DQM 2019-09-29
Dover Quarterly Meeting
Weare/Henniker Meetinghouse
September 29, 2019
Friends present from: Weare/Henniker – 8, Dover – 1, North Sandwich - 2, Souhegan – 2
Clerk: Erik Cleven. Minutes recorded by Erik Cleven.
The meeting opened with silent worship.
1. Treasurer’s Report
Muriel Farrar sent in a statement of the Quarterly Meeting accounts, but was unable to attend the meeting due to illness. Friends received the report with gratitude and determined that a discussion should be planned at a future meeting where we think about how we spend money and what it should be spent on.
2. Travel Minute
The clerk read a travel minute from Fresh Pond meeting that Kathleen Wooten brought with her. Kathleen talked a little bit about her ministry and the clerk endorsed the minute. Friends were happy to have Kathleen visiting.
3. Next Meeting
The next meeting of Dover Quarter will be held March 29, 2020 in Gonic. Friends decided that we would determine who would be responsible for the program by e-mail.