CMM 2010-11-13

Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends

11th Month 10, 2010

Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business for the first time at the meetinghouse in Canterbury, NH.  Friends present were: Kathryn Cranford, Brian Patterson, Mark Barker, Joe Sewell, Josh Humphrey Sewell, David Woolpert, Rob Yager, Jone LaBombard, Kathy Urie, Sara Smith (Acting Clerk) and Alisa Barnard (Recording Clerk)

The meeting began with a period of silent worship.

11.1  Report from the Property Committee

11.1.1  Working on getting a lock box (with a code) in which the keys to the building will be kept

11.1.2  The Committee is planning to meet with an expert for instructions concerning the use and maintenance of the furnace

11.1.3  Recycling and garbage (someone should take home every week)

11.2  Use of the meetinghouse by affiliated groups:

The property committee brought a proposal to the meeting requesting that they be empowered to allow affiliated groups to use the meetinghouse without bringing such requests to the full business meeting.  (“Affiliated groups” would include any Quaker groups, or other groups that we are affiliated with such as the Greater Concord Interfaith Council.)  The meeting approved this request with the understanding that a member or regular attender of the meeting in attendance would be responsible for any basic hospitality and clean up needs at any such event.  Requests for additional hospitality will be directed to the hospitality committee for their consideration.

11.2.1  The property committee will bring to the next business meeting more formalized information about regulations around the use of the meetinghouse.

11.2.2  The property committee will consider the development of an online “request for meetinghouse use” form that could be distributed to the Clerks, property committee, hospitality committee, etc.

They will also refer to the AMTP Joint Use Agreement in regards to calendar issues.  Sara will forward a copy of the agreement to all members of the Property Committee.

11.3  Ministry and Council Committee

Ministry and Council brought to the meeting a request to authorize the clerks to send a letter to the prison naming Jay Smith, Greg Heath and Mark Barker as ministers of the meeting for prison ministry purposes.  The meeting approved this request.

11.4  Concord Monitor weekly posting:  The Clerks requested an individual be responsible for contacting the Concord Monitor on a weekly basis for a posting in the Religion Page.  Alisa Barnard will assume responsibility for this task.

11.5  Holiday Parties

Cranford/Patterson Winter Solstice Party: Saturday, December 18th – all members and attenders of the meeting are invited

Christmas party: The meeting suggests either Sunday, December 12th (First Choice; rescheduling business meeting to occur before worship) or Sunday, December 19th (Second Choice, as the Barnards will be away and Kathryn is more likely to be attending a birth later in the month.)  The meeting deferred the final decision to the clerks.

Minutes accepted when signed,

Recording Clerk, /s/  Alisa Barnard

Acting Clerk, /s/  Sara Smith