2021-05-20 Announcements for
Concord Friends Meeting
The Meeting Calendar
Sun May 23 10:15 AM Meeting for Worship followed by a 4th Sunday program: Apology to Native Americans - a listening session Zoom Link
Sat May 29 7:30 PM Story Telling. Zoom link
Wed Jun 2 - Sat Jun 5 Bear Brook State Park Camping trip
Sun Jun 27- Sat July 3 Friends General Conference (FGC) (virtual)
Shed Painting Friday Noon
The tool shed needs a fresh coat of stain and battens nailed up. We are planning to use a nail gun so that should go quickly. A crew of 2 or three will also make the work go quickly. If anyone is available this Friday (tomorrow) around noon please contact Greg. Simply reply to this email.
Trauma Tree
Sara shared a poem, Trauma Tree, at meeting last week. You can read the poem and see her photo of the tree on Mt. Kearsarge here.
Preparing for Blended Meetings
Comcast is installing service today at the meetinghouse. Thank you Richard for meeting the technician. Watch for news soon about when in-person meetings can resume.
We count on folks who come to meeting in the meetinghouse to help with closing up the building on Sundays along with some light cleaning. Please contact Jennifer if you have an interest in helping out with this. No experience is required. JJ Smith <jaycmd7699 [at] gmail [dot] com>
Those who participate via Zoom will be needed to help with Zoom greeting and monitoring of the Zoom session. If you have two devices, other than a cell phone, you will be well equipped. Training will be provided including real-time observation/support until you are comfortable with the role. Please be in touch with Ruth if you could be interested. RuthMHeath [at] comcast [dot] net
Book Groups
One of the book groups is finished with Braiding Sweetgrass. They plan on switching their meeting time to Thursday mornings from 9-10 am. but there will be no meeting on June 3rd. They will start reading How to be an Antiracist, by Ibram X. Kendi. on May 20, on Sara's link. Contact Sara to join in or for more information. Newcomers welcome!
The Monday morning (10-11:30) book group will be finished in about three weeks. This group likes to go slow and read the text closely! We are leaning toward reading The Gatherings, By Shirley Hager and Mawopiyane ( the collective from the Gatherings) but also considering My Grandmother's Hands. We welcome newcomers too. contact Sara.
4th Sunday is this week!
Some Resources on Indigenous People Issues
The following list of resources, provided by Sara, is commended to you. The listing will appear again over the next three weeks since it may take some time to take them all in. Do read the "Apology" before 4th Sunday if you can.
Moral injury and Quaker Boarding Schools- This has a Quaker Speak video and Friends Journal article, both by Paula Palmer, embedded. Since she also reads the article, it too can be listened to as a podcast. This would be a good overall intro to the subject of the apology from a quaker perspective. copy and paste link.
- Thanksgiving address video: https://danceforallpeople.com/haudenosaunee-thanksgiving-address/haudenosaunee-thanksgiving-address-20/
- Mascots and Monuments in NH: https://indigenousnh.com/mascots-and-monuments/
- What about the Hannah Duston Site? https://www.unityparkndakinna.net/
- ExhibitatStrawberryBanke Museum: https://www.strawberybanke.org/dawnland.cfm
- Abenaki Trails project: https://www.abenakitrails.com/
- copy of the Apology: https://neym.org/sites/default/files/2020-09/Apology.pdf
- Series of videos of the Doctrine of Discovery given by Lisa Graustein https://neym.org/recordings/news/invitation-2019-annual-sessions-plenary
- Indigenous NH A collaborative working on Indigenous issues in NH https://indigenousnh.com/
Dover Quarter Meeting
Dover Quarterly Meeting gathers again on Sunday, May 30th at 12:30 pm. The Zoom link is at the end of this email.
The draft agenda includes:
- Introductions
- Approval of January 31 minutes (attached)
- Treasurer’s report
- NEYM Letter of Apology
- Update on Dover Sanctuary Renewal project
- Brief reports from recorded ministers in Quarter
- Additional updates from meetings
Please let me know if there are other items you would like included. I am looking forward to being with you on May 30.
Minutes of April Meeting for Business
Draft minutes for Fourth Month 2021 are now on the website at https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/2021-04-11_CMM_Minutes or via https://www.concordfriendsmeeting.org/Minutes_of_ConcordMonthlyMeeting
In love, and peace, and tenderness,