CMM 2012-02-12
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
2nd Month 12, 2012
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business. Members and attenders present were: 10
The meeting began with a period of silent worship.
2.1 First Month Minutes: The meeting reviewed and approved the Minutes from the First Month Business Meeting.
2.2 Financial Report: An updated financial report will be sent out with the minutes from this meeting.
2.3 Hosting Puente de Amigos: The meeting was told of an opportunity to host the Puente de Amigos committee from Cuba this summer (July 31-August 3 or August 9-11). Members of this group come from our Quarterly Meeting’s sister meeting. While no one is prepared to commit to hosting at this time, Jay will continue to work in conjunction with the rest of the Quarter to keep this opportunity open. Friends were reminded that this ministry provides an important link to Friends United Meeting.
2.4 Nominating Committee:
Current membership: Kathy Urie, Clerk, Greg Heath, Joe Sewell, David Woolpert, Sara Smith
Joe Sewell is unable to continue service to the meeting in this position. The meeting gratefully approved Linda Peters’ appointment to this committee.
2.5 Planning for the Next Fourth Sunday Programs:
The meeting was asked to consider and endorse the planning of the following possible programs:
- March 25th – The Committee on Aging; 1½ hour participatory workshop on the aging process.
- April 22nd (tentative date) – “Awakening the Dreamer” workshop. This event is also meant to serve as Outreach for the meeting and will be advertised broadly.
2.6 Process for the Use of the Building:
Friends were reminded that we have a process in place for individuals to request use of the building that involves making a request through the Property Committee.
Friends were asked to consider the distinction between an event that is to be held by a Meeting member (but that is not directly sponsored by the Meeting) and one that may be sponsored by the Meeting. The sense of the Meeting is that an event held “in the name of the Meeting,” should always be brought to the Business Meeting. In the event that time is of the essence, our process allows the clerks to make a special call for a Meeting for Business. Friends spoke to both the challenges and the strengths of this process.
2.7 Peace and Social Concerns Committee:
Conversation about the process of using the Meetinghouse brought to light a concern in the Meeting that while we are seeking the truth among ourselves, the Meeting is currently not speaking this truth in the greater community to the degree that we would like. Some frustrations with the timeliness of our process, examined in balance with a commitment to the integrity of that same process, led the Meeting to charge the Nominating Committee to seek nominations for a Peace and Social Concerns Committee.
2.8 State of Society Report:
The Meeting considered the concern that the group that gathered to develop the State of Society report was numbered only nine. In light of the fact that the Ministry and Counsel Committee did not receive input in response to an email request, they were asked to draft a report that can be brought to the Meeting for comment and approval.
Minutes accepted when signed,
Ruth Heath, Co-Clerk
Alisa Barnard, Recording Clerk