CMM 2011-04-10
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
4th Month 10, 2011
Friends gathered in Meeting for Worship for the Conduct of Business were: 10
The meeting began with a period of silent worship.
4.1 Third Month Minutes: Review of minutes from meeting for worship to conduct business from 3rd month. The minutes were discussed and approved with corrections.
4.2 Rise Up Singing Concert: Rise Up Singing Concert with Peter Blood and Annie Paterson scheduled for May 21, 2011.
If we sell all of the tickets, the concert could bring in about $800 for the Meeting. The Meeting was asked to consider the question of how to best use the funds.
Friends were in agreement that proceeds from this fundraising event should be used for a specific building or grounds related purpose such as landscaping, furnishings, or debt reduction, rather than being directed to the Meeting’s general operating fund. The Meeting decided to wait until next month’s meeting for business to make a decision about the specific uses of the money. By then the Meeting will have more information from the Housing Committee about the outstanding needs of the meetinghouse and the funds available to meet them.
4.3 Budget Committee Report:
The Budget Committee delivered a report on the Meeting’s budget from 6/1/10 - 4/1/11. The Meeting seems to be on target to finish the FY 10-11 in good financial standing.
The Meeting was asked by the Clerk to consider the practice of requesting pledges for FY 11-12 in order to help the Budget Committee to develop next year’s budget. It was suggested that the Meeting might consider referring to this as an “anticipated donation” rather than as a pledge. The Meeting was also reminded that “pledge” may carry a weightiness that is appropriate to the responsibility that we should each have to the Meeting. The Budget Committee is asked to pay attention to this advice as they communicate with the Meeting regarding donations for 2011-2012.
The Meeting was reminded that in the past the Budget Committee tabulated data around the numbers of households donating at different levels. This information was helpful to the Committee as well as the whole Meeting in making financial decisions throughout the year.
4.4 2010 State of Society: 2010 State of Society Report offered by the Ministry and Counsel Committee.
With some discussion and attention to modifying language, the Meeting accepted the 2010 State of Society Report. We are thankful for the careful and prayerful work the Ministry and Counsel Committee dedicated to this writing this document.
4.5 Memorial Minute for Don Booth: Appointment of a committee to write a Memorial Minute for Don Booth. The Meeting approved the appointment of David Woolpert, Ruth Heath and Greg Heath to this task with the hope that they will present the minute to the 5th month Business Meeting. The clerks will also reach out to Lois Booth, Linda Peters and Arnie Alpert to invite them to take part in this process. The committee is reminded that there already exists a wealth of written material about Don’s life and that the primary focus of a memorial minute should be the role he played in the life of the Meeting.
4.6 Property Committee Report: The Meeting considered and approved one-time use rental fees for the use of the meetinghouse by external groups as follows: $100/half day; $200/full day; $100/evening. In lieu of this specific fee, renters who have a close relationship with the Meeting (i.e., common membership) will be asked to donate as they see fit based on the size of their group and the impact on the building. Organizations to which the Meeting belongs will not be charged, except in some cases for the cost of providing hospitality. All rates are negotiable at the discretion of the Property Committee until such time as a formal building use policy is in place.
The Property Committee is asked to develop a building use policy that describes the Meeting’s purposes for allowing or encouraging use of the meetinghouse and delineates its policies for such uses. This would include attention to use of the facility by different types of groups for one time uses and for on-going use; groups such as those with common membership, spiritual organizations, secular organizations, etc. Additionally, the Property Committee is working to develop a procedure to provide on-site support to groups that may not include a regular CMM member or attender.
Minutes accepted when signed,
Ruth Heath, Clerk
Alisa Barnard, Recording Clerk