2021-04-29 Announcements for

Concord Friends Meeting

The Meeting Calendar

Sat    May     1    7:30 PM   Story Telling. Zoom link.  Note new time!

Sun   May      2  10:15 AM   Meeting for Worship. Zoom Link

Sun   May      2    1:30 PM  Spring Outdoor Workday (see details below)

Wed Jun 2 - Sat Jun 5         Bear Brook State Park Camping trip   - see updated info below 

Sun Jun 27- Sat July 3        Friends General Conference (FGC) (virtual)

COVID-19 Survey - rsvp

The small group charged with reviewing safety concerns related to COVID-19, the meetinghouse, and in-person worship met recently and developed a short survey to help gauge our comfort levels with returning to the meetinghouse for worship in the near future. Members are Sara, Jennifer, Rob and Wendy. 

The group is hopeful for speedy responses.  Please rsvp by visiting this link as soon as you can.  If you have difficulty with the technology, please contact one of the committee members. Here is the link or enter it manually in your browser.  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/W5CRGNX

Sunday May 2, Spring Outdoor Work Day 

Please come and join us in the afternoon at 1:30, May 2.  We have lots to do to get our space spruced up. It will be great to see one another in person as well.  We are planning a break at 2:30 to 2:45.  Bring a snack to share if you are able and enjoy socially distanced conversation. Bring work gloves as well. Masks won't be needed if we are socially distanced and outside which is the plan. Visit this Google Doc (Click here) to see all the choices and to sign up!  If the technology presents any difficulty, just let us know and we'll fix things up for you. Can't work that day?  No problem.  Choose any time to reunite with 11 Oxbow Pond Rd.  Questions/ Contact Greg who is organizing or simply reply to this email.

The End of our Meeting's Year Approaches

Our year ends May 31.  We will be hearing from our Nominating and Finance Committees at Meeting for Business in May. If you have spent money for the Meeting please submit your receipts so they can be recorded and reimbursed. If you plan to make an annual donation and have not done so, May is the month.  

Story Hour

Please note that the time for the start of story hour through the rest of the spring and summer will be 7:30.  Hope to see you next time on May Day. The suggested theme for this one is "What brought you to New Hampshire (or, if you were born and raised in New Hampshire, why did you stay)?  Stories don't need to be restricted to this topic so it's just a prompt.  All stories on any theme are welcomed.

A film, Quakers - the Quiet Revolutionaries.

Our Clerk has passed on this information that came to his email inbox.  He wonders if someone would like to view it and write up a short review for us. 

Dear Friends:  We are members of Princeton Meeting who have spent the last six years producing the Quakers~the Quiet Revolutionaries, a film which you may have seen on public television during the past year.  We also took time to create a website for the film which contains a great deal of general (and we hope useful) information on the history and contemporary status of Friends.  It has been our hope that the website topics would generate fruitful discussion at meetings as well as encourage greater historical curiosity and research by individual Friends. 

Please feel free to share this link with members and attenders of your meeting.


In peace,

Dick Nurse

Janet Gardner