CMM 2017-10-08
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Tenth Month 8th, 2017
Attending: 12
10.1 Meeting began with a period of prayer.
10.2 The minutes for Ninth Month were accepted as previously distributed.
10.3 Budget Committee Report: The Treasurer reported that donations relative to the passage of the fiscal year are behind a bit.
A discrepancy between the Meeting’s fiscal year and the Yearly Meeting’s fiscal year was noted. The bookkeeper will pay out monthly donations rather than quarterly donations to the Yearly Meeting to alleviate the budget discrepancies.
Concern was raised that the Equifax hack may require some protective action on the part of the Meeting. The Budget Committee is asked to look into this and either take or recommend appropriate action.
The Peace, Social, & Earthcare Concerns Committee (PSECC) is asked to review their budget and bring a request a modification to it to the Eleventh Month Meeting for Business.
The Youth Religious Education (YRE) Committee asked that the Special Projects Liability line be broken out so that the funds for Christine Imbiti are illustrated each month.
The Budget Committee is asked to look into getting an independent review of our books and financial procedures. [See also “Treasurers Guide for Religious Organizations, 2nd Edition” and the booklets following via this website.]
10.4 AMTP (Appalachian Mountain Teen Project) Property Ad Hoc Committee report: The committee has met three times. The AMTP is seeking to relieve themselves of their property adjacent to the Meeting and wish to give it to the Meeting believing this is what the Booth’s, who gave them their land, would have wanted. The Committee has determined that this will not be taxable land and that our insurance will not be increased as a result of the proposed donation.
There is a large pile of rubble and the remains of a ropes course on the land. AMTP is in the process of arranging for the removal of the debris pile and the Committee is looking into other items which could be considered attractive nuisances. They understand the removal of the rubble is their responsibility. The Committee feels that the land could be very helpful in case the Meeting wishes to expand its space one day.
Attorney Rob Howard has agreed to help us with the legal aspects of the purchase and sales agreement and other legal requirements relative to the “sale”/donation. Concern regarding the removal of the debris and failures in that regard was raised by the Property Committee. The Meeting agrees to engage Attorney Howard in a pro bono capacity plus out of pocket expenses to handle this transfer. Special care to help protect the Meeting’s interests and limit our liability will be requested of Attorney Howard. The Meeting approves reimbursing Attorney Howard such out of pocket expenses as they arise.
The Meeting, while generally supportive, requests that the issue come back to another meeting for business prior to receiving the property.
10.5 The meeting closed with worship.
Submitted by,
Acting Recording Clerk, Greg Heath
Presiding Co-Clerk, Richard Kleinschmidt
Concord Monthly Meeting Income & Expenses | 2017-06—2017-09 | FY 2018 Budget | Remaining | % Budget |
Income | ||||
Contributions | $6,628.00 | $24,746.00 | $18,118.00 | 26.8% |
Interest Income | $1.27 | $220.00 | $218.73 | 0.6% |
Rental Income | $353.00 | $800.00 | $447.00 | 43.1% |
Miscellaneous Income | $0.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | |
Total Income | $6,982.27 | $25,766.00 | $18,783.73 | 27.1% |
Expenses | ||||
Program | ||||
Budget Committee | $0.00 | $20.00 | $20.00 | |
Hospitality | $41.54 | $180.00 | $138.46 | 23.1% |
Library | $0.00 | $80.00 | $80.00 | |
Ministry & Counsel | $0.00 | $175.00 | $175.00 | |
Outreach | ||||
Website Expenses | $0.00 | $240.00 | $240.00 | |
Outreach - Other | $183.77 | $260.00 | $76.23 | 70.7% |
Total Outreach | $183.77 | $500.00 | $316.23 | 36.8% |
Peace, Social & Earthcare Concerns | $215.42 | $100.00 | ($115.42) | 115.4% |
Youth & Religious Education | $9.37 | $300.00 | $290.63 | 3.1% |
Total Program | $450.10 | $1,355.00 | $904.90 | 21.1% |
Property | ||||
Building Maintenance | $160.12 | $600.00 | $439.88 | 26.7% |
Debt Service | $951.60 | $3,806.00 | $2,854.40 | 25.0% |
Donation in Lieu of Taxes | $0.00 | $300.00 | $300.00 | |
Electricity | $345.78 | $1,000.00 | $654.22 | 34.6% |
Grounds | $0.00 | $100.00 | $100.00 | |
Insurance | $533.00 | $1,700.00 | $1,167.00 | 31.4% |
Replacement Reserve Expense | $1,804.00 | $5,411.00 | $3,607.00 | 33.3% |
Snow Removal | $0.00 | $2,000.00 | $2,000.00 | |
Supplies - Bldg. & Maintenance | $46.08 | $185.00 | $138.92 | 24.9% |
Wood Pellets | $488.37 | $1,300.00 | $811.63 | 37.6% |
Total Property | $4,328.95 | $16,402.00 | $12,073.05 | 26.4% |
Support | ||||
AFSC | $376.00 | $1,457.00 | $1,081.00 | 25.8% |
Dover Quarterly Meeting | $0.00 | $10.00 | $10.00 | |
FCNL | $0.00 | $131.00 | $131.00 | |
Friends Camp | $0.00 | $270.00 | $270.00 | |
FWCC | $0.00 | $57.00 | $57.00 | |
Interfaith Council | $0.00 | $50.00 | $50.00 | |
NEYM - Equalization Fund | $65.00 | $260.00 | $195.00 | 25.0% |
NEYM - General Fund | $1,379.00 | $5,516.00 | $4,137.00 | 25.0% |
NH Council of Churches | $0.00 | $50.00 | $50.00 | |
Woolman Hill | $0.00 | $208.00 | $208.00 | |
Total Support | $1,820.00 | $8,009.00 | $6,189.00 | 22.7% |
Total Expense | $6,599.05 | $25,766.00 | $19,166.95 | 25.6% |
Net Income | $383.22 | $0.00 | ($383.22) |
Prepared by Greg Heath and Chris Haigh
Concord Monthly Meeting Balance Sheet | |||
ASSETS | |||
Current Assets | |||
Checking/Savings | |||
Checking 123410166 | $26,498.64 | ||
Money Market 101049498 | $2,580.46 | ||
Total Checking/Savings | $29,079.10 | ||
Prepaid Expenses | |||
Prepaid Insurance | $399.75 | ||
Prepaid Wood Pellets | |||
Total Prepaid Expenses | $399.75 | ||
Total Current Assets | $29,478.85 | ||
Fixed Assets | |||
Building | $466,454.97 | ||
Land | $50,000.00 | ||
Total Fixed Assets | $516,454.97 | ||
Other Assets | |||
NH Community Loan Fund Loans | $10,485.20 | ||
Total Other Assets | $10,485.20 | ||
TOTAL ASSETS | $556,419.02 | ||
Liabilities | |||
Current Liabilities | |||
Building & Grounds Fund | $615.45 | ||
Friendly Assistance Fund | $1,000.00 | ||
Operating Reserve | $3,000.00 | ||
Solar Grant Funds | $1,225.00 | ||
Special Projects | |||
Kakamega (Kenya) Orphanage | |||
Social Justice Fund | |||
Total Special Projects | $2,170.12 | ||
Total Current Liabilities | $8,010.12 | ||
Long-term Liabilities | |||
Mortgage Loan | $24,331.56 | ||
Replacement Reserve | $27,300.81 | ||
Total Long-term Liabilities | $51,632.37 | ||
Total Liabilities | $59,642.94 | ||
Equity | |||
General Fund Balance | |||
Temporary Restricted Net Assets | |||
Unrestricted Net Assets | |||
Net Income | |||
Total Equity | $496,776.08 | ||
Do we have the resources to support our obligations? YES