DQM 2022-07-31

Dover Quarterly Meeting

Meeting virtually via Zoom.

31 July 2022


  • Concord - Mark Barker, Rob Spencer, Kathi Connors
  • Dover - Jeremiah Dickinson, Beth Collea, Ginny Kristl
  • Gonic - Candace Cole-McCrea
  • New England, Nashua - Niva Muchuma, Sychellus Njibwakale
  • North Sandwich - Susan Wiley
  • Souhegan -
  • Weare/Henniker - Ann Ludders, Dick Ludders, Marian Baker
  • West Epping - regrets from Bridget Rogier (no Zoom capability)
  • Visiting - Judith Nandikove from Nairobi YM.

17/22  Minutes of May 29 — Previous minutes were approved as written.

18/22  Treasurers report was approved as written.

19/22  World Quaker Day. Kathi reported that there is a new historical museum in Pittsfield.  She did a site visit.  She is proposing we hold a meeting for World Quaker Day - 2 October on the theme of “We are Still Here.”  She is inviting other meetings to take part.  Kathi will explain about the meeting house.  It was suggested to have someone share about where Friends are in NH and in the rest of the world.  Weare has exhibits on those two topics.  Richard Ludders, Clerk of Weare (who has the care of the Pittsfield Meetinghouse) that Pittsfield Meetinghouse is used by the local community for community events, and Weare holds one meeting for worship each year (as required by the deed.  There is no heat available. We will need to rent a port-a- potty, as the three hole outhouse is not available for use.  Kathi will advertise in nearby towns about the event.  We will hold worship in morning, brown bag lunch, then have the public event at 1 p.m.  We approved holding this event.  Friends are asked to contact Kathi if you want to be involved.  (Kathi [dot] connors [at] gmail [dot] com).  She is on Concord Meeting Outreach Committee.

20/22  Quaker gifts query. Candace query for the Quarter. Candace asked if we could gather a group who, using all our many years of experience as Quakers to help others who are in difficulty, those who can’t work together if they don’t agree with each other.  She wants to start with Quakers.  Covid has made many of us ruder, missing the basic kindness towards each other. We can talk to each other via Zoom, if we can’t get together face to face.  We as Quakers each have different gifts, and we need to share with each other. Look beyond the visible signs and banners, to find how much we have in common with our neighbors.  AVP is one of the resources we Quakers have to solve problems that seem retractable or difficult to bridge.  It was suggest that a book be found of people who were able to reach unity.  It is important not to assume that all the older people amongst us have something to give, Have we lost our energy that enabled us to deal with such difficulties in the past?  We need workshops, and other basic educational opportunities.  Another skill set we Quakers can offer is practice of deep listening.  Reach out to Candace if you want to work with her. (snowyowl [at] metrocast [dot] net or 603-652-7594)

21/22  Update on Gathering for Ministers in New England. Jeremiah has talked with Marian

and Brian (our two local recorded ministers).  We need to let active ministers to talk shop. The gathering will be held on Saturday, October 15th. at Dover.  Jeremiah, Brian, and Marian will prepare a number of queries to help gather the right people

22/22  News of Meetings:

Concord – Had booth at Canterbury Fair - a place to rest and have water and chat, to share Info. about Concord Meeting- and an activity for kids making sock puppets.  A core 7 points of our beliefs. Kathi shared that a post worship discussion with Polish and Ukrainian Friends in July included sharing the points in the FGC handout on “What do Quakers Believe?".  It was translated into several languages, with heads nodding and smiles as each point was spoken, which gave the sense they were all in agreement.  The link is https://www.fgcquaker.org/fgcresources/for-you-meeting/newcomer-cards/

Mark sent the following reference of the original source of the sharing to put in the minutes: What do Quakers Believe?  By Durham, Geoffrey. Hampshire, UK Christian Alternative Books 2019, ©2018. Softcover. 70 pages.

Dover – Sunday school is building a cardboard meetinghouse dollhouse and sharing about the inward journey and outward life of Quakers.  Their sanctuary is getting a large grant to renovate the lower level to house asylum seekers.

Gonic – Had five new people recently.  Have one neighbor taking care of the meetinghouse.- with help from his Mormon church including painting inside the meetinghouse.

Nashua – New England Evangelical Friends.  They are grateful to God for the blessing of Judith Nandikove, a guest from Kenya who is visiting them.  She challenged them, ”Where are the young people in the meeting”?  We all need to get the youth involved.

North Sandwich – Worked with local elementary school - went into classrooms - talking about what is happening in the nation, the world, and with Quakers and sharing about the History of Quakers that are in the local graveyard.  The children helped clean the graveyard, and took a walk in the town with the Quakers that was fun for all. Friends have also done work on window sashes so they can be opened easily and are working on the repair of their old pump organ.  Coordinating Crop walk. No children in the meeting at this time.

Weare – They have enjoyed meeting with local Abenakis. They finished the acknowledgement sign mounted on the meetinghouse outside.  Marian shared about History Alive, a two day event at three sites in Hillsboro.  It will include a speaker on the Underground railroad in NH (including the Quaker involvement), and several Abenaki events next to the Contoocook River.  Check www.historyalivenh.org if you are interested in attending.

West Epping – Bridget reported to our clerk (as she does not have zoom access) that they had a new well and septic system installed, and handicap access.  Will have a bathroom soon.  They meet one at a time in the meetinghouse during Covid.

23/22  Next meeting will be on October 30th.

Meeting adjourned purposing to meet again on October 30th.

Respectfully Submitted by,   Accepted as the Approved Record,
/s/ Marian Baker, Recording Clerk   /s/ Jeremiah Dickinson, Presiding Clerk

Dover Quarterly Meeting of Friends

New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, Religious Society of Friends

℅ LeeAnn M Stevens, Treasurer, 400 Webster St, Manchester, NH 03104

Treasurer’s Report for 2022-05-29 – 2022-07-31
Holdings at Holy Rosary Credit Union (Rochester, NH), Beginning Balances as of 2022-05-29
Checking Account $669.40   Allocation
Savings Account $1,005.23 Unrestricted Funds $562.94
Certificate of Deposit $0.00 Restricted Funds $1,111.69
TOTAL $1,674.63 TOTAL $1,674.63
Holdings at Holy Rosary Credit Union (Rochester, NH), Ending Balances as of 2022-07-30
Checking Account $379.40   Allocation
Savings Account $1,005.31 Unrestricted Funds $572.94
Certificate of Deposit $0.00 Restricted Funds $811.77
TOTAL $1,384.71 TOTAL $1,384.71
Unrestricted Funds
2022-05-28 Beginning Balance   $562.94
2022-06-10 Donation: Con MM (received with gratitude) $10.00  
2022-07-30 Ending Balance   $672.94
Restricted Funds**
2022-05-28 Beginning Balance   $1,111.69
2022-05-30 Marian Baker (ck 421) to support ministry in Africa -$300.00  
2022-05-31 Deposit dividend $0.04  
2022-06-30 Deposit dividend $0.04  
2022-07-30 Ending Balance   $811.77

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ LeeAnn M Stevens

Treasurer, submitted 2022-07-30

**Restricted Funds are the “Mary G. Morrell and Horatio S. Morrell Trust Funds.  Such funds are dedicated to help ‘poor...ministers… in the service of the Lord.’”