CMM 2015-02-08
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Second Month 8, 2015
Attending: 8
2.1 The meeting opened with worship after reading the advice Nº 3, “Think it possible that you may be mistaken”, in §Advices on Corporate Discernment of NEYM’s 2014 Advices & Queries (Selections)
2.2 Meetinghouse temperature. The Property Committee raised the question as to what the building temperature should be. The temperature will be set to 68°F and the Property Committee may experiment with reductions to the temperature during the week.
2.3 Financial Report. Treasurer David Woolpert reported for the Budget Committee. Our total income this fiscal year to the end of January is $14,951, or 59% of the budget at 66% of the fiscal year. Total expenses are $13,807. Net income is $1,144.
2.4 NH Community Loan Fund. The Budget Committee recommends making further investments in the NH Community Loan Fund and has a plan to add approximately $5,000 to our existing $5,000 of loans. The meeting approves this in concept and instructs the Finance Committee to move ahead to implement this plan.
2.5 State of Society. Chris and Jean McCandless were unable to attend Meeting today due to the weather. We would like to reschedule with them as soon as possible at their convenience, and we will move our scheduled business meeting if necessary. Child care needs to be planned for and well announced.
2.6 Budget. Meeting amends the budget to create an expense line in the ‘Support’ section of the budget for our membership in the NH Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty in the amount of $100 and reduces the Telephone and Miscellaneous Expense line items by $50 each.
2.7 Fourth Sunday in February. Ruth Heath will ask Julie Eades of the NH Community Loan Fund to speak to the Meeting and facilitate conversation on the topic of local investing on this coming 4th Sunday or if she is unavailable on another 4th Sunday in the future.
2.8 Racism and White Privilege: Friends are concerned that racism and white privilege are topics that need to be addressed within our Meeting and the Religious Society as a whole. Dear White People is a newly released film that is quite provocative, and we plan to show it soon in an evening and follow that with a Fourth Sunday discussion. PSECC Committee will seek to implement this plan and also use the event for community outreach.
2.9 The meeting closed with a period of worship.
Submitted by
Acting Recording Clerk, Greg Heath
Presiding Co-Clerk, Mark Barker