DQM 2014-06-29
Attending at Concord Friends Meetinghouse in Canterbury, NH
29th of Sixth Month 2014
After worship with Concord Friends, we had a deep sharing/listening session over the issues of FUM and its personnel policy. This was led by Deana Chase, Ann Dodd Collins, and Diane Dicranian from the NEYM Ministry and Counsel subcommittee on FUM discernment.
Present were 5 from Concord, 4 from Dover, 6 from North Sandwich, 2 from Weare, and four visiting Friends.
2014-06.1 Appointment of Representative to Beacon Hill Board.
Mark Barker of Concord was appointed to take the place of Ray Stinneford as Dover QM’s representative on Beacon Hill Friends House Board.
2014-06.2 New Clerk
Jay Smith was appointed to start as the new Clerk of our Quarter as of our August meeting.
2014-06.3 NextMeeting – August 31, 2014
It was decided to hold the next meeting at Weare Meeting in Henniker and have a fun day at Baker's cottage on a lake in Hillsboro, NH.
Meeting adjourned purposing to meet next at Weare.
Respectfully submitted,
Marian Baker, Outgoing Clerk
(since Sara Hubner our recording clerk was not able to be with us.)