      This is a season of significant financial challenges for the Yearly Meeting, and a gift in any amount would make a difference. Learn more at neym.org/support, or contact accountsmanager [at] neym [dot] org (Accounts Manager Frederick M). to discuss ways to give. 

If you or your meeting have questions or concerns relating to the discernment of this action, or wish to share your encouragement or hopes as this witness unfolds, please contact Presiding Clerk Rebecca L. at  clerk [at] neym [dot] org.

We are committed to keeping Friends and meetings informed of developments in this case, and sharing what resources and guidance we can as this process unfolds. Please share with us your prayers, insights, and feedback as we move forward in faith.

In the Light that shows us the Way, and holding in prayer all who are in fear and pain in these days, and all who may find courage and offer comfort,

Rebecca L. (Providence), Yearly Meeting Presiding Clerk

Susan D. (Vassalboro), clerk of the Permanent Board

Carl W. (Plainfield), clerk of Ministry & Counsel

Sarah G. (Beacon Hill), clerk of the Meeting Accompaniment Group

Noah M. (Putney), Yearly Meeting Secretary

"No people can be truly happy, though under the greatest enjoyments of civil liberties, if abridged of the Freedom of their Conscience as to their Religious Profession and Worship...No men, nor number of men upon earth, hath power or authority to rule over men's consciences in religious matters".

— William Penn

March 4th and 5th Sundays: NEYM Annual Sessions Visioning

We have a special opportunity coming up in March and Ministry and Counsel hopes you'll set aside time in your calendar now.  We will not be holding a program on 4th Sunday in March.  Instead, a very special program is set for 5th Sunday and we are hoping for a strong turnout.  Friends will be coming from all over our Quarter.  The Meetings in our Quarterly Meeting include Weare/Henniker, Dover, West Epping Preparative Meeting, North Sandwich, River Woods Worship Group (Exeter), and Gonic.  Such an opportunity!  And the program is especially important. 

New England Yearly Meeting is going through changes and needs to hear from Friends far and wide regarding the summer sessions and various alternatives to the current model.  Whether you have ever attended a NEYM summer session does not matter.  How the YM will meet the needs of individuals and Meetings in our changing times matters to all of us.  We hope you will make time to be present on 5th Sunday in March.  Stay tuned for more information as the weeks pass.

United Society of Friends Women International—Northeast Region: Saturday, 22nd February 2025, 9:30 a.m. to Noon

USFW Int'l logo

Celebrate the Vital & Varied Ministries of Younger Quaker women!

Winter Zoom Gathering of

United Society of Friends Women International—Northeast Region

22nd of February, 2025

9:30am to 12 noon Eastern Time

Join us for a panel of younger Quaker women with ministries, as we explore "Lifting Up Younger Quaker Women as They Live Into Their Sense of Call".

A Panel Moderated by Emily Provance of NYYM, with:

  • Briana Hallowell from New England YM,
  • Nicole Bennett Fite from New York YM, and
  • Sussie Ingosi Ndanyi from Nairobi YM.

They will share the ways they have felt led by the Spirit to do an amazing variety of ministries, how they experienced their call, how they were supported to follow their leading, and ways older Friends can help lift up younger Quaker women.

Time (Eastern) Program
9:30am Zoom opens for informal sharing/greetings
9:40am Devotions led by Pastor Janice Ninan of NYYM and translated into Swahili by Pastor Joyce Machaha of Nairobi YM
10:00am Introductions led by Marian Baker-NEYM
10:05am Panel - moderated by Emily Provance-NYYM
11:05am Small breakout groups sharing what arose during the panel
11:40am Singing in multiple languages led by Congolese Women
11:50am Announcements and closing prayer
12noon End of event

Marian Baker 


Justice Fair: Saturday, February 8th, 12 p.m.–3 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Church

Concordia Lutheran Church

211 N Main St

Concord, NH 03301

concordialc [at] fairpoint [dot] net

(603) 224-0277

Interfaith Peace Service: Wednesday, 12th February, 10:40 a.m. at Bishop Brady H.S.


Solemn Vigil for a Cease Fire in Gaza

Ceasfire Vigil

Thursdays at Noon

The silent vigil for a ceasefire in Gaza continues every Thursday from Noon-1 p.m.  The vigil meets at (the northwest corner of) North Main Street and Park Street in Concord on the plaza in front of the State House.  Make your own sign, use one provided, or just stand in silent witness beside others.  This is done in coordination with NH Peace Action.  We suggest that people make signs that convey something about justice for Israel and Palestine.  Also please avoid the word genocide, ethnic cleansing, and similar terms.

PSECC Committee



Please Remember

Please remember to keep a pair of slippers or indoor shoes on the shoe rack to limit damage to our floors.

Plastic Bags can be put inside the box by the entrance of the Meetinghouse.

Questions, comments, etc.

Questions, comments, suggestions?  Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com

From Past Issues

Midweek Worship Opportunities

There are other online Meetings for Worship that are generally available to Quakers, unlimited by geography, if that would be of interest. Some of those are listed here.


Dear Friends,

If you have information or personal news to share via this Newsletter please email your submission to  ConcordFriendsMeeting [at] GMail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter) by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.

  • Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
  • Please remove any formatting if you are able.
  • Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share.
  • Please send submissions by Wednesdays at 5 p.m.
  • Typically, the announcements will go out by Saturday.  It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment, we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
  • The Newsletter Gmail account is used by Juliet.  Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.
  • Finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.

Juliet C, Newsletter Editor


Are you wanting information from past announcements? 

Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements