2021-04-16 Announcements for
Concord Friends Meeting
The Meeting Calendar
Sat Apr 17 7:00 PM Story Telling. Zoom link
Sun Apr 18 10:15 AM Meeting for Worship. Zoom Link
Sun Apr 25 10:15 AM Meeting for Worship followed by a 4th Sunday Program at 12:30, "What is unity among Friends?" See details below.
Sun May 2 1:30 PM Spring Outdoor Workday
Wed Jun 2 - Sat Jun 5 Bear Brook State Park Camping trip - see updated info below
Sun Jun 27- Sat July 3 Friends General Conference (FGC)
You won't want to miss the story hour Saturday night!
News of Friends
What's keeping you up at night? Jane M tells us she has been busy assisting with the birthing of lambs and bottle feeding one. Here is one with mom. Welcome to the world!
We are relieved and happy to report that Mark B returned home today from rehab He is happily resting and greeting Lola! However, his phone has died and will not be replaced until Monday at earliest. If you wish to contact him, Gini said to call her phone (603-xxx-xxxx). After Monday, you can reach Mark on his regular number.
4th Sunday Program this Month
April 4th Sunday Program (April 25): Ministry & Counsel invites you to consider the experience of unity among Friends. By following this link (Click here) you will find four wonderful stories of Friends reaching unity even when they came to business meeting with different opinions. Come share your experience of the process of reaching unity. (Even if you are unable to attend, these stories are worth a read. Enjoy!)
Sunday May 2, Spring Outdoor Work Day
Please come and join us in the afternoon at 1:30, May 2. We have lots to do to get our space spruced up. It will be great to see one another in person as well. We are planning a break at 2:30 to 2:45. Bring a snack to share if you are able and enjoy socially distanced conversation. Of course, don't forget your mask and work gloves. Visit this Google Doc (Click here) to see all the choices and to sign up! If the technology presents any difficulty, just let us know and we'll fix things up for you. Can't work that day? No problem. Choose any time to reunite with 11 Oxbow Pond Rd. Questions/ Contact Greg who is organizing or simply reply to this email.
Items below this line have been published previously.
Friends General Conference (FGC)
Friends General Conference (FGC) is a week-long national Quaker conference which will be held virtually on June 27-July 3. This is a great year to try FGC, if you have never attended. In the mornings there is worship, Bible half hour and worship sharing; afternoon workshops; evening plenaries and in-between spiritual and social activities. Sampling the program will be a lot less expensive than usual. There are options for payments depending on whether you attend mornings, evenings, afternoons, or some combination. For example, the suggested donation for attending mornings and afternoon workshops is $250, but you can pay as you are able ("Pay As Led" option). The price for junior gathering is just $30 per person. Do not let cost keep you from attending, especially this year! Early registration opens between April 15th and 29th.
News from Ministry and Counsel
- Camping Trip Fellowship: Elaine is organizing a trip June 2-5 at Bear Brook State Park. All are welcome but camping spots fill up fast. We will consider other fellowship events for later in the summer. Let us know if you have ideas.
- Toward Right relationship: This group and NEYM is recommending that those who would like to know more about the background of the Right Relationship movement attend one of the worships that Paula Palmer is offering. Toward Right Relationship Workshops, on Zoom.
The 2-hour workshop for adults created by Paula Palmer and sponsored by Friends Peace Teams is called, Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with Native Peoples. It begins with a participatory exercise in which we hear the voices of America’s past – the Native Peoples and the European popes, monarchs, and colonizers – and the voices that today are calling for healing and right relationship among all peoples and with the land. The exercise is followed by a period of reflection and sharing of responses.
There are two upcoming workshops for a general audience: May 15 and June 13. To register, visit friendspeaceteams.org/upcoming-events.
Save the date: The TRR Workshop will be offered expressly for NEYM, 4-6pm on Saturday, July 17, 2021 as part of our preparation for Sessions. Registration details will follow. If you would like to help with the NEYM workshop, a good place to start is to attend one of the general events.
Anyone who wishes to attend can request funds from M&C through Sara.
- FGC is again online this year. (see above)
- NEYM is asking Meetings to hold workshops on “Exploring our Quaker identity using heart centered listening” and “Experiencing Unity” to ready us for NEYM sessions discussion on our relationship with FUM. In view of the general importance of learning how to experience unity in Meeting for Business we are offering a Fourth Sunday exploration of that topic. This will not focus on a particular topic but on how we experience unity. We will introduce people to the Unity topic with a one-hour introductory version, “What is unity among Friends?” This will be the topic of April 4th Sunday.
- Fourth Sunday plans:
- March: We had a “Writing Our Spiritual Journey” led by Rob Spencer. People may still submit their outlines to Rob.
- April: What is unity among Friends?
- May: Apology to Native Americans – by Ad Hoc group will do a listening session about the Apology.
- June: Summer Outdoors Party- TBA
Minutes from April Meeting for Business