2023-06-30 Newsletter of

Concord Friends Meeting

A Monthly Meeting in Dover Quarter of New England Yearly Meeting, Religious Society of Friends

Click here to subscribe to this newsletter

The wonderful thing about faith is that it works.  The wonderful thing about silence is that it speaks.

The wonderful thing about peace is that it conquers in the end.  (Gleanings, 1995, Faith and Practice, Canadian Yearly Meeting)

The Meeting Calendar

Please socially distance for all indoor events and mask when not eating or drinking.  Please refer to the following link for more information. (COVID guidance for In-Person Worship).

Day Date Time Event
Sunday July 2nd 10:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship & Fellowship.  For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Closing: James F. and Rich K. With Children: Jennifer and Greg.
Wednesday July 5th 9:00 a.m. Midweek Meeting for Worship
Sunday July 9th 10:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship & Potluck, followed by Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business.  For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Closing: Kathy U. and Chris H. With Children: Juliet B. & TBD.
Wednesday July 12th 10:00 a.m. Midweek Meeting for Worship
Sunday July 16th 10:00 a.m. Meeting for Worship & Fellowship, followed by Meetinghouse Clean-Up.  For Zoom link, email Zoom [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org (subject: %E2%80%9CWorship%E2%80%9D%20Zoom%20Link%20Request) . Closing: Ruth & Greg H. With Children: Dave & Sharon.
Wednesday July 19th 9:00 a.m. Midweek Meeting for Worship
Saturday July 29th 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Canterbury Fair!!! (see below)


Signups for Summer Child Care Needed

Those of you who have had background checks should have received an email this week asking you to sign up for summer childcare. If you didn't get it or if you'd like to become part of the 'helpers', contact Ruth at ruthmheath [at] comcast [dot] net (subject: CMM%20YRE%20Child%20Care) . We need two people each week to supervise indoor or outdoor free play. There is no First Day teaching until September.

Thanks on behalf of our children!

- Youth Religious Education Committee

After-fellowship Cleaning on July 16th

Update: Lots of rain is predicted for Sunday so our cleaning day will focus on cleaning soot and dust out of the mechanical room, getting junk down from and out of the attic, and window cleaning.  We hope you can join in this work to prepare for a more crowded meetinghouse as we host the new childcare program!

If the weather improves, Friends should plan to do mostly outdoor work.  If you know you can't be there for that time, we will have a list of residual tasks to send out afterward so that Friends can plan to do them over the next few weeks.  If you won't be available much for the following several weeks and are anxious to do some work around the Meetinghouse and grounds before 7/16, send a note to PropertyCommittee [at] ConcordFriendsMeeting [dot] org and we will let you know what would be helpful.  The next scheduled group cleaning activity will be the third Sunday of September.

Canterbury Fair - July 29th: Spread the Word about Quakers AND Have Fun

The YRE Committee is organizing outreach at the Canterbury Fair, July 29, hoping to reach potential families and others who might be in search of a spiritual home. We need your help!

Friday, July 28, in the late afternoon/early evening we'll need 2 people to bring tables, chairs, tents, and plastic boxes of supplies to the Center (and maybe set up the tents if no wind is predicted).

The Fair begins Saturday at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 p.m.  For each 1½- to 2-hour shift we'll need:

  • one person (at least) with the Puppets for Peace kids activity, and
  • another person under the adult tent, to hand out ice water and outreach material (if requested) and answer questions.

When you're not helping out, there is so much to do and eat and buy: the legendary Book Sale, the scrump-deli-luscious Chicken BBQ, the antiques, the live music, the kids games, the frappes(!), the sundaes, the baked goods, the tacos, the "Grill", the What Not Sale, the Morris Dancers.  Plan to make it a day and spread the word about Quakers and what we offer to a world in need of peace and hope and love.

"Please email Ruth if you can help - ruthmheath [at] comcast [dot] net (subject: Canterbury%20Fair) . Thanks!"

An Invitation to Annual Sessions of New England Yearly Meeting:

Friends around New England and beyond—you are invited to the 363rd Annual Sessions of New England Yearly Meeting, August 4–9, 2023!

Last year we pioneered hybrid sessions, with some of you attending at Castleton University, and others participating by Zoom. Continuing that successful experiment, our focus this year is building connections, strengthening local meetings, and practicing our faith together. Our schedule has been built with attention to creating time for sitting with old F/friends and making new ones.

Click here for more information

Ben Lomand Quaker Center

Offers a daily online meeting for worship from 7:30-8:00 a.m. Pacific Time (10:30–11:00 a.m. Eastern Time).  You can join them from anyplace in the world! online meeting for worship

Questions, comments, suggestions?  Email us at: ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter%20Submission)

From Past Issues:

  • Draft minutes for the June 2023 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
  • Circle of Music
  • Quaker Podcasts
  • New Hampshire Pow Wows
  • COVID Information from other Meetings

Draft Minutes:

The draft minutes for the June 2023 meeting for worship with attention to business are available at https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/2023-06-11_CMM_Minutes or via https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/Minutes_of_ConcordMonthlyMeeting.

For corrections, missing documents, and/or clarifications of the minutes, please reply to web clerk, Concord Friends Meeting <webclerk [at] concordfriendsmeeting [dot] org (subject: CMM%20June%202023%20Minutes) >.

Sample of Quaker Podcasts:

Pow Wows in New Hampshire:

Here is a list of Pow Wows in New Hampshire.  They are fun, interesting, and you can learn more about Indigenous culture. A great way to show support! https://calendar.powwows.com/events/categories/pow-wows/pow-wows-in-new-hampshire/

COVID Information From Other Meetings:

Click here for an interesting read on the practices of 14 Meetings around our Quarter and the Yearly Meeting.

Submission for this Newsletter

Dear Friends,

If you have information to share via this Newsletter please have your information submitted to ConcordFriendsNewsletter [at] gmail [dot] com (subject: Newsletter%20Submission) by 5:00 PM on Thursdays

  • Items should begin with a headline followed by text that can be copied and pasted without editing.
  • Please remove any formatting if you are able.
  • Please keep postings directly related to the Meeting or activities and groups supported by the Meeting, or personal news to share. 
  • Typically the announcements will go out by Friday.  It is our intention to acknowledge receipt of all submissions.  If you don't receive an acknowledgment we probably have not seen your message, and it would be helpful if you followed up with us.
  • The Newsletter Gmail account is owned by Wendy, but it is also used by Juliet.  Look for the signature to be clear who the actual sender is.
  • And finally, it's best to keep your Zoom links in a handy place in case the announcements are not sent in a given week.

Juliet Curran / Wendy Lapham Newsletter Editors

Are you wanting information from past announcements and newsletters?

Visit this page on our web site: Past Announcements and Newsletters

Are you wanting to donate to Concord Monthly Meeting?

Visit this page on our web site for more information: Donations