CMM 2013-05-12
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Fifth Month [12], 2013
Attending: 6
5.1 Sponsorship of “Peacemaking after Deadly Conflict”: Jay requested the meeting sponsor talk on evening of May 26th at Concordia Lutheran Church, along with Weare Friends Meeting. Meeting’s responsibility would be to get the word out and get members to attend. Meeting approved.
5.2 Yard Sale: Greg is trying to plan a Saturday date this summer at the Meeting House, visible to traffic going to beach. A Doodle poll will be used to find when others can help be there plus bring good things to sell.
5.3 Nominating Committee: The Committee’s report was distributed showing its nominees for each position except Recording Clerk and NEYM Nominating Committee. After reviewing the committee’s nominations there were suggestions that our NEYM’s M&C should be left open (Sara Smith serves on it in another capacity), and that although Mark Barker is the AFSC Service Committee clerk, an additional rep would be good. The recording clerk position needs to be filled and more members of Hospitality Committee are needed. Nominating Committee pointed out the need to rotate members off Ministry & Council and give opportunities to other members; two are expected to go off next year but none are suggested for this year. Greg was added to Hospitality Committee; that committee can look for support outside its members to help welcome other groups using the Meeting House.
5.4 Web Site: Ruth suggested there be a committee to review the content and utility of the website periodically so that the Meeting as a whole is engaged in how we reach others in the community and the world. Having Ministry and Counsel be in the role of overseer of the website was discussed. One member suggested that a major revamping of the website may be needed from time to time. Another suggested bringing in a professional marketing/web development consultant. The meeting approved Ruth’s offer to find a future time to discuss this when Mark and others are present
5.5 Budget Committee: Financial reports as of April 30th were reviewed. It is expected that we will wind up with an excess of income over expenses as of May 31st. Greg passed out a suggested revision to the next year’s budget and asked that money be budgeted for a Donation In Lieu of Taxes and less that $5,000 for replacement reserve. Jay suggested we look at gift annuities to fund future capital expenses when donors die. Sarah pointed out the need to increase donations to NEYM General Fund and Equalization Fund to fill the hole in their next year’s budget. It was suggested that we explore funding solar energy. The need for an approximate $60,000 goal for replacement reserve long in the future was pointed out.
The Budget Committee was charged with taking the comments and presenting a revised budget at a future Meeting for Business and circulate it to members and attenders well beforehand.
5.6 The Meeting closed with silent worship.
Acting Recording Clerk, Dave Woolpert
Presiding Clerk, Ruth Mobilia Heath