CMM 2016-07-24
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Seventh Month 24, 2016
In attendance: 12 Friends
7.1 The meeting opened with worship.
7.2 Shed Construction Project: Friends approved using the money in the Building Fund for expected minor expenses of the shed construction project. This will be in addition to the items listed in minute 2016.6.5.
7.3 Financial Report: total income for June and July 2016 was $2,466; total expenses were $2,019; net income was $447.
7.4 Replacement Reserve Funds: Friends suggested that the Budget Committee investigate using the NEYM Pooled Funds as a possible destination for some of the Replacement Reserve Funds and to explore other ways of reducing our annual commitment to the Reserve Funds by adding interest and growth to them.
7.5 FY 2016-2017 Budget: Friends approved the budget for June 2016 through May 2017 as submitted by the Budget Committee.
7.6 Solar Committee Report: The Solar Committee is doing much good work in their investigations of the regulatory environment.
7.7 E-Mail List Privacy: Friends discussed the issue of an e-mail that inadvertently went out to all of the e-mail list with recipient e-mails listed rather than as bcc. The Meeting affirmed its commitment to keeping e-mail addresses private. If Friends wish to send an announcement they should do so through the clerk(s).
7.8 Hospitality Committee: Nominating Committee presented a request to lay down the Hospitality Committee and submitted a proposal that explains how hospitality needs will be handled. Friends expressed their thanks to the committee for all of their work in developing this well thought-out plan. Friends who are interested in volunteering to be a Helper should reply to the upcoming announcement. Friends approved the attached proposal.
7.9 The meeting closed with worship.
Submitted by
Recording Clerk, Jonie LaBombard
Presiding Co-Clerk, Mark Barker