CMM 2014-02-09
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Second Month 9, 2014
Attending: 14
2.1 The meeting opened with worship.
2.2 First Month Minutes: The minutes of the 12th day, First Month, 2014 were approved with corrections: adding Mark Barker to attendance.
2.3 Nominating Committee Report: Kathy Urie reported for the Nominating Committee. On direction of business meeting she asked Emily Cooke if she would be interested in serving on the PSECC Committee; Emily accepted. Nominating Committee asks the meeting approve her nomination. Friends approved.
2.4 Financial Report: Treasurer David Woolpert presented the financial report. We still have a slightly positive balance. Our total income through January is $14,657.87; total expense is $13,383.73; net income is $1,274.08
Rental income is currently below the budgeted amount so Friends are encouraged to let potential renters know that we have a lovely and reasonably priced venue available. The Budget Committee will be discussing the possibility of loaning up to $6,617 of our Unrestricted Cash to the NH Community Loan Fund.
2.5 Youth Religious Education Committee Report: Kathy Urie reported for the YRE Committee. Its discussion focused on the somewhat sporadic attendance of children at First Day School (FDS). It included discussion on what the meeting can offer our children and also what parents are looking for in their children’s spiritual growth. YRE would like to sponsor a program for the entire meeting to discuss this. The meeting supports this program idea to be held at a date to be determined.
2.6 Membership: A member spoke on his concern that we don’t have a clear sense of what membership means, or what being an attender is. For example, we have no procedure for removing someone from our mailing list. He feels that it would benefit the Meeting to reach clarity on this. Other Friends and attenders have felt the benefits of being able to fully participate in the life of the Meeting without going through a membership process. We could inquire in a Friendly manner of those are not at Meeting to see what their wishes are. It was noted that the Contact List and the Membership Roster are two different items.
The Meeting asks Ministry & Counsel Committee to consider the subject and report back to Meeting.
2.7 The meeting closed with worship.
Submitted by
Recording Clerk, Jonie LaBombard
Presiding Clerk, Ruth Mobilia Heath