CMM 2017-02-19 Items Proposed for Agenda
Here are some proposed agenda items for Second Month's Meeting for Worship with attention to Business, which will be postponed to the 19th. They are in no particular order at the moment.
- Minutes of First Month's Meeting for Worship with attention to Business
- Names in on-line Meeting minutes – It's harder than anticipated to remove names from text of minutes, since many don't make sense without names. This would also make archiving them easier. Should we ask Meeting to permit names on minutes, including attenders, unless they ask to have their names omitted ('opt out')?
- Act on Chris Haigh's Letter of Transfer
- Jessica Ellis-Hopkins, JJ Smith, Mark Barker, Maggie Fogarty of AFSC NH Program, Barbara Keshen, and others have been meeting as part of a Reparations Group convened by LR Berger. We have arranged for a day of train-the-trainer training “Closing the Racial Wealth Divide: A Popular Economics Education Training of Trainers” on Saturday, 25th March, 8:30am-5:00pm at UCC Conference Center, 140 Sheep Davis Road, Pembroke, NH (see attachment). We are asking the Meeting to consider co-sponsoring the training and, hopefully, contributing $200 to help support the $1000 cost for the trainers. Also, we're seeking two "ambassadors" to attend.
- Consider endorsing Northwest Quarter’s Minute, which was originated by Hanover MM in Twelfth Month 2016.
- Begin discernment of uses for $2,000 special gift
- Solar Committee report
- State of Society draft? - we can think more about this - should we review recommendation from 4th Sunday on SOS - set goals in each committee and as a meeting? task groups to address PSECC concerns and perhaps draft letters?
- Signing Greater Concord Interfaith Council letters of support of refugees, etc. (What would the Meeting like the clerks to do when asked to sign onto letters?)
- Sponsoring the travelling banner exhibit, Waging Peace, as part of AFSC's 100th Anniversary.
- Perhaps read something from NEYM newsletter? Noah's letter is very good.
By the way, we’re working through putting up more of the MM Minutes on our Meeting website; it takes some time to tidy them up in HTML. Eventually, it would be good to check that the most up-to-date version of each document is there. It would be useful to put up any attachments that are mentioned in the minutes. The biggest benefit to having them on the website is that searching them is much easier. Also, using the calendar layout, it should be easier to spot gaps in the record. For the time being, the calendars are all on one page, but, in future, the older calendars will be on a separate page.