CMM 2022-09-11

Minutes of Meeting for Worship with Concern for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of

the Religious Society of Friends

Ninth Month 11th, 2022

 Friends gathered in worship to attend to business, in person and by Zoom.  We opened with a brief period of Worship.

Minutes of Seventh month were approved as posted on the Meeting website.

09.01  Property Committee has a written report that will be shared electronically as well as through copies distributed to those physically present in the Meetinghouse.  The clerk of the committee read out a brief summary of the report.  Friends accepted the report.

09.02  Nominating Committee has sent a nomination of Chris Haigh to the solar committee.  This will replace Jennifer Smith who is stepping off.  We approved that nomination.

They also brought a suggestion they received that the Friends who are involved with newsletter announcements, social media, and our website could benefit from making this a formal committee of the Meeting.  The clerk will ask Nominating to gather thoughts from those Friends involved with these tasks to discern what the particulars are pertaining to the structure and functions of this media committee.  This will come back to a future meeting for worship with attention to business.

09.03  Outreach Committee reported their sense that Meeting is doing a good job in welcoming new attenders.  They invite feedback from other Friends about any thoughts and suggestions that they feel would benefit our outreach efforts.

09.04  Finance Committee reported on the first quarter of our new fiscal year.  Total income for the quarter was $5,103.   Total expense for the period was $5,584 for a decrease in our funds of $481.52.    Full financial report is attached.  Friends accepted the report.

Financial Summary
Total Income: $5,103
Total Expenses: $5,584
Net Income: -$482  

09.05  Pandemic Response Team requested that Meeting schedule a hybrid gathering for listening to Friends’ and attenders’ thoughts about pandemic restrictions going forward.  It was suggested that the Fourth Sunday of this month would be appropriate.  Friends were comfortable with this with the assent of the members of the Ministry and Counsel committee.

09.06  Property Available: James F brought a suggestion that we might want to try to buy the property across the street from the Meetinghouse.  The owner, who had recently purchased the land for less than it was marketed for, died recently.  The thought is that the heirs may be amenable to a quick sale without the involvement of a real estate agent.  Some Friends felt that an ad hoc committee should formulate some reasoning around what Meeting might use the property for and how the funds for the purchase would be raised.  An ad hoc committee was formed with three members present (James Farquhar, Rich Kleinschmidt, and Pat Wallace).  We will also look for others who might be interested in joining the ad hoc group.

09.07  Solar Array Ownership: Jennifer S brought her desire to give the solar array and other assets of Oxbow Solar, or the business itself, to the Meeting this year.  The solar committee is tasked with researching how this should move forward and bringing their recommendation to Meeting.

After a brief time of quiet worship, Meeting adjourned, purposing to meet again on the Second Sunday of the Tenth Month.

Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Jennifer Smith, Recording Clerk   /s/ Heidi Babb, Presiding Co-Clerk

Concord Monthly Meeting

Statement of Operations as of Eighth Month 31, 2022

(25% of Fiscal Year 2023)
Concord Monthly Meeting Statement of Operations 2022-06-01 – 2022-08-31 Budget – FY 2022-23 Budget Remaining % of Budget
Contributions $4,663 $27,400 $22,738 17%
Interest Income $0 $810 $810 0%
Grants $0 $0 $0 0%
Rental Income $440 $900 $460 49%
Solar Roof Lease $0 $240 $240 0%
Total Income $5,103 $29,350 $24,248 17%
Finance Committee $0 $30 $30 0%
Hospitality $0 $100 $100 0%
Library $0 $140 $140 0%
Ministry & Counsel $0 $400 $400 0%
Outreach Committee $0 $175 $175 0%
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns $0 $150 $150 0%
Right Relations $0 $400 $400 0%
Website Expense $148 $1,000 $852 15%
Youth & Religious Education $0 $300 $300 0%
Total Program $148 $2,695 $2,547 5%
Data Usage $240 $960 $720 25%
Debt Service $952 $3,805 $2,853 25%
Donation in Lieu of Taxes $0 $500 $500 0%
Electricity $250 $1,000 $750 25%
Grounds $30 $100 $70 30%
Insurance $704 $2,890 $2,186 24%
Maintenance $96 $1,180 $1,084 8%
Replacement Reserve Expense $953 $3,810 $2,858 25%
Snow Removal $0 $1,600 $1,600 0%
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance $67 $250 $183 27%
Wood Pellets $517 $1,200 $683 43%
Total Property $3,808 $17,295 $13,487 22%
AFSC $333 $1,640 $1,07 20%
Dover Quarterly Meeting $0 $10 $10 0%
FCNL $0 $157 $157 0%
Friends Camp $0 $314 $314 0%
FWCC $0 $68 $68 0%
Interfaith Council $0 $50 $50 0%
NEYM - Equalization Fund $0 $314 $314 0%
NEYM - General Fund $1,295 $6,491 $5,196 20%
NH Council of Churches $0 $75 $75 0%
Woolman Hill $0 $241 $491 0%
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Support $1,629 $9,360 $7,731 17%
Total Expense $5,584 $29,350 $23,766 19%
Net Income ($481.52)

NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding.  This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.  —  Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh.

Concord Monthly Meeting FY 2023

Accrual Basis Balance Sheet as of Eighth Month 31, 2022
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet 8th Month 31, 2022    
Current Assets
Checking 123410166 $20,797
Money Market 101049498 $6,605
Total Checking/Savings $27,401
Other Current Assets
Prepaid Electricity $5,751
Prepaid Expense – Other $0
Prepaid Insurance $939
Total Other Current Assets $6,690
Total Current Assets   $34,091
Fixed Assets
Building $466,455
Land (including new lot) $144,400
Total Fixed Assets   $610,855
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund   $23,982
TOTAL ASSETS     $668,928
Long-term Liabilities
Mortgage Loan $9,723
Total Long-term Liabilities   $9,723
Total Liabilities   $9,723
General Fund Balance  
Land & Building Fund $610,855
General Fund Balance – Other ($8,134)
Total General Fund Balance   $602,721
Temp. Restricted Net Assets
Donor Restricted Funds
Asylum Seekers Support Fund (ASSF) $300
Kakamega Family Support Fund $794
Mindful Mortality $475
Social Justice Fund $603
Solar Grant Fund $1,209
Total Donor Restricted Funds $3,382
Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds
Blended Meeting Technology $183
Building & Grounds Fund $485
Friendly Assistance Fund $1,000
Operating Reserve $2,000
Replacement Reserve $49,915
Total Meeting Temp. Restricted Funds $53,583
Total Temp. Restricted Net Assets   $56,965
Net Income   ($482)
Total Equity   $659,205

Property Committee Report for 2022-09-11

There was a glitch in getting the sound mitigation materials ordered.  We are planning to get that done soon and then have a work party to install the panels.  If there is a substantial price

Increase since our initial quote a few months back, the committee will consider whether there are less expensive alternatives available prior to ordering.

We agreed to moving forward in the near future with repair of the sandbox.  We will also try to improve the safety of the play structure especially regarding safe swinging capacity.

The calendar for rental of building will be put on announcements with viewing permissions only with a link on the web site so that anyone can check for an opening.  Scheduling of use will continue to be through the property committee clerk according to the established guidance.

Every other month community building cleaning on third Sundays: JJ to coordinate next Sunday.

We decided we can leave screens on this Winter.  It is easy enough to pop out to clean and then put them back that there is little point in needing to take them up to the attic storage.

Two committee members are researching how to effectively improve air quality in the MH without disrupting our worship experience.

We are planning a small roof on side of shed to protect the generator after moving it outside.  This will make it easier to access other tools and materials that are better kept inside.

Lynda Dyer is donating a picnic table that YRE would like in the play area.  Two committee members agreed to arrange getting that.

There is interest in making it possible to comfortably have social interaction outside in rainy weather. Initial thoughts are around a pavilion screened area.  Some feedback from the rest of Meeting will need to be collected before beginning further consideration of that idea.

For property committee

Jennifer Smith, clerk