CMM 2014-05-11
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Fifth Month 11, 2014
Attending: 11
5.1 The meeting opened with a period of worship.
5.2 Fourth Month Minutes: The minutes of Fourth Month 13, 2014 were approved with the following corrections:
- Minute 2014.4.7 …to be released from membership…
- change “the meeting” to “the Meeting” in all appropriate places
5.3 Nominations: Kathy Urie, on behalf of the Nominating Committee, thanked all of those who spoke with the Nominating Committee, with especial thanks to those who agreed to serve on Meeting committees. Friends approved the slate of officers and committee members.
It was suggested that the website list Concord folks who are also serving on NEYM committees and in other Quaker organizations.
5.4 Financial Report: Greg Heath, as bookkeeper, presented the financial report. There were several increases to contributions made immediately rather than with the new fiscal year so that has reduced the projected FY2014 shortfall. The total income to date is $22,824; total expenses are $21,881; new income is $943.
5.5 Future Budget Changes: Friends approved increasing our yearly contribution to NEYM to $5,000.
We look forward to receiving a proposal from Mark Barker for a system that would give us web access and telephone in the Meetinghouse at a cost that would be no more than our current cost for the phone only. The budgeted amount remains as a line item.
Friends approved removing the budgeted amount for the Concord Monitor advertisement.
5.6 Replacement Reserve: It was proposed that if we do not meet this stretch budget that Friends consider not fully funding the replacement reserve expense at the end of FY2015.
5.7 Fundraising: The bookkeeper expressed his belief that we will be able to meet this budget, but noted that our numbers are low and we need to increase our outreach to spread our message to those who are searching for it. It was also mentioned that fundraisers such as music events and movie nights could be part of our outreach efforts. Having internet access would probably make the meetinghouse a more attractive venue for groups to rent.
5.8 FY2015 Budget: Friends approved the FY2015 budget that includes income and expenses as described in the attached document.
5.9 Doctrine of Discovery Follow-up: It was announced that NEYM is offering a program that is a follow-up to the Doctrine of Discovery program that was previously presented here. PSECC would like to sponsor this as a future Fourth Sunday program.
5.10 Fourth Sunday Programs: Friends approved having the clerks coordinate the scheduling of Fourth Sunday programs.
5.11 Meeting Poster for NEYM Sessions: NEYM Sessions Committee is requesting that each monthly meeting create a poster celebrating the meeting to be displayed at Sessions. Sara Smith will lead this effort with help from Ruth Heath but they would appreciate suggestions from Friends.
5.12 NEYM Structural Review Working Group: The NEYM Structural Review Working Group hasn't yet found a second available member to lead a Fourth Sunday program in May so that is currently up in the air. Friends decided not to have a Fourth Sunday program in June due to three other Sunday potluck events.
5.13 We closed with a period of grateful worship.
Submitted by,
Recording Clerk, Jonie LaBombard
Presiding Clerk, Ruth Mobilia Heath