CMM 2010-10-10
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting
Religious Society of Friends
10th Month [10], 2010
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business at the Merrimack Valley Daycare Center in Concord, NH. Friends present were: 15
The meeting began with a period of silent worship.
10.1 Furnishing the New Meetinghouse:
10.1.1 The Clerks suggested that particular committees should be assigned the responsibility for overseeing the furnishing of the various spaces of the meetinghouse, related to the primary responsibilities of those committees. The meeting approved the following:
- Hospitality – kitchen and related aspects of the fellowship room
- Youth Religious Education - classrooms
- Ministry and Counsel – worship room and the lobby
- Property – the remaining indoor and outdoor spaces
10.1.2 Committees are asked to bring to the larger business meeting any questions that might need further discernment.
10.2 Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee has proposed the following committee assignments which were joyfully accepted by the meeting.
- Property: David Woolpert, Joe Sewell, Mark Barker, Rob Yager and Greg Heath (ex officio); to be relieved by Ruth Heath after a few months
- Hospitality: Ruth Heath (ex officio), Carolyn Mallon, Sara Smith (to join Kathryn Cranford and Brennan Barnard who are currently serving)
- Youth Religious Education: Donna Moore (to join Alisa Barnard, Ruth Heath, Linda Peters, Jone LaBombard and Kathy Urie)
- Recorder: Jone LaBombard
10.3 Youth Religious Education Committee:
The YRE Committee brought to the meeting their hope to send three teachers to a workshop for training in the Godly Play method which will cost approximately $900. The YRE Committee requested that the meeting consider accessing the Education fund (current balance approximately $239) to offset the cost of the training. Additionally, the meeting was asked to consider an adjustment of $720 to the YRE budget. The meeting approved both proposals.
Those teachers who will receive the training are asked to consider sharing their experience with other YRE teachers in Dover Quarter in the future.
10.4 Peace Pole Proposal:
Greg Heath asked that the Meeting consider installing a Peace Pole at the Meetinghouse. The sense of the meeting is that, while many in the meeting are interested in a Peace Pole, we would like to “live in” the new space for a period of time before once again entertaining this proposal. Should the meeting decide to install a Peace Pole in the future, Friends are asked to remember that careful consideration of the location of its installation is very important.
10.5 Ministry and Counsel:
The meeting joyfully accepted Brian Patterson’s transfer of membership to Concord Monthly Meeting.
10.6 Ramallah Friends School:
Friends were asked to consider hosting a visitor from Ramallah Friends School on the evening of Tuesday, October 26th. The meeting approved sponsoring an event, coordinated by Mark Barker.
10.7 Meetinghouse Dedication:
The Dedication Committee would like to create a Dedication Certificate signed by all attenders at the ceremony, similar to a Marriage Certificate signed at Quaker weddings. It would be able to be framed and displayed. They asked the Meeting to how the Committee might best solicit feedback from regarding wording on a certificate commemorating the event. The sense of the Meeting is that the process should be twofold. The Committee will put forward a draft via e-mail for input after consideration of which the Committee will finalize the language.
Minutes accepted when signed,
Greg Heath, Co-Clerk
Alisa Barnard, Recording Clerk