CMM 2016-01-10
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
First Month, 10, 2016
In attendance: 11
1.1 The meeting opened with worship following the reading of advices #6 and #8, and query #7 from the Interim Faith & Practice of NEYM.
1.2 Financial Report: Total income $12,661; total expense $10,593, net income is $2,067. The Treasurer and Bookkeeper will review the unrestricted cash line and report the corrected figures next month.
Friends would like the Finance Committee to consider making our contributions to AFSC more frequently than once a year, perhaps quarterly. We did not receive as many year-end contributions in 2015 as in previous years.
1.3 Outreach Committee Report: Outreach Committee reported on the 19 events that were part of the first year of our pilot project. Friends noted that our efforts are bearing fruit.
1.4 Property Committee Report: In their meeting Property Committee has discussed that no progress has yet been made for the meditation garden. They are also exploring the possibility of adding a solar electric system to the Meetinghouse. We ask the Property Committee to explore the possibility of a woodland path along the bluff.
1.5 Ant Problem: Property Committee intends to explore professional assistance to deal with the ant problem and would like guidance about what types of substances they might choose to use. Friends would like the committee to be careful to become fully informed about the effects of any substance used, to consider its effects on both the inside and outside environment, and to bring that information back to the Meeting before it is used.
1.6 NEYM Permanent Board Report: Sara reported on the doings of Permanent Board. All reports of Permanent Board are available online for those interested. Finances are improving but NEYM is still running a deficit budget.
1.7 Peter Toscano Booking: J.J., as clerk of Dover Quarterly Meeting, has tentatively booked Peterson Toscano as speaker for April Quarterly Meeting on the first Sunday in April. Friends approved J.J. applying for a grant to the NEYM Futures Fund on behalf of Concord Meeting to fund an honorarium for Peterson.
1.8 Library Committee: The Library Committee requests that the Meeting approve the addition of Paula to the Committee. Friends approved.
1.9 AFSC-NH Program Support Committee: Rob Spencer has been attending meetings of the AFSC Support Committee and requests official appointment as the second representative from Concord Meeting. Nominating Committee has approved his appointment. Friends approved.
1.10 The meeting closed with worship.
Submitted by
Recording Clerk, Presiding Co-Clerk
Jonie LaBombard Mark Barker