CMM 2012-10-28
Minutes for Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
10th month 28, 2012
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business. Members and attenders present were: 12
10.1 The meeting opened with a period of silent worship. The Clerk then read an advice from New England Yearly Meeting on corporate discernment1.
10.2 Ninth Month Minutes: Review and approval of minutes from the 9th Month Meeting for Worship for Business.
10.3 Nominating Committee Report
The Nominating Committee recently met in order to nominate Friends to populate the Property Committee. Bill Merrow has stepped off of the Committee; Paula Werme will remain on the Committee, but anticipates an extended leave of absence in the spring. The Nominating Committee brought forward the names of Greg Heath, Bill Noyce, Brian Patterson and Jay Smith. The meeting gratefully accepted these nominations with thanks to these friends for their willingness to serve. Friends also thanked David Woolpert for his two years of service in the role of Clerk of the Property Committee. Greg Heath will serve as the convener.
10.4 Responses to the Quaker Quest Experience
The Clerk asked Friends to reflect on the meeting’s experience of the Quaker Quest program. In particular the meeting was asked to consider how we might develop more opportunities for fellowship and sharing spiritually outside of the Meeting for Worship.
Friends were reminded that other meetings have held regular (weekly) discussions that allow for a deepening of our own practices and the connections between us as well as for newcomers to experience a small group conversation, Quaker practice and ideas.
One Friend considered the Clerk’s query by reflecting on the “high points” of her extensive tenure with the meeting. Some of those highlights included: women’s retreats, the mentoring that she has experienced during clearness committees and adult education programs.
We heard that while ‘in-reach’ is very important, outreach is also very important and we were asked to give more thought to the newcomer’s experience from the minute that they hit the door. One Friend asked, though, that we take our time pursuing some of the other outreach programs that were raised during Quaker Quest in order that we have more time to do more work within our community before embarking upon them.
A feeling was expressed that, as a gathered community, we are not yet in the place that we are ready to go out in the world and “throw out the net” as “fishers of men.” This will require much more in-reach and work within our community. Midweek worship was raised an opportunity for such.
The point was raised that a lot of work happened quickly in anticipation of the recent Quaker Quest program and, perhaps, if we wait until we are ready, this development for our community will not happen as quickly. The meeting may want to set a date (perhaps the May meeting for Business) by which point we would like to move forward with the next step of the Quaker Quest program.
One Friend spoke to her readiness to share her understanding of the “Quaker way” and felt that doing so would strengthen her faith; however, she is concerned about putting a date on the next step.
A question was raised: why seek to grow the meeting? The demographic work of FGC suggests that there is a disconnect between the numbers of Quakers and the value of the Quaker message; the Quaker way is sorely needed in this world. Additionally, we were reminded that within our meeting, there have been significant demographic shifts over the past thirty years and there is a hope that we will continue to follow the trajectory of rebuilding that has emerged over the past five years.
The nuts and bolts of outreach can happen very quickly, but how much time do we need to allow ourselves to do the groundwork necessary to prepare for greater outreach?
Though Friends considered a suggestion that a committee be formed in order to continue to pursue these matters, no action was taken.
Friends are asked to share their leadings around in-reach with the Clerk who will work with the Ministry and Counsel Committee to provide more opportunities for spiritual development. Some possibilities might include: reconvening the Adult Education group, beginning study groups, starting midweek worship, etc.
10.5 Concern about Responsibility for Closing the Building
The Clerk asked Friends to consider how we can all accept more responsibility for the care of the Meetinghouse, especially around the closing of the building. The Property Committee will create a calendar of names of individuals who are responsible for covering the closing.
10.6 Budget Committee Report
We are currently in good shape for the year-to-date. For the next report, the Ministry and Counsel budget will reflect the addition of the $450 dedicated at the September business meeting for the Quaker Quest program.
10.7 Meeting closed with brief period of worship.
Ruth Heath, Clerk
Alisa Barnard, Recording Clerk
1 §Queries on Corporate Discernment in “Advices & Queries (Selections)” from Interim Faith and Practice 2014