2025-01-19 Newsletter of
Concord Friends Meeting
A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of
New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends
To request log-in information for Zoom Worship: Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .
“I can be changed by what happens to me.
But I refuse to be reduced by it.”
Maya Angelou (1928-2014)
An American memoirist, poet, and civil rights activist.
Day | Date | Time | Event |
Sunday | January 19th | 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. |
Meeting for Worship For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Fellowship With Children: TBD; Closing: Sara & JJ S. |
Monday | January 20th | 4:00 p.m. | In-Person Worship at Lucy's House. Contact RichKleinschmidt [at] concordfriendsmeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM%20Monday%20Afternoon%20Worship) (Rich) to confirm. |
Thursday | January 23rd | Noon | Peace Vigil, State House Plaza. |
Sunday | January 26th | 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. |
Meeting for Worship For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Fellowship & Potluck 4th-Sunday Program: State of Society With Children: Juliet; Closing: Juliet & Elaine. |
In this Edition:
- Sarah K’s Address
- Meetinghouse Cleaning
- Fourth Sunday Program: State of Society
- Midweek Worship Opportunities
- Friendly Eights
- Nonviolent Direct-Action Training
- Letter to Governor-Elect Kelly Ayotte
- Online FGC Gathering, A Spring Whose Waters Never Fail
- Justice Fair: Saturday, February 8th, 12–3 p.m.
- Interfaith Peace Service: Wednesday, February 12th, 10:40 a.m.
- Vigil for a Cease Fire
- March 4th & 5th Sundays
- NH Statehouse Happenings
- Barcly Press letter
Sarah K’s Address
Sarah Cazden Kleinschmidt, 161H Pine St., Amherst, MA 01002
Opportunity to help keep the Meetinghouse in good shape
On Sunday January 19th, after Fellowship, we will have a 20-to-30-minute period of attending to maintenance tasks that have been waiting for our every other month time to do this. If you must miss this but want to help on another day, please let property committee know and we will get back to you about tasks that were not yet done after that time.
Fourth Sunday Program: Considering the “State of Society” in 2024
That is to say, the state of Concord Friends Meeting. Those new to Quaker practice likely might think our State of Society Report refers to the larger society. Indeed, it does not. Annually we undertake a review of the prior year and seek to capture an honest reflection of the current condition of the Meeting. We hope you will join us to lend your perspective this coming Fourth Sunday following worship and our potluck lunch. To gain a sense of what is being discussed, follow this link to find an example of our work reviewing 2022. And this link will take you to many more from earlier years and a set of very helpful queries for the work.
Midweek Worship Opportunities
Our Ministry and Counsel is laying down Wednesday evening hybrid midweek Meeting for Worship. There doesn't appear to be sufficient interest for a Wednesday evening session. We could try another time or day if Friends let us know their desire for it. We would do it either entirely by Zoom or hybrid. Please get in touch with JenniferS [at] concordfriendsmeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM%20Midweek%20Meeting%20for%20Worship) (Jennifer S) if you have an interest in having this happen. The Monday Evening Meeting for Worship at Lucy N.'s home near the Meetinghouse continues. For more information about that opportunity, contact RichKleinschmidt [at] concordfriendsmeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM%20Monday%20Meeting%20for%20Worship) (Rich K).
There are other online Meetings for Worship that are generally available to Quakers, unlimited by geography, if that would be of interest. Some of those are listed here.
- In New England, there is a new Monthly Meeting that is currently entirely online. It meets via Zoom link on every other Thursday. Here is their "about" page: https://www.threeriversmeeting.org/about
- While it is not a usual Meeting for Worship, there is a weekly Taizé worship offered Thursday evenings online by a member of Mt. Toby Meeting in Western Massachusetts. See https://neym.org/events-calendar/weekly-taize-service-online
- Pendle Hill, the Quaker study and retreat center near Philadelphia, has Worship available every morning. This can also be accessed online. Go to https://pendlehill.org/explore/worship/online-daily-worship/
- Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) has a webpage with online worship opportunities around the world, a few of which are midweek. got to https://fwcc.world/find/online-worship/
Jennifer S.
Friendly Eights Returns!
(from Ruth H and Heidi B)
Drive the winter doldrums away with an evening meal (or luncheon) with 6-8 other Meeting attenders! In the past, these events have been lots of fun and provide a way to get to know each other in a rich way.
We need to know who wants to attend and whether they want to attend an evening or luncheon meal. We'll create the groups and let the hosts know who is attending.
Speaking of hosts, we're looking for hosts for these gatherings of 6-8 people. You provide the place and offer one part of the meal and coordinate the contributions of the other attendees (unless you don't mind if everyone brings the same thing!) That's all there is to it!
Let us know if you want to participate and especially if you'd like to host one of the meals. Contact RuthHeath [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: Friendly%20Eights) (Ruth H) or HeidiBabb [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: Friendly%20Eights) (Heidi B).
Nonviolent Direct-Action Training: Saturday, January 25th, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the Community Church of Durham
What is nonviolent direct action? How do we remain committed to nonviolence in the pursuit of changing harmful systems? How do we discern what types of actions we feel like we can take in fighting for justice? Join us for a training about nonviolence - we hope that this day together will bring you insights into what nonviolence means and how you might utilize different tactics in your community organizing.
We are inviting people who organize in a variety of issues from across the region, and hope you will bring your questions and an open mind. Let us know if you have questions. Lunch will be provided! More details will be emailed to you before the training. Donations to support our work and our ability to organize these trainings are appreciated but not required.
https://actionnetwork.org/events/nvda-training-7/. Click or tap to follow the link.">Register here.
Re: Commitment to Governing New Hampshire on Behalf of ALL New Hampshire Residents
Click Here
FGC Online Gathering: “A Spring Whose Waters Never Fail”
Dear Friends,
Friends General Conference warmly invites Meetings and Worship Groups to register for a special plenaries-only option at the upcoming Online Gathering, A Spring Whose Waters Never Fail. This option offers an affordable opportunity for Meetings and their members to share in the Gathering experience, connecting and reflecting among our wider Quaker community.
Dates and Speakers:
Details on each plenary speaker can be found on our website. Here’s the lineup:
- Saturday, February 1: Daquanna Harrison at 8 pm EST [7 pm CST, 6 pm MST, 5 pm PST]
- Sunday*, February 2: Lynn Finnegan, Carl Magruder and Briana Halliwell at 11 am EST [10 am CST, 9 am MST, 8 am PST];
- Saturday, February 8: Eileen Flanagan at 8 pm EST [7 pm CST, 6 pm MST, 5 pm PST];
- Sunday*, February 9: David Bucura at 11 am EST [10 am CST, 9 am MST, 8 am PST]
*To accommodate different worship schedules, we will also provide a way for meetings to stream the Sunday plenaries later in the day.
How to Participate:
Meetings are invited to register for live streaming access to the plenaries. You will receive one login code and queries will be shared in advance to your designated email contact. For each plenary, you can choose if you want to gather and stream at your meetinghouse or at a member's home. Each time you gather to watch and discuss a plenary creates additional opportunities for sharing - for example, you can plan a potluck and invite members who are attending workshops to share their experience before or after the session. We encourage you to share this opportunity with all your members and attenders, and to invite people in your community who may be interested in the plenary topics. Use the queries we provide or come up with your own to enrich your meeting’s conversation and fellowship. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage in the broader life of our faith tradition and share in spiritual nourishment together.
More Ways to Participate:
On Sunday afternoon, there will be an opportunity for individual Friends who are registered for the Gathering to participate in a Monthly Meeting Sharing time. During this session, Friends engaged with different meeting committees, projects, and working groups will join chat rooms to exchange ideas, including challenges and successes. Find out who is attending this session of the Gathering from your meeting and share ideas in advance, so they can represent more voices from your meeting!
Financial Assistance:
We understand that some individuals may face financial barriers, and in addition to our sliding scale registration, we are happy to offer some financial aid for those who would like to attend workshops, Bible Half Hour, and other events during the Gathering. If this is a concern for someone in your meeting, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We also encourage meetings to consider supporting Friends in your community who may wish to attend.
We look forward to gathering with you in spirit and action this February!
Justice Fair: Saturday, February 8th, 12 p.m.–3 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran Church
Concordia Lutheran Church
211 N Main St
Concord, NH 03301
concordialc [at] fairpoint [dot] net
(603) 224-0277
Interfaith Peace Service: Wednesday, 12th February, 10:40 a.m. at Bishop Brady H.S.
Solemn Vigil for a Cease Fire in Gaza
Thursdays at Noon
The silent vigil for a ceasefire in Gaza continues every Thursday from Noon-1 p.m. The vigil meets at (the northwest corner of) North Main Street and Park Street in Concord on the plaza in front of the State House. Make your own sign, use one provided, or just stand in silent witness beside others. This is done in coordination with NH Peace Action. We suggest that people make signs that convey something about justice for Israel and Palestine. Also please avoid the word genocide, ethnic cleansing, and similar terms.
PSECC Committee
News of NH Statehouse Happenings
If you would like more info on what is happening at the NH Statehouse, here are some resources.
KSC Happenings is a weekly, action-based newsletter focusing on State House advocacy. To join go to the website kentstreetcoalition.org.
We aim to provide the tools and information necessary for people to take action on issues and bills of particular importance and concern. Priorities and positions are made in consultation with KSC working groups and coalition partners. However, we acknowledge and expect that not everyone will agree with every position listed here and we respect and value the right of individuals to make their own informed decisions.
Many organizations are doing critically important work and our goal is to be an added value, without being duplicative or reinventing the wheel. We highly recommend the following excellent resources for action alerts, reporting, analysis, and commentary:
- AFSC State House Watch. Subscribe.
- Boston Globe NH New Hampshire edition of “Boston Globe”
- Granite Post Subscribe.
- Hillsborough County Democrats Action Alert. Subscribe.
- InDepthNH Subscribe.
- New Hampshire Bulletin Subscribe.
- NHPR Listen and/or join.
March 4th and 5th Sundays: NEYM Annual Session Visioning
We have a special opportunity coming up in March and Ministry and Counsel hopes you'll set aside time in your calendar now. We will not be holding a program on 4th Sunday in March. Instead, a very special program is set for 5th Sunday and we are hoping for a strong turnout. Friends will be coming from all over our Quarter. The Meetings in our Quarterly Meeting include Weare/Henniker, Dover, West Epping Preparative Meeting, North Sandwich, River Woods Worship Group (Exeter), and Gonic. Such an opportunity! And the program is especially important.
New England Yearly Meeting is going through changes and needs to hear from Friends far and wide regarding the summer sessions and various alternatives to the current model. Whether you have ever attended a NEYM summer session does not matter. How the YM will meet the needs of individuals and Meetings in our changing times matters to all of us. We hope you will make time to be present on 5th Sunday in March. Stay tuned for more information as the weeks pass.
Barclay Press
From Jennifer S.
Friends may wish to look into this individually, and we may also want to consider corporate support as a Monthly Meeting in the future:
Barclay Press is a tiny, non-profit Quaker publisher, and we rely each year on supporters like you to help us raise the funds to keep operating. Half of our budget each year comes from subscriptions to quarterly periodicals and sales of books. But for the rest – nearly $100,000 – we can’t pay our bills without gifts and donations from people like you.
- If you already give, please consider increasing your gift by ten or twenty dollars a month.
- If you’ve never given to Barclay Press,there’s never been a more important time to support our ministry, and there’s never been a better time to start! Monthly giving of twenty-five dollars a month (or more) adds up. And every new gift, no matter how large or small, helps us to more confidently plan for the future.
- Finally, our largest donors include less than ten monthly and yearly meetings. Support from just one or two new monthly or yearly meetings in 2025 would make a huge difference for the stability and future of our ministry at Barclay Press.
Barclay Press is a Quaker non-profit, and the work of publishing and distribution is our ministry.
- In 2018, we launched Fernwood Press, the world’s only Quaker publisher of poetry. Our aim, through Fernwood, is to provide a home to all poets whose collections uphold and perpetuate the Quaker pursuit of corporate mysticism. Gathered together in centered silence, we might hear and experience truth. And we will be changed.
- In 2021, we joined the Quaker Theological Discussion Group to manage production and distribution for Quaker Religious Thought. Quakers are known for making positive contributions to religious thought outside of Quakerism, and Quaker Religious Thought is one of only a few journals that take a very serious look at the Quaker tradition with the goal of expanding the relevance of Quakerism for Quakers to understand their own tradition but also to understand the way Quakerism has impacted the religious field in general. That work of analyzing Quakerism is expanding its relevance to the study of religion in general, on a global scale.
- In 2023, we finalized our acquisition of Inner Light Books, which was formed in 2009 to publish books by and about Quakers and books that examine Quaker values in order to expand the knowledge of and appreciation for the faith and practice of the Religious Society of Friends.
- In 2024, for the first time ever, we worked with Pendle Hill staff to support the production of Pendle Hill Pamphlets. For over ninety years, Pendle Hill has expanded understanding of Quaker life and witness through the pamphlet series.
- The only reason Barclay Press even exists is because of your support. We take on small but meaningful books – essays, testimonies, reflections, memoir, history, polity, and poetry – books we know the world needs. And every book we take on is a financial risk.
That’s why we need your help. Every monthly gift of $250 makes it possible for us to release a new title. And every monthly gift, no matter whether it’s $5 or $500, gives us the support we need to keep moving forward in the work we’ve been given.
Please Remember
Please remember to keep a pair of slippers or indoor shoes on the shoe rack to limit damage to our floors.
Plastic Bags can be put inside the box by the entrance of the Meetinghouse.
Questions, comments, etc.
Questions, comments, suggestions? Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com
From Past Issues
- The Ben Lomond Quaker Center Offers a daily online meeting for worship.
The Ben Lomond Quaker Center
The Ben Lomond Quaker Center offers a daily online meeting for worship from 7:30-8:00 a.m. (Pacific)/10:30-11:00 a.m. (Eastern). You can join them from anyplace in the world. Online meeting for worship. NB. Connection is NOT SECURE
Dear Friends,
If you have information or personal news to share via this Newsletter please email your submission to ConcordFriendsMeeting [at] GMail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter) by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
- Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
- Please remove any formatting if you are able.
- Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share.
- Please send submissions by Wednesdays at 5 p.m.
- Typically, the announcements will go out by Saturday. It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions. If you don't receive an acknowledgment, we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
- The Newsletter Gmail account is used by Juliet. Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.
- Finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.
Juliet C, Newsletter Editor
Are you wanting information from past announcements?
Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements