CMM 2012-12-16 Called Meeting
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Twelfth Month 16, 2012
12.9 Meetinghouse Rental: Greg Heath asked to speak first about the rental proposal that came from property committee at last business meeting. The group that was proposing to lease from us decided to withdraw their request. It may have been due to their discomfort about our Meeting wishing to explore further what their beliefs and practices are and whether those would keep us from leasing our building to them. Greg feels we should consider a written response to them about our feelings. The clerk will follow-up and can decide whether it needs to come to another called Meeting for business as authorized at last Meeting for business.
12.10 Op-Ed Article: Meeting discussed the proposed letter to the newspaper(s) about the federal budget process and military spending that was brought to us by the PSECC committee. The Meeting approved sending the letter without adding a paragraph about the recent school shooting tragedy in Newtown, CT. The co-clerk of PSECC was encouraged to send those sentiments in a personal letter to the editor. Meeting wishes to be sure that it appears as an Op-Ed piece and that it not be edited for length or content without it being returned to us for approval.
Sara Smith and Ruth Heath will work on how this will be carried out.