CMM 2012-12-09
Minutes for Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
12th Month 9, 2012
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business. Those present were: 14
12.1 The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. The Clerk then read a query from New England Yearly Meeting: “Do you seek the leadings of the Light in meeting for business as you do in worship?”1 Friends engaged in a period of worship sharing in response to this query.
12.2 Eleventh Month Minutes: Review and approval of minutes from the 11th month Meeting for Worship for Business.
12.3 Property Committee Report
The meeting discussed a proposed minute from the Property Committee to the Meetinghouse to the Living Church of God.
The proposed minute reads: The Treasurer/Clerk of the Budget Committee, is authorized to enter into a one year lease on behalf of the Meeting to rent space to the Living Church of God with use to be on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturdays of each month, generally from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The Property Committee is authorized to work out the terms of the lease in conformity to the Meeting's Facility Use Policy.
Background: The AMTP Director and Board of Trustees have been consulted and they feel their use will not be restricted by this arrangement. They are pleased that the lease is for one year. Jeff Hipp at the NEYM Office was consulted and feels that they can easily arrange committee uses of our building around this also. Rent will be $100 per use. They will have some small storage needs and will restore the rooms to an “as found” condition. They have only one or two older teens who participate. No small children at this time. Paula Werme is a lawyer and member of the Property Committee and she has been actively engaged with the lease wording. Once the draft is finalize from our end the LCG will send it to their lawyer. We expect to have all issues finalized prior to business meeting in January. Paula discovered a NH RSA that pertains to Quaker Meetings. The Finance Committee of each Quaker meeting is recognized as the body that is duly authorized to make legally binding decisions.
The meeting discussed concerns with the proposed renting of the meetinghouse to the Living Church of God as we are unclear about their beliefs/ teachings - specifically around homosexuality and women’s equality - based on their material that is online. In a deep and challenging conversation, friends considered concerns around engaging in this rental agreement based on differences in belief and also the opportunity for dialogue that such an arrangement would provide. Parallels were made to the struggle within Quakerism to gain clarity around acceptance of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. A question was raised as to whether or not the teachings of the Living Church of God are taught as fixed or as open to change.
Friends spoke to the importance of moving slowly and allowing space and time for information-seeking and discernment. To this end, Friends approved our clerk to engage the minister of the Living Church of God around their teachings regarding equality, justice for and inclusiveness of all people. This information will be shared with Friends as soon as possible in order to inform a called meeting for business before the end of the calendar year.
12.4 Peace, Social and Earthcare Concerns
The committee asked those gathered to endorse a letter to the editor regarding our concerns around “the direction the country is heading as our leaders consider changes in taxes and government spending” particularly in light of “looming budget cuts” and inflated military spending. Friends were reminded that the exercise of crafting this letter in and of itself provides an opportunity to state and affirm our values. Friends charged a smaller group to continue to work on the letter; it will be brought to a called meeting for business on December 16th.
12.5 Financial Report: The Budget Committee circulated a to-date budget.
12.6 New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Deficit: NEYM is currently running at a deficit. Friends were asked to consider making additional donations.
12.7 Property Committee Announcement: The committee met once via Skype with some glitches that we hope to work out. The boiler cleaning schedule has been finalized appears on the web site. We are almost ready to finalize the Meeting Closing schedule. Turns in that schedule will come around about once every 2 and a half to 3 months depending on the number of people participating. We are gratified that so many have responded to volunteer this past week. Bruce Hermaneau has not yet finished but promised the heating upgrade will be completed by Sat. Dec. 15. Paula is taking care of trash removal with Jay as backup. Others have also offered to be back-up. We plan to meet next in the first half of January.
12.8 The meeting ended with a brief period of silent worship.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Clerk, Alisa Barnard
Clerk, Ruth Heath
1 Query № 1 in §Queries on Corporate Discernment in “Advices & Queries (Selections)” from Interim Faith and Practice 2014