CMM 2018-10-14
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Conduct of Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of
the Religious Society of Friends
Tenth Month 14, 2018
Attending: 9
10.1 The clerk called us into Meeting for worship with attention to Business. Friends approved the minutes of Ninth Month Meeting for Business as posted on the website.
10.2 Revised Naming Policy: A revised policy on using names in Meeting minutes prepared by Rich, co-clerk, and Greg was presented and discussed. Several Friends spoke to feelings about the statement as drafted. Two Friends spoke to wanting to strike the last sentence allowing names of Friends standing aside from a decision to have their names recorded if they so request. Friends agreed with dropping that last sentence. Meeting adopted the draft policy minus that last sentence with the understanding that it is an interim policy. With assistance, Jonah and Sara will do some editing to bring back to Meeting for Business.
Proposed Policy on Using Names in Meeting Minutes
Why keep minutes?
There are many reasons why we record minutes of our business deliberations. Among them:
- Reading and recording a minute helps those present be clear about the unity we are discerning.
- Recording minutes helps us follow through on the commitments we make.
- Recording minutes lets those who were unable to attend learn what decisions were made.
- Recording minutes creates a record for us to refer back to when we face a similar situation later.
- Recording minutes may help future historians understand our time.
What are the concerns about naming names?
We would like to make our minutes widely available to everyone with a benevolent interest in our proceedings; however electronic communications mean that our minutes might also be accessible to marketers, immigration officials, abusive spouses, etc.
Finding a balance in a suggested minute.
After prayerfully weighing the values of privacy and utility, Concord Monthly Meeting adopts the following practices:
- The full names and signatures of the presiding clerk and the recording clerk shall be affixed to the minutes of a meeting.
- We will not record the names of all those attending a meeting.
- Generally, within the minutes, we will refer to people using first names or a first name with an initial (like “Rob S.”) when needed for clarity.
- The name of the primary presenter is recorded. The names of pertinent others are also recorded, especially those agreeing to follow up with action items or any Friends assigned responsibility to act on behalf of the Meeting.
- The names of persons speaking to the report or issue from the floor of the meeting are not recorded.
“There is excellent reason for not recording names during any discussion. The Spirit may work on any one of us as individuals or on us as a body during or after a discussion, so that later in the discussion, or the next time we gather, we are in a different place. Also, although we listen to the wisdom of other Friends, we are finally looking for the leading of the Spirit, not for the position of a particular person.” [Sharon Hoover. “The Task of the Recording Clerk: Spiritual Exercise and Ministry”. Friends Journal (May 1, 2011).]
- Anyone for any reason may request that their name not appear in the minutes. A minute might read: “Susan, Bill, and one other Friend agreed to ...”
- In rare cases, the recording clerk may include a name if the individual requests it.
For instance if the individual wishes that the minutes reflect that he/she is “standing aside.”
10.3 Budget Report: The Budget Committee report was distributed and explained. There were no questions raised. It is noted that the portion of our projected income this year is running slightly ahead of the portion of the year that has passed since the fiscal year began.
10.4 Committee Reports: There was a brief report from Property Committee. The discussion of our new property led Friends to a decision that all committees should review what we need to be doing to assure safe and appropriate uses of that land.
Solar Committee reported on its activities to modify and extend our model to encourage renewable energy projects of other nonprofit groups.
PSEC Committee is actively working on programs related to social and environmental concerns.
Youth Religious Education Committee has not met since August but will be working soon on winter holiday plans including fundraising for support of our Kenyan student at the Kakamega Care Center.
Outreach Committee has been working on young adult engagement that can be actively supported by NEYM staff. They have also led tabling for Meeting outreach at a couple of recent events.
Ministry & Counsel reported briefly on plans for the upcoming participation by the Meeting in a multi-faith gathering in Canterbury. Other plans for enrichment programs are in the works.
10.5 Close of Meeting: Planned consideration of a Meeting data policy was postponed. We closed with brief silent worship purposing to meet again on second First Day of Eleventh Month.
Submitted by, | Accepted as the Approved Record, | |
/s/ Jennifer J. Smith, Recording Clerk | /s/ Richard Kleinschmidt, Presiding Co-Clerk |
Concord Monthly Meeting Income & Expenses | 2018-06-01 - 09-30 | FY 2019 Budget | Over/(Under) Budget | % Budget |
Income | ||||
Contributions | $9,887 | $25,271 | ($15,384) | 39% |
Interest Income | $0 | $680 | ($680) | 0% |
Rental Income | $340 | $1,380 | ($1,040) | 25% |
Total Income | $10,228 | $27,331 | ($17,104) | 37% |
Expenses | ||||
Program | ||||
Budget Committee | $0 | $30 | ($30) | 0% |
Hospitality | $7 | $180 | ($173) | 4% |
Library | $0 | $50 | ($50) | 0% |
Ministry & Counsel | $0 | $175 | ($175) | 0% |
Outreach | ||||
Website Expenses | $0 | $280 | ($280) | 0% |
Outreach - Other | $191 | $260 | ($69) | 73% |
Total Outreach | $191 | $540 | ($349) | 35% |
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns | $0 | $300 | ($300) | 0% |
Youth & Religious Education | $64 | $300 | ($236) | 21% |
Total Program | $262 | $1,575 | ($1,313) | 17% |
Property | ||||
Building Maintenance | $0 | $600 | ($600) | 0% |
Debt Service | $952 | $3,806 | ($2,854) | 25% |
Donation in Lieu of Taxes | $0 | $500 | ($500) | 0% |
Electricity | $333 | $1,000 | ($667) | 33% |
Grounds | $0 | $100 | ($100) | 0% |
Insurance | $574 | $1,800 | ($1,226) | 32% |
Replacement Reserve Expense | $1,920 | $5,760 | ($3,840) | 33% |
Snow Removal | $0 | $1,900 | ($1,900) | 0% |
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance | $20 | $190 | ($170) | 10% |
Wood Pellets | $0 | $1,600 | ($1,600) | 0% |
Total Property | $3,799 | $17,256 | ($13,457) | 22% |
Support | ||||
AFSC | $496 | $1,490 | ($994) | 33% |
Dover Quarterly Meeting | $0 | $10 | ($10) | 0% |
FCNL | $0 | $140 | ($140) | 0% |
Friends Camp | $0 | $280 | ($280) | 0% |
FWCC | $0 | $60 | ($60) | 0% |
Interfaith Council | $0 | $50 | ($50) | 0% |
NEYM - Equalization Fund | $0 | $275 | ($275) | 0% |
NEYM - General Fund | $1,876 | $5,800 | ($3,924) | 32% |
NHCADP | $0 | $100 | ($100) | 0% |
NH Council of Churches | $0 | $75 | ($75) | 0% |
Woolman Hill | $0 | $220 | ($220) | 0% |
Total Support | $2,372 | $8,500 | ($6,128) | 28% |
Total Expense | $6,433 | $27,331 | ($20,898) | 24% |
Net Income | ($3,795) | $3,795 |
NB. The Income & Expenses Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding. This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.
Prepared by Greg Heath
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet | 9th Month 30, 2018 | ||
ASSETS | |||
Current Assets | |||
Checking/Savings | |||
Checking 123410166 | $11,532 | ||
Money Market 101049498 | $6,584 | ||
Total Checking/Savings | $18,117 | ||
Other Current Assets | |||
Prepaid Electricity | $9,667 | ||
Prepaid Expense - Other | $64 | ||
Prepaid Insurance | $431 | ||
Prepaid Wood Pellets | $300 | ||
Total Other Current Assets | $10,461 | ||
Total Current Assets | $28,578 | ||
Fixed Assets | |||
Building | $466,455 | ||
Land (including new lot) | $144,400 | ||
Total Fixed Assets | $610,855 | ||
Total Other Assets - NH Community Loan Fund | $20,819 | ||
TOTAL ASSETS | $660,252 | ||
Liabilities | |||
Current Liabilities | |||
Building & Grounds Fund | $476 | ||
Friendly Assistance Fund | $1,000 | ||
Operating Reserve | $3,000 | ||
Solar Grant Funds | $1,209 | ||
Special Projects | |||
Kakamega (Kenya) Orphanage | $313 | ||
Social Justice Fund | $1,110 | ||
Total Special Projects | $1,422 | ||
Total Current Liabilities | $7,108 | ||
Long-term Liabilities | |||
Mortgage Loan 1 | $21,693 | ||
Replacement Reserve | $32,329 | ||
Total Long-term Liabilities | $54,522 | ||
Total Liabilities | $61,629 | ||
Total Equity | $598,623 | ||
NB. The Balance Sheet was created with two decimal points, which were removed for readability, the cents being unimportant to the overall understanding. This can have the effect of throwing off any given sum by a dollar due to compounded rounding.
NB. The following was not in the original spreadsheet, but was calculated from data in the spreadsheet.
Do we have the resources to support our obligations? YES
Variable Assets Less Current Liabilties and Replacement Reserve = $9,960
Total Current Assets | $28,578 |
Total NHCLF Loans | $20,819 |
- Total Current Liabilities | ($7,108) |
- Replacement Reserve | ($32,329) |
Total Available: | $9,960 |