CMM 2012-09-09
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Ninth Month 9, 2012
Concord [NH] Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business. Members and attenders present were: Sara Smith, Jay Smith, Richard Sparks, Kathy Mercer, Patricia Wallace, Greg Heath, Jann Sparks, Dave Woolpert, Rob Yager, Mark Barker, Virginia Barker, Alisa Barnard, Ruth Heath
The meeting began with a period of silent worship.
9.1 The Clerk shared a letter of introduction of Pat Wallace written by the Camas Friends Church. Friends paused to hold Pat, a newcomer to our community and the Camas Friends Church community, in the light.
9.2 Friends reviewed and approved Minutes from Meeting for Worship for Business from the 6th and 7th months, 2012.
9.3 Ministry and Counsel Report
Ministry and Counsel has been working to schedule the “Quaker Quest” inreach program, scheduled for the afternoon of October 14. Approximately 20 individuals plan to attend. The typical charge for this program is $1,000, but the facilitators have agreed to hold the program for $400-500.
The point was raised that this program is taking the place of a fall retreat that the meeting has often held in past years and that, in light of the presence of a number of new attenders, it is especially important that we hold this program. Friends approved that we hold this program and approved spending $500 for the program and $50 for childcare, representing an increase of $450 to the Ministry and Counsel budget.
In considering how best to fund this program, the meeting discussed the possibilities of either expanding our budget (and expected contributions] or tapping into the reserves in the budget at the end of the fiscal year. The Ministry and Counsel Committee was asked to get the message out that as we are going over our budget, donations to offset this program’s fee will be welcomed.
Ministry and Counsel also announced that they are seeking individuals to work with the Quaker Quest facilitators in a presentation on simplicity. Interested individuals should speak to Sara Smith.
9.4 Peace, Social and Earth Care Concerns Report
Friends approved the name of this newly convened committee, which is currently clerked by Jay Smith and Richard Sparks.
At this committee’s suggestion the meeting's website has been updated to include regularly-updated news feeds from the Quaker organizations FCNL, AFSC, Young Friends of NEYM and FGC.
It was shared that Mark Barker and Paula Werme are working on a presentation on the Doctrine of Discovery to be shared with the meeting in early 2013.
The committee shared that much of their current work is a response to a request from the 2012 NEYM Sessions.
9.5 Property Committee Report
The Property Committee is currently working with the Living Church of God on a rental agreement to use the meetinghouse on Saturdays. A concern was raised that we occasionally use the meetinghouse on Saturdays. The Property Committee will move forward with this in mind and will return to the business meeting with more information next month.
9.6 Finance Committee Report
The Meeting reviewed the Income and Expense Operating Report and the Balance Sheet through 8/30/12 prepared by David Woolpert, Treasurer. Total income was $4,011 and expenses totaled $2,283.
It was shared that the meeting receives only five contributions on a monthly basis; Friends are encouraged to consider making regular monthly contributions.
Our current total unrestricted cash balance is $3,657 but we have already approved $1,575 for improvements to the heating system. It was pointed out that we therefore have very little in unrestricted cash to spend; for this reason, we need to proceed cautiously when approving increases to the budget such as that approved for the Quaker Quest program. There is a need for Friends to increase contributions to our operating budget.
A concern was raised that we are putting off our annual contribution to NEYM when we have funds available. Friends were reminded that NEYM is currently dependent on individual contributions and are encouraged to give to NEYM in support of that body’s important work.
9.7 Meeting for Business, 10th month
As second Sunday in October is dedicated to Quaker Quest, Friends discussed other possible times to hold that meeting. Friends approved a request that the clerk survey regular attenders and review potential budget items before making a decision regarding the scheduling of the next meeting.
9.8 Proposal regarding the Mutual Aid Fund
A balance of approximately $300 has been held on the meeting’s balance sheet for at least twenty years for mutual aid. The concern was raised that this balance is so low that it would not address the needs of an individual with substantial financial need. The meeting discussed a proposal that we lay down this fund and contribute the balance to the NEYM equalization fund. Friends supported this proposal but were asked to continue to look out for those among us, within and beyond our meeting, who struggle to meet financial obligations. The value of the fund’s existence, both symbolic and practical, was discussed as it represents our meeting’s commitment to helping those in need; it was suggested that the meeting may want to consider developing this fund in the next budgeting cycle. Friends agreed to lay down this fund for the time being with the hope that if there is a sense that a mutual aid fund would be beneficial to the meeting, a new fund, which is tied to a clear process, will emerge out of this discussion. The Peace, Social and Earth Care Concerns Committee was asked to bring a proposal for the next budgeting cycle.
The meeting ended with a period of silent worship.
Minutes accepted when signed,
Recording Clerk, /s/ Alisa Barnard
Clerk, /s/ Ruth Heath