2024-10-20 Newsletter of

Concord Friends Meeting

A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of

New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends

COVID-19 Policy

To request log-in information for Zoom Worship: Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

7 Hands Together

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal.

It is the courage to continue that counts."

~ Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

Day Date Time Event
Sunday October 20th 10:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

Meeting for Worship

For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .


With Children:  Sharon;

Closing: Sharon & Kathy.
Monday October 21st 4:00 p.m. Contact Rich to confirm location and time. klnschmdt [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Mid-week%20Worship) (603-899-7574)
Sunday October 27th 10:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

12:30 a.m.
Meeting for Worship

For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .


4th-Sunday Program

With Children:  Juliet;

Closing: Ruth & Greg H.

October 27th Fourth Sunday Program:

During COVID times, we enjoyed regular Saturday evening Story Sharing which sometimes had a theme.  We learned so much about each other during those stories!  This has inspired us to offer something similar in a worship sharing format during this coming Sunday program after potluck. 

During this week please spend some time considering some early religious education or spiritual experience that deeply affected you or that has shaped your later experience (positive or negative).  We encourage you to be prepared (if you wish) to share about it.  This does not have to be long and no one will be required to share (you can just listen).  We trust that this reflection on your part might bring to light some new aspect of your own experience, and that sharing it will help us all to know each other more deeply in the Spirit.  Plus this can inform and inspire perhaps our own YRE program!   We are looking forward to your story.

NH Council of Churches, October 19th, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Special Event Today ... Not sure what you want to do this morning?

October 19th, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., the NH Council of Churches is so pleased to return to holding an annual convening, newly called “Granite State Jubilee.”  All are welcome!  It is such a gift that Reverend Theoharis will be our keynote speaker at 11:00 a.m.

Please plan to join us for this reinvigorating opportunity to renew our Beloved community and refresh our commitment to faithful witness in the public square.  Youth participation is free so please share with this your Religious Ed Director. Fellowship will be shared during a delicious breakfast buffet, followed by awards then on this blessed day the Reverend Theoharis will deliver a keynote address.  Join us at Wesley United Methodist Church in Concord for prayer stations, community, and inspiration will abound.

  • General Individual Admission: $60 (Includes annual “convenant partner” status (code for “membership”) to the New Hampshire Council of Churches)
  • Free Youth Ticket: $0
  • Adult Scholarship Ticket: $0

FCNL Lobby Day Letter

Sara S. is going to Washington, DC

On Nov. 13th Sara will take part in the Friends Committee on National Legislation’s Annual Lobby Day.  This year we are asking our Senators to support Senator Sanders’ Joint Resolution of Disapproval on Israel’s illegal use of weapons provided by the U.S.  She will be bringing the following letter with its accompanying signatures to the DC offices of our Senators and asking for their support of the Resolution.

Please read the following letter and consider signing by filling out the form at the bottom.  There a several links to some really detailed explanations of the issues as well.


[Copy also at /sites/CMM/Newsletters/2024/10/Sign on for Sanders Joint Resolution.htm.]

IRS has approved our application to file Form 990-T

Success with the IRS for geothermal system

Friends will be happy to know that the IRS has approved our application to file for the direct payment of about $15,000 to support the installation of our geothermal system.  This is one of the programs established by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) passed in 2022.  The approval of our detailed project application is an all important first step that now allows us to file an annual information return (IRS Form 990-T) that actually requests the payment.

We expect to receive the funds before the end of 2024.

Solemn Vigil for a Cease Fire in Gaza

Ceasfire Vigil

Thursdays at Noon

The silent vigil for a ceasefire in Gaza continues every Thursday from Noon-1 p.m.  The vigil meets at the (Northwest corner of) North Main Street and Park Street in Concord on the plaza in front of the State House. Make your own sign, use one provided, or just stand in silent witness besides others.  This is done in coordination with NH Peace Action.  We suggest that people make signs that convey something about justice for Israel and Palestine.  Also please avoid the word genocide, ethnic cleansing, and similar terms.

PSECC Committee

Please Remember

Please remember to keep a pair of slippers or indoor shoes on the shoe rack to limit damage to our floors.

Plastic Bags can be put inside the box by the entrance of the Meetinghouse.

Questions, comments, etc.

Questions, comments, suggestions?  Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com

From Past Issues

The Ben Lomond Quaker Center

The Ben Lomond Quaker Center  offers a daily online meeting for worship from 7:30-8:00 a.m. (Pacific)/10:30-11:00 a.m. (Eastern).  You can join them from anyplace in the world.  online meeting for worshipNB. Connection is NOT SECURE


Dear Friends,

If you have information or personal news to share via this Newsletter please email your submission to  ConcordFriendsMeeting [at] GMail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter)  by 5:00 p.m. on Fridays.

  • Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
  • Please remove any formatting if you are able.
  • Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share.
  • Please send submissions by Fridays at 5 p.m.
  • Typically, the announcements will go out by Saturday.  It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment, we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
  • The Newsletter Gmail account is used by Juliet.  Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.
  • Finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.

Juliet Curran, Newsletter Editor


Are you wanting information from past announcements? 

Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements