2023-10-22 Newsletter of

Concord Friends Meeting

A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends

Click here to subscribe to this newsletter

“In peace [children] bury their parents,

In war [parents] bury their children.”


(Greek historian and geographer, 484 BC-425 BC)

The Meeting Calendar

Masks are optional in the Meetinghouse. Please refer to the following link for more information.  COVID GUIDANCE for In-Person Worship. (more info).

Day Date Time Event
Sunday October 22nd 10:00 a.m.

Meeting for Worship & Potluck.  For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

First Day School Teacher: Ruth;

With Children: TBD;

Closing: Juliet & Elaine B.

    11:30 a.m. Potluck
    12:30 p.m. Fourth Sunday Presentation: Sara S. and her visit to Kenya
Mid-week TBD TBD If interested in mid-week Worship, please contact Rich K. at klnschmdt [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Mid-week%20Worship)
Saturday October 28th 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. AFSC-NH "Fun"draiser: Dover Friends Meetinghouse
Sunday October 29th 10:00 a.m.

Meeting for Worship & Fellowship.  For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) .

First Day School Teacher: Elaine B;

With Children: Faith;

Closing: Rich K & James F.

    11:30 a.m. Brown Bag/Potluck
    1:00 p.m. Dover Quarterly Meeting at Concord Friends Meetinghouse in Canterbury, NH (This will be a hybrid meeting: contact doverqm [at] neym [dot] org (subject: Zoom%20link%20for%20Dover%20QM%20at%20Concord%20MM%20on%20October%2029%2C%202023) for the address or the Zoom link).
Saturday November 4th 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. AFSC-NH "Fun"draiser: Hanover Friends Meetinghouse

Dates to Remember

In this Issue: (click to go directly to that section)

2023 CROP Walk

Thanks so very much to those who supported CROP Walk this year.  We had four walkers and had a great time!

There's still time to donate; you have at least another month.  I will provide an update of our contributions once I receive the final numbers.

To donate, click here: https://events.crophungerwalk.org/2023/team/concord-friends-meeting

Note that donations online can be made anonymously if you wish.  Alternatively, you can donate by writing a check payable to CWS/CROP Walk and mail to: Sheryl Ingraham, 4 Fogg Street, Concord, NH. 03301

Please contact Sheryl Ingraham if you have any questions at: sheryl [dot] ingraham [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: 2023%20CROP%20Walk)

NEYM Israel Palestine

NEYM’s Israel-Palestine Resource Group exist to support local meetings.  Their resource page for meetings looking to engage in the topic is here and they can be contacted at israel-palestine [at] neym [dot] org

The group is hosting a Zoom-based conversation with Steve Chase, who has recently traveled to Israel-Palestine, on November 12th at 7:00 p.m.  Sign up to get the link here.

Afghan Dinner Fundraiser

A group of us from the UU and South Churches have been working with a family with four kids from Afghanistan.  When they were fleeing the country, four of their other children did not make it through the airport gate.  As of yesterday, they all have passports, so now we are raising funds to make sure we can get them home when the State Department moves on their case.

Because the kids are in so much danger, we aren't using any social media, but please pass this on to anyone who might be interested. The food will be delicious and knowing that she is working on her children's behalf has already lightened Shazia's - aka mom - heart.  She needs the love of this community.


Cheryl Bourassa

Closing Volunteers Still Needed

The rotation is currently a bit more often than it had been due to absences; about once every 5 weeks.  A few more people volunteering would be appreciated.  Please contact Jennifer S. to help out.

AFSC-NH Fundraisers in Dover and Hanover


Concord Friends will be hosting one of three "fun"draisers for AFSC-NH on Oct. 14 from 1 to 4 p.m. Expect to be invited to participate by contributing an hors d'oeuvre, or a talent in performance, or a hand with clean-up later this Fall. We'll provide info about signing up later. But most of all, plan to come! If you can't make it for our own event, there are two other Meetings hosting similar events so there's sure to be one you can attend. The word from AFSC-NH:

Friends, you are invited to join AFSC NH at Lift Our Hearts & Raise Our Spirits, three unique in-person events for our annual Fall fundraiser to support our work to help build a more just and loving community. These afternoon gatherings will be opportunities to connect and inspire each other with games, song, spoken word, art and delicious food. All are welcome!

  • October 28 - 1pm-4pm: Dover Friends Meeting - Join us for arts, crafts & games!
  • November 4 - 1pm-4pm: Hanover Friends Meeting - Join us to hear from AFSC's General Secretary Joyce Ajlouny and Economic Justice Director, Rick Wilson!

All are welcome to join us!  The suggested donation is $20 to $50 to support the work of AFSC-NH. Please pay as led; we do not want money to be an obstacle to your joining the celebrations.  Contact //afscnh [at] afsc [dot] org" target="_blank" title="Link to AFSC NH Program webpage">afscnh [at] afsc [dot] org with any questions or comments.

CFM Walkers

A walk for CFM members and attenders is still in the planning stage.  The walk on Tuesday, October 24th, will be in the Plymouth, NH area.  If interested, call or email Kathy Urie: kju138 [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: CFM%20Walkers) / 603-296-5659.

2023 NEYM Epistle

The New England Yearly Meeting Epistle has been sent out. (Click above) Even if you did not attend, reading this epistle will give you a sense of what occurred and how the Spirit moved among Friends during Sessions.

Update on the Ramallah Friends School, in the West Bank (not Gaza) as of 10/18/2023

From Rania Maayeh, Head of School, Ramallah

Since the war began, our RFS community has felt uncertain, stressed, and scared.  The news keeps reminding us of what’s happening, and our students and staff with family and friends in Gaza are constantly worried.

It’s important to know that about twenty-one of our faculty and staff and roughly four students have to travel on risky roads to reach our school.  They have to go through checkpoints or near settlements, and that can be tough.  The checkpoints are often closed, and even when they’re open, it’s still hard because of the long waits, causing delays.  The roads near settlements are not safe either.

Despite the challenging times, we are dedicated to providing our students with a semblance of normalcy when nothing seems ordinary.  We offer both online and in-person classes for those who can attend.  However, when teachers are unable to make it, we must find replacements, a decision that is often made on a daily basis.  On Monday, we had seven staff members, five of whom couldn’t come due to the situation.  We remain flexible in our approach, as we’ve had to transition the entire school to online learning twice in the past week.  We are prepared to make the necessary transitions when needed.

Our primary concern is the well-being of our students and staff.  We are making sure that everyone’s emotions are okay.  Our counselors provide support, and we brought in an expert who understands yoga and breathing.  This person began working with our students just a couple of days ago and will continue with us for at least a week.  These are challenging times for our students, even though we’re trying our best to shield them from the distressing news.  They can still hear about what’s going on.

As I mentioned, we’re taking things daily and making decisions based on what’s happening.  The shelling of the Al Ahli Episcopal Hospital left us profoundly shocked and in mourning, a sentiment shared by the entire country. Consequently, the government is mourning, and we suspended in-person and online classes today.  Tonight, we are tasked with convening with fellow school leaders to determine our course of action for tomorrow.

It is incredibly challenging for adults and children to fully grasp the magnitude of what has transpired and the shock of the high number of lives lost.  The children in Gaza are living in constant fear and desperately require protection.  While we recognize this pressing need to protect the children in Gaza, we are equally conscious of the profound shock experienced by our own students in the wake of recent events.  Therefore, we are responsible for providing them with a platform to express their fears and emotions while nurturing an environment defined by care, empathy, and unwavering support.

As we navigate these turbulent times together, our mission remains resolute: to serve as a beacon of strength and compassion in a world where uncertainty prevails.  I want to share the profound insight shared by one of our senior students who highlighted the stark reality that the number of children who have tragically lost their lives is equivalent to, if not more than, the number of children within our school campuses.  Pondering the possibility of our students facing such a fate underscores the complexity of life and the necessity for enduring compassion so that our humanity does not fail us.

Prayer suggestions:

  • Pray for protection for members of the RFS community.
  • Pray for our students who are traumatized by this war.
  • Pray for our counselors and teachers as they respond to the RFS community's educational, emotional, and spiritual needs.
  • Pray for our administrators and board who are guiding RFS during these challenging days.
  • Pray for a lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.

Plastic-Bag Recycling Reminder

Concord Friends Meeting has agreed to begin collecting plastic bags to reduce the amount of plastic sent to the landfill and turn it into benches that will be placed on community trails.  A box to collect the plastic will be located in the mechanical/utility room of the Meetinghouse.  The plastic does not have to be marked as recyclable; any clean, flexible plastic bag-like material can be collected.  If you have any questions, contact Sheryl Ingraham at 410-972-1222.

Thanks in advance for your support!

Gifts of the Spirit

Pendell Hill Workshop (1979)

The membership of a Friends Meeting or of the Society of Friends, is made up of persons of varying abilities...some members have gifts of teaching and counseling, or of organization and administration or of vocal ministry or public speaking...but all are co-workers in witness to our faith and in the service of love and justice among people and nations.

Questions, comments, suggestions?  Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter%20Submission)

From Past Issues:

  • Ben Lomand Quaker Center
  • October Minutes
  • How to Make Submissions

Ben Lomand Quaker Center

Offers a daily online meeting for worship from 7:30-8:00 a.m. Pacific Time (10:30–11:00 a.m. Eastern Time).  You can join them from anyplace in the world! online meeting for worship

Concord’s October Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business

The draft minutes for the October 2023 meeting for worship with attention to business are available at https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/2023-10-08_CMM_Minutes or via https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/Minutes_of_ConcordMonthlyMeeting.

For corrections, missing documents, and/or clarifications of the minutes, please reply to web clerk, Concord Friends Meeting (WebClerk [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: CFM-Tenth%20Month%20Minutes) )

Submission for this Newsletter

Dear Friends,

If you have information to share via this Newsletter please have your information submitted to ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter%20Submission) by 5:00 PM on Thursdays.

  • Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
  • Please remove any formatting if you are able.
  • Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share.
  • Typically the announcements will go out by Friday.  It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
  • The Newsletter Gmail account is used by Juliet.  Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.
  • And finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.

Juliet Curran, Newsletter Editor

Are you wanting information from past announcements and newsletters?

Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements and Newsletters

Are you wanting to donate to Concord Monthly Meeting?

Visit this page on our web site for more information: Donations