2024-07-21 Newsletter of

Concord Friends Meeting

A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of

New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends

COVID-19 Policy

To request log-in information for Zoom Worship: Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

Peace is the only battle worth waging.

~ Albert Camus (1913-1960)

French philosopher, author, dramatist, journalist,

World federalist, and political activist

The Meeting Calendar

Day Date Time Event
Sunday July 21st 10:00 a.m.

Meeting for Worship & Fellowship

For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

With Childrenl:  Sharon K. & TBD;

Closing: Faith S. & Chris H.
Tuesday July 23rd 6:30 p.m. Midweek Worship at the Meeting House.  All are welcome.  If possible, please let Rich know you will be joining us. klnschmdt [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Mid-week%20Worship) (603-899-7574)
Sunday July 28th 10:00 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

~12:30 p.m.
Meeting for Worship.

For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

With Children:  Rich K. & TBD;

Closing:  Greg & Ruth H.


Fourth Sunday Program:  Mark B. shares reflections on his spiritual journey

FCNL Advocacy Team Zoom lobby: Monday, 22nd July

This coming Monday, July 22nd, we (the NH FCNL Advocacy Team) have a Zoom lobby visit with two staffers from Sen Hassan’s DC office to advocate for an end to the violence in Gaza and the West Bank and a return of all hostages.  We will include asking for the return of the US sending UNWRA humanitarian aid and sending two US hospital ships to aid the many wounded.

Please join us if you can even if you just want to be a silent witness.  We need to show Senator Hassan that her constituents care about this issue.  We will organize speakers to share concerns and ask questions of the Senator's staff.

The meeting is from 2:30 to 3 p.m. but we ask that you sign in by 2:25 at the latest.  Please let us know if you are able to come.  If you’d like to be part of the planning for the call, please sign on by 1:30.

Thank you for all you do to advocate for peace and justice in our world.

Ginna and Sara

Zoom link for both planning meeting and meeting with Senator Hassan staffers Joe Gookin and Jennifer Kuzma: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82145231689?pwd=kP3gTIcpMuaZbQb0YP3LPvJuKE8OHq.1. Click or tap to follow the link.">https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82145231689?pwd=kP3gTIcpMuaZbQb0YP3LPvJuKE8OHq.1

Meetinghouse Upkeep: Sunday, July 21st

Every other month, we ask that Members and Attenders help us for about 20 to 30 minutes after Fellowship Time. This involves a variety of things, both outdoors and inside. Come dressed prepared for the weather and light physical work if you are able to help outside. It should be quite pleasant in the upper 70s or low 80s.

If you have noticed things around the Meetinghouse that you would like to see done (whether you can do them or someone else needs to), let Jennifer S. know by texting her at 603-738-6221.

Fourth Sunday: Sunday, July 28th

Following a potluck meal, we will have the opportunity to hear Mark B. share reflections on his spiritual journey.  During the height of COVID we met outside in the warm months on Sundays after Meeting for Worship and heard a series of such programs featuring the journeys of a variety of Friends. They were truly intimate experiences. Thank you, Mark, for your willingness to share.

Property Committee Notes, July 11th

Present: James, Jennifer, Greg, Susan, Chris

  • Acoustic Panels

Greg is getting a quote based on Elaine’s recommendations for treatment of sound issues in the Meeting Room. We will order 18 panels if they come in under budget of $2k. Will share the quote. We may need another carton of 6 panels at a later date after experiencing the improvement reduced echoing. No need to overdo it now since this can be a trial and error process. Intending to install by the end of September.

  • Green Burial

Greg and Richard are meeting with the Canterbury Cemetery Trustees and will inform the committee on what they learn.

  • Schedule for 3rd Sunday Meeting Cleaning

Jennifer: July, Chris: Sept, Greg: Nov, James: Jan, Susan: March.

The sending of observed needs to the person in charge of organizing in advance is most helpful. A balance of indoor and outdoor options is useful to be able to account for weather and differing abilities.

  • Heat Exchanger

It is operating full time and is thought by some to have some benefits relative to indoor air quality. We do not have a manual for the timer. If we want to schedule a time of operation we may need to purchase a new timer. We need to know a schedule for filter replacement. Filter was replaced a couple of years ago.

  • Closing and Windows

     Open or Shut? Lively discussion as to what instruction is to be provided to closers relative to windows. Present instructions are to leave a few windows cracked. Question was left unresolved. Subsequent to our meeting Rich and Greg discussed opening the windows wide overnight on Saturday nights during heat spells. They may do that. Jennifer distributed an updated and simplified closing list of instructions and will continue to edit. Send her suggestions. Discussion of possible 4th Sunday to discuss closing issues and build participation in that process both as leaders of closing and helping with that process if not leading. Closers should know it is lighter duty when the Pathfinders are open. They follow the Concord School schedule.

  • Reporting our work to Meeting for Business

Susan is encouraged to extract important items from the notes and make a written report to M4B or to simply forward these notes to the clerks and Newsletter editor to be shared by link in the Newsletter prior to M4B.

  • Landscape 

Greg would like to schedule a work period to finish the landscape work. July 3rd Sunday cleaning day and August in place of M4B (unless we skip business in Aug or are in a heat wave) would be good opportunities. Greg will not be present in August. Not addressed in the meeting, but could someone else lead that work day if it can be scheduled?

The work needed is to dig up remaining weeds and weed block in front of the Worship Room and place loam as far as it will go to a 4 inch depth. Then add a thick layer of mulch up to level of the landscape timbers by the building. Any remaining mulch should go to thicken the exiting mulch and in the area between the east door and playground fence after the weeds are pulled.

  • Meeting time

We agreed that 8AM is an ok time to meet every other month; dates to be set.

Respectfully Submitted


PS. Greg is planning to meet with our Cintas inspector to check fire exit lighting and fire extinguishers, (an annual event), on Friday the 19th of July.

Minutes from the July 2024 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Dear Friends,

The draft minutes for the July 2024 meeting for worship with attention to business are available at https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/2024-07-14_CMM_Minutes. Click or tap to follow the link.">CMM Minutes July 7, 2024  or via https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/Minutes_of_ConcordMonthlyMeeting. Click or tap to follow the link.">Minutes of ConcordMonthlyMeeting

For corrections, missing documents, and/or clarifications of the minutes, please reply to web clerk, Concord Friends Meeting webclerk [at] concordfriendsmeeting [dot] org (<webclerk [at] concordfriendsmeeting [dot] org>).

With love, and peace, and tenderness,


Financial Reports

The June Statement of Operations and the Balance Sheet and Statement of Operations for the 2024 Fiscal Year which ended in May are available on our Website.  Friends should read the minutes from our last Meeting for Business for commentary on the statements.

The Statements of Operations are mislabeled as "Profit and Loss Statements" due to limitations of our software.

Click here:  CMM_MinutesOperations2024

Camp-Out in the White Mountain National Forest

Take some time out to enjoy the cool mountain air with Friends and their guests for two days and two nights.  Relax under the hemlocks around a fire sharing meals and stories and outdoorsy camaraderie.  There will be some hiking and river walking in small groups to be organized the first evening.  Bring a joke and/or a story to share.  Both dinners will be potluck, breakfasts and lunches will be less organized but meal sharing is encouraged.  - Elaine B.

WHEN: Arriving Tuesday, July 23rd any time.  Leaving: Thursday, July 25th by 10:00am.

WHERE: Hancock Campground, Rt 112 - Kancamaugus Highway, 1.5 miles east of Lincoln, NH on the right.  It is well marked in advance.  Sites 34 and 42 have been reserved for sharing and Elaine will grab a non-reservable site for Monday night that will be open for early occupancy on Tuesday morning, and sharing overnight too.

WHO IS COMING SO FAR: We have a list that includes Ruth and Greg H., Chris and Jane H., Kat U, Sharon K., Jennifer and Sara S., Elaine B. and her friends Irene L. (and possibly Grace), tentatively Juliet and Tessa C. for one night.

WHAT TO BRING: Bring anything you would need for a camping trip alone and maybe extra for sharing.  Example - throw an extra blanket in the car in case you or someone else needs it.  Everyone should have their own chair.  Pick up some firewood nearby, have enough food with you so that you don't need to go shopping = more time having fun with the group.  Have rain gear, (including a tarp or rain fly) with you in hopes that we don't need it. Bring proper footwear for the level of hiking that makes you comfortable, maybe some trekking poles too since there are river and stream crossings on most trails.   If you are in need of any gear, ask Elaine B. 

AMENITIES: Vault and flush toilets but no showers.  Water spigots abound. Sites are spacious and separated by trees in most cases.

COST: Approximately $90 divided by number of people using the 3 sites that Elaine has selected for sharing.  Others are welcome to make their own reservations if they would rather have a private site to themselves.  Go to Recreation.gov for this purpose.



From Jennifer S.

Hi, Friends,

As our tent continues to age, Sara and I were looking at the possibility of trying out a rental pop-up camper. We found a small one available not too far away. But we let too much time go without doing the research and now I can't get a hitch installed on the van before the camping trip.

I'm wondering if anyone has a vehicle with light towing capacity that they aren't planning on using during the time of this trip. Our 2023 electric Nissan Leaf or our 2017 Ram Promaster City van would be available in exchange. We would happily pay a mileage fee for the wear and tear that towing adds, too.


Election Violence Prevention: "Speak" Slides Today, July 20th

Here is info and a link to register for an Election violence prevention conversation happening this Saturday, July 20th from 12 to 1:30pm.  It’s free.  I just took a more comprehensive webinar course from Emily Provance and she is really good!   I highly recommend this.

Sara S.

Registration link:  Register for BJ Kingsley

Barbara Jo Kingsley

Home:  603-567-7126

Cell:  603-400-7826

barbjokingsley [at] gmail [dot] com

Begin forwarded message:

From: Emily Provance <eprovance [at] hotmail [dot] com>


I am attaching an invitation to a 90-minute election violence prevention conversation happening this Saturday.  I'll be using intentionally secular language, as this is designed to be something to which you can invite your neighbors, friends, family members, and so forth.  The registration link is here: Register for BJ Kingsley


https://app.mobilize.io/open_app/44326?desktop_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffcnl.mo.... Click or tap to follow the link.">Join this discussion

Reply to chat privately with Barbara

Reply all to discuss with everyone

Solemn Vigil for a Cease Fire in Gaza

Thursdays at Noon, At the corner of Main and Center Street

The silent vigil for a ceasefire in Gaza continues every Thursday from Noon-1pm at the corner of Main and Center Street.  Make your own sign, use one provided, or just stand in silent witness besides others. This is done in coordination with NH Peace Action.  We suggest that people make signs that convey something about justice for Israel and Palestine.  Also please avoid the word genocide, ethnic cleansing, and similar terms.

PSECC Committee

“Where Olive Trees Weep” film – 1st August

     Friends concerned about the ongoing violence in Gaza and the West Bank may want to plan to join other Quakers in discernment on Thursday, August 1st. The discussion is intended to center around responses to this new feature length film. Click on the flyer below for the link to see the film:

Annual Sessions 2024: August 2nd – 7th 2024

Dear Friends,

Quakers in New England will gather in August for the 364th year—for worship, spiritual nurture, fellowship, and discernment of our shared calling.

Again this year there are two ways to attend Sessions: in-person at Castleton University and via Zoom.

We encourage Friends to read the details on the Yearly Meeting website before registering.

Register to Attend at Castleton

Register to Attend Online

New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Annual Sessions needs Volunteers for:

  • Childcare  (0-4 years old)
  • Junior Yearly Meeting (K-6th grade)
  • Junior High Yearly Meeting (7th-9th)
  • Young Friends (10-12th)
  • Spanish Language Interpretation
  • Tech Team - Remote and In-Person
  • Young Adult Friends Coordinator (beyond High School)

Volunteering at Yearly Meeting is a great way to meet new people, be a part of the gathering, and learn a bit more about what Sessions has to offer.  Sessions gathers Friends together from all across New England and depends on the work of dozens and dozens of Friends.  It simply can't happen without the work of Friends in all types of roles.

Learn more at:  neym.org/volunteer-sessions

George Fox’s 400th Birthday Events

Check out FWCC's webpage:

(George Fox's 400th Birthday Events)

Concord Friends Meeting COVID–19 Policy

We strive to create a beloved community which shows loving concern and actions toward all attenders of the Meeting and all with whom we interact in the wider world.  We demonstrate this care and love by being vaccinated, because vaccination protects the person vaccinated and others with whom they come in contact.  We encourage all attenders to be vaccinated and keep their vaccinations up to date.  We believe this will make our meetinghouse a safer space for attenders whose own network includes people who are at greater risk of death or disability should they get the COVID-19 virus.

We request that you attend via Zoom if any of the following apply:

  • You have a fever, cough, or other viral symptoms.  (This is because you can have COVID and spread it before testing positive.)
  • If you have had COVID recently, please don't attend in person until after the 5th day after you tested positive; and please wear a mask until the 10th day (or longer if your doctor recommends).
  • If you know you have been exposed to COVID, please do not attend in person until after testing negative on the 5th day after exposure.  Then please continue to wear a mask until the 10th day after exposure.

Otherwise, masks are currently optional in the Meetinghouse unless the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports hospital admissions for COVID as “red” in any county of New Hampshire on the following map: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#maps_new-admissions-rate-county  For further clarification or questions, please contact Clerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org.


  • Please remember to keep a pair of slippers or indoor shoes on the shoe rack to limit damage to our floors.
  • Plastic Bags can be put inside the box by the entrance of the Meetinghouse.

Questions, comments, suggestions?

Questions, comments, suggestions?  Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Concord%20Friends%20Newsletter%20%E2%80%93%20Questions%20Comments%20Suggestions)

From Past Issues:

Ben Lomand Quaker Center

Offers a daily online meeting for worship from 7:30–8:00 a.m. Pacific Time (10:30–11:00 a.m. Eastern Time).  You can join them from anyplace in the world! online meeting for worship

Submission for this Newsletter

Dear Friends,

If you have information or personal news to share via this Newsletter please email your submission to ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Concord%20Friends%20Newsletter%20submission) by 5:00 p.m. on Fridays.

  • Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
  • Please remove any formatting if you are able.
  • Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share. 
  • Please send submissions by Fridays at 5 p.m.
  • Typically the announcements will go out by Saturday.  It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment, we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
  • The Newsletter Gmail account is used by Juliet.  Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.  
  • Finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.

Juliet Curran, Newsletter Editor

Are you wanting information from past announcements?

Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements