DQM 2016-04-03


Attending at Gonic Friends Meetinghouse – 41 Pickering Road, Gonic, NH

3rd of Fourth Month 2016

2016-04.1   Friends gathered with Gonic Monthly Meeting for their regular First Day worship.  After we had fellowship and lunch together, we listened to a presentation by Quaker minister, Peterson Toscano.  There were Friends present from Concord, Dover, Gonic, North Sandwich and Weare Monthly Meetings. Reports of activities of each of those Meetings were given, including brief reports about Souhegan Allowed Meeting and West Epping Preparative Meeting.

2016-04.2   Treasurer:  Friends agreed to not appoint a new treasurer at this time and to simply have the prior clerk and prior treasurer do signing of checks since they still have that authority at the bank we have been using.  The treasurer who recently resigned has agreed to continue depositing any checks that he receives.  The prior treasurer can also do this without a need to move to a different bank.

2016-04.3  Peterson Toscano Expenses:  We approved giving $200 to Peterson Toscano to cover some of his travel expenses. We are awaiting a decision on our grant request to the New England Yearly Meeting Futures Fund regarding further support for his ministry among us. This includes public presentations by him that have been planned as outreach by Dover and Concord Monthly Meetings.

2016-04.4  Quarterly Meeting Dates:  We agreed to return to our usual practice of holding Quarterly session on the fifth First Day of months that have such but after skipping May as previously decided when we planned today's gathering.  The next session will be on the last day of Seventh Month.  Gonic Friends will inquire whether West Epping Preparative Meeting would like to host then.  If they cannot do that, Weare Friends will host and will let us know whether we will gather at Henniker or Pittsfield Meetinghouse on that day.

2016-04.5  Dover Quarter Officers and Representatives:  We discussed that, by the end of Yearly Meeting sessions in August, Quarterly Meeting will have no presiding clerk, recording clerk or treasurer.  The Quarter is also the body which has been naming representatives to the NH Council of churches and to Beacon Hill Friends House board.  We have not formed a nominating committee at this time.  The thought was expressed that perhaps the Quarterly Meeting should become primarily concerned with supporting our Monthly Meetings through the processes of committees on Ministry and Counsel (or their equivalents).  It was suggested that a joint annual meeting of all of the members of those committees could be a way to start that new means of caring for the business of Quarterly Meeting.  The clerk noted that our current Faith and Practice (1985) has a major role for Quarterly Ministry and Counsel which has not been in the practice of this Quarter on any regular basis for decades.  It was also suggested that Monthly Meetings could be encouraged to hold programs to which other Monthly Meetings' members are invited. Friends noted that, despite the small and inconsistent attendance at our sessions, some Friends do find they value this opportunity for fellowship with other Quakers from other Monthly Meetings around our area.