CMM 2024-07-14

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

14th of Seventh Month 2024

Fourteen Friends gathered for meeting for worship to attend to business, in person and by Zoom.  We opened with a period of quiet worship.

4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say,  Rejoice.  4:5 Let your gentleness be known to everyone.  The Lord is near.  4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  4:7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

~ Philippians 4:4-7 (NRSVue)

The Minutes of Sixth month 2024 were approved as posted on our website.

07.01  Finance Reports:  Dave W, Clerk of Finance Committee, reported on operations for the first month of the fiscal year [FY2025], June 2024.  Income was $1,260 and expenses were $1,010.70 for a net gain of $249.30.

The final accounting from FY 2024 that ended in May, includes the capital fund contributions properly reflected as income and adjustments to our debt service expense line removing mortgage principal payments and applying them to reduce the mortgage liability on the Balance Sheet.

Financial Summary FY2024
Total Income: $68,790
Total Expenses: $25,926
Net Income: $42,863  

This large amount of net income is accounted for by the increase to our building and equipment asset on the Balance Sheet for the fire safety and geothermal system.  At the start of the fiscal year the building and equipment fixed asset was $466,455.  At the end of the fiscal year it was $513,630, an increase of approximately $47,000.

The Meeting is applying for a federal geothermal energy subsidy.  The application need not be submitted by an officer, but the individual submitting the application must be specifically authorized to do so.  Concord Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (the Meeting) duly authorizes Gregory B Heath, as bookkeeper and member of Finance Committee, to submit an application on behalf of the Meeting to receive an authorization number for inclusion in the Meeting’s IRS Form 990 to obtain a direct pay rebate for the Meeting’s geothermal heating installation.

07.02  Property Committee:  Susan L, Clerk of the Committee announced the Committee’s detailed report will appear in the newsletter next week.  Acoustic panels in the worship room will be coming soon.  The Committee appreciates suggestions of work needed for our every other month Third Sunday work periods.  Closing procedures have been streamlined, and we are making plans for a 4th Sunday discussion regarding the closing process.  The Committee also hopes that the landscaping project will be completed in somewhat cooler weather.

07.03  Pathfinders Child Care Program:  Elaine B, who along with Rich K, serves as liaison to the program, reported that at the end of the first year the program was very happy with how things went.  Lori Blaine is the new owner of the program and Deb Follansbee the former owner will be her continuing partner as a teacher.  They are on hiatus for the summer and will start again in the fall.  The new lease for one year has been signed by Lori and the Meeting’s Clerk will sign on our behalf.

The Meeting no longer feels the need for a Child Care ad hoc committee and lays it down.  The Meeting wishes to express our gratitude to Dave W., Greg H., Ruth H., and Elaine B. for their tireless service on the ad hoc committee in shepherding the Meeting through the process of bringing our Meetinghouse into fire code compliance and coordinating with the Pathfinders childcare program which operated in our building this past school year.

07.04  Canterbury Cemetery Trustees and Green Burial:  Rich K reported on a meeting with the Canterbury Cemetery Trustees.  The town is entertaining whether it may be possible for members of the Meeting who are not residents of Canterbury to be buried in the town’s cemetery with a green burial.  The Canterbury Cemetery Trustees would like to know the level of interest there may be in the Meeting membership.  This was referred to Ministry and Council for oversight.

07.05  Website Committee:  Jonah S-M reported on the work of the Website Committee and has been named Clerk.  The Committee has defined its purpose with a variety of responsibilities.  The Meeting would like to formally adopt a committee description for the Website Committee, including its purpose or mission, and Friends asked that the committee description be brought back to a future monthly meeting.  The Committee would like to upgrade to the current version of Drupal and to migrate to a new host.  From that point it intends to work with the Outreach Committee to determine what sort of face lift would be helpful.

07.06  Peace Pole.  The Meeting empowers the PSECC Committee to decide on the 8 languages to be on the pole and asks Property Committee to work with them to select the placement and coordinate its installation.

07.07  August Meeting for Business. Friends concluded that we may skip our regularly scheduled August Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.

Following our closing worship Friends adjourned purposing to meet again on Ninth Month 8, 2024 as way opens.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Gregory Heath, Recording Clerk   /s/ Elizabeth Meyer, Presiding Clerk, pro tem

Concord Monthly Meeting

Statement of Operations as of Sixth Month 31, 2024

(8⅓% of Fiscal Year 2025)
Concord Monthly Meeting Statement of Operations* 2024-06-01 – 2024-06-31 Budget – FY 2024-25 Budget Remaining % of Budget Raised
Contributions $1,260      
Interest Income        
Rental Income – Child Care        
Rental Income – Others        
Solar Roof Lease        
Total Income $1,260      
Expenses       % of Budget Spent
1 Program
Finance Committee        
Ministry & Counsel        
Outreach Committee        
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns        
Right Relations        
Website Expense $282      
Youth & Religious Education        
Total Program $282      
2 Property
Data Usage        
Debt Service – Interest, Short Term        
Debt Service – Mortgage, P&I        
Depreciation $318      
Electricity $85      
Insurance $285      
Miscellaneous Expenses        
Snow Removal        
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $41      
Total Property $729      
3 Support
Dover Quarterly Meeting        
Friends Camp        
Friends General Conference (FGC)        
Friends United Meeting        
Interfaith Council        
NEYM - Equalization Fund        
NEYM - General Fund        
NH Council of Churches        
Woolman Hill        
Total Support $0      
Total Expense $1,011      
Net Income $249

* “A budget is a moral document” ~ often attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968)

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting

Statement of Operations as of Fifth Month 31, 2024

(100% of Fiscal Year 2024)
Concord Monthly Meeting Statement of Operations* 2023-06-01 – 2024-05-31 Budget – FY 2023-24 Budget Remaining % of Budget Raised
Contributions $26,207 $27,400 $1,193 96%
Contributions – Capital Funds $33,635 - - -
Interest Income $1,037 $1,090 $53 95%
Rental Income – Child Care $6,540 $5,400 ($1,140) 121%
Rental Income – Others $1,240 $1,200 ($40) 103%
Solar Roof Lease $240 $240 $0 100%
Total Income $68,790 $35,330 - -
Expenses       % of Budget Spent
1 Program
Finance Committee $9 $100 $91 9%
Hospitality $188 $100 ($88) 188%
Library $0 $140 $140 0%
Ministry & Counsel $0 $400 $400 0%
Outreach Committee $20 $175 $155 11%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $123 $150 $27 82%
Right Relations $0 $400 $400 0%
Website Expense $588 $1,000 $412 59%
Youth & Religious Education $107 $300 $193 30%
Total Program $1,036 $2,765 $1,729 37%
2 Property
Data Usage $1,222 $1,200 ($22) 102%
Debt Service – Interest, Short Term $677 $500 ($177) 135%
Debt Service – Mortgage, P&I $251 $3,805    
Depreciation $3,810 $3,810 $0 100%
Electricity $1,002 $1,000 ($2) 100%
Grounds $1,001 $1,000 ($1) 100%
Insurance $2,985 $3,072 $87 97%
Maintenance $1,043 $1,740 $697 60%
Miscellaneous Expenses $0 $500 $500 0%
Snow Removal $1,095 $1,600 $505 68%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $461 $250 ($211) 184%
Wood Pellets $215 $0 ($215) 100%
Total Property $13,763 $18,477 $3,873 79%
3 Support
AFSC $1,889 $1,889 $0 100%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $10 $10 $0 100%
FCNL $162 $162 $0 100%
Friends Camp $323 $323 $0 100%
Friends General Conference (FGC) $159 $159 $0 100%
Friends United Meeting $159 $159 $0 100%
FWCC $227 $227 $0 100%
Interfaith Council $50 $50 $0 100%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $361 $361 $0 100%
NEYM - General Fund $7,465 $7,465 $0 100%
NH Council of Churches $75 $75 $0 100%
Woolman Hill $248 $248 $0 100%
Total Support $11,128 $11,128 $0 100%
Landscaping $0      
Total Expense $25,926 $32,370 $2,888 91%
Net Income $42,863

* “A budget is a moral document” ~ often attributed to Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 – 1968)

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2024

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Fifth Month 31, 2023
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 5th Month 31, 2024    
Current Assets
Checking MCSB $7,529
Money Market MCSB $114
Savings Granite State Cr Union $10
Schwab Cash Account $51
Total Checking/Savings $7,705
Other Current Assets
Pledges Receivable $0
Prepaid Electricity $4,000
Prepaid Expense - Other $282
Prepaid Insurance $1,998
Total Other Current Assets $6,279
Total Current Assets   $13,984
Fixed Assets
Building/Furnishings/Fixtures $513,629
Less Accumulated Depreciation ($36,883)
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $621,146
Other Assets
Granite State Credit Union CD $3,184
Total NH Community Loan Fund $23,361
Total Other Assets   $26,545
TOTAL ASSETS     $661,665
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan $2,785
Total Long-term Liabilities   $2,785
Total Liabilities   $2,785
General Fund Balance  
Fire Safety Improvements $33,635
Land & Building Fund - Other $610,855
General Fund Balance – Other $561
Total General Fund Balance   $611,416
Temp. Restricted Net Assets
Donor Restricted Funds
Asylum Seekers Support Fund (ASSF) $247
Kakamega Family Support Fund $918
Mindful Mortality $975
Social Justice Fund $303
Solar Grant Fund $1,209
Total Donor Restricted Funds $3,652
Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds
Friendly Assistance Fund $950
Total Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds $950
Total Temp. Restricted Net Assets   $4,602
Net Income   $42,863
Total Equity   $658,881

Website Committee report for this Sunday’s Business Meeting

The website committee has met twice to chart our course for the year.  We selected me as the Clerk for the committee.  Mark is still the Meeting’s web clerk.  We identified the primary concerns of the Website Committee.  These are the maintenance of the website, and particularly

  • Its “Outreach” functions
  • Recording of Minutes and other key reference documents for the Meeting
  • The Newsletter
  • Archiving of the Minutes and Newsletter with the archives of New England Yearly Meeting

We want to make sure that the website is accessible, can be maintained by members and attenders of the meeting, and that the existing web presence and links and references that we have built are preserved.

We have taken one set of actions, and decided on our path forward in another area.

Most of our Meeting Minutes and Newsletters have been sent to the New England Yearly Meeting Archives.  We are grateful to the Web Clerk for his efforts.

After reviewing the challenges of maintaining and updating the website in its current form, (primarily the fact that it’s running on a very old version of Drupal), we considered whether the best path forward was to move to a more managed hosting and website plan offered by British Quakers, moving to something like WordPress, or upgrading Drupal with a different hosting provider.  We determined that our best path forward is to move the website to a new host and to upgrade Drupal.  We have some concerns about going to a managed hosting service, since another one (FGC QuakerCloud) recently shut down, and there’s no obvious reason that WordPress would offer us anything that an up-to-date Drupal does not.

Our next action on this front will be to find a new web host, move the Meeting website there, and upgrade to a recent (and supported) version of Drupal.  If this costs more than the Website Committee’s annual budget, we will come back to the Meeting with a request for additional funds.

After we have completed the upgrade, we expect that it would be productive to talk to the Outreach Committee about whether a redesign of some parts of the website would be in order.

If Friends would like to suggest other priorities for the website besides those listed above, or have suggestions for changes they would like to see on the site, we welcome that feedback.

