DQM 2010-08-29


Dover Quarterly Meeting


Presiding Clerk: Marian Baker

Recording Clerk: Sara Hubner

Dover Quarterly Meeting gathered at North Sandwich.  At the rise of meeting for worship, we shared informally the news from our monthly meetings.

Weare reports that there are children attending, as well as new adult attenders considering membership.  Betty Straw is having cataract surgery on this coming Tuesday, so could not be with us today.

North Sandwich has won four different grants which they are using to install running water and a septic system in addition to upgrading the heating system.  Considerable progress has been made in cemetery mapping.  The Meeting has welcomed two new members.

Gonic has gotten the meeting house clock repaired, so those who once attended Dover and have missed the ticking of the clock can rejoice.  The Greater Rochester Interfaith Council is sponsoring a Crop Walk on October 17 and members of Gonic meeting will participate.  Two Gonic Friends attended Yearly Meeting sessions, and those who were not able to attend appreciated the information that came back from Rhode Island.  The meeting has some new attenders as well as a new member (by transfer).

Concord’s new meeting house has a septic system and well, but no plumbing yet!  They are getting close to finishing but can’t predict exactly when the work will be done.  They have been offered benches from a meeting in eastern New York State.  The Ministry and Counsel Committee is planning a 4-part series about Quaker spirituality, and the meeting has some new attenders.

No one was present to report for West Epping or Dover Meetings.

After a hearty lunch, Friends gathered again to hear about projects in Liberia.  John Ryder of Mattapoisett Meeting and Seshay Johnson, a co-worker of John’s who is from Liberia, shared about the work of the Rural Liberian Healthcare and Development Initiative (RLHDI) which seeks to provide healthcare, education, and micro-enterprise development.  Already they have established the first public library in Liberia (all libraries up to now have been private) and raised funds to pay teachers at one school who had not been paid for 4 months.

Virginia Bainbridge of New London Friends Meeting volunteers with Lifeline, an international health organization, which is now cooperating with RLHDI in Liberia to provide counseling for orphans of the civil war and to provide counseling training for teachers.

Friends were moved by what they learned of conditions in Liberia, especially for children, and were inspired by what these two groups have accomplished already.

We gathered for business at approximately 2:10 p.m., with a period of open worship.  Friends present from Concord (2), Gonic (3), Weare (1), and North Sandwich (6).

Minutes from our meeting of 5 th month were approved.

Treasurers Report.  Muriel Farrar reported there have been no changes since her previously report.  A copy of her report for the period ending Eighth Month 28, 2010, is appended to these minutes.

Sister Relationship with Holguin Friends (Cuba).  Marian Baker sent a brief message to Holguin, via the Cuba Friends at NEYM sessions, telling them we would be meeting today and that we would be considering ways to build our bridge of friendship.

Future Meetings.  Our next Quarterly Meeting will be Tenth Month, 31, at Weare.  Brian Drayton will talk to us about the FWCC Global Change Initiative, which is concerned with worldwide issues of environmental, climate, social, and economic change.

We agreed on the following locations for future meetings:

First Month, 30, 2011, at Concord

Fifth Month, 29,2011, at Dover

Seventh Month, 31,2011, at Pittsfield (tentative)

Weare will hold the annual meeting for worship at Pittsfield on October 3,2010, at 1 p.m. (allowing Friends to attend their home meeting before coming to Pittsfield).  Following worship, Weare Friends, and any others who are interested, will meet with members of the Pittsfield Community Club to discuss the use and care of the building.

Beacon Hill Friends House Ray Stineford has served for 3 years as Dover Quarter’s representative on the Board of Incorporators for Beacon Hill Friends House, which meets annually.  He is willing to continue for another 3-year term.  Friends approved.

Ray reports that BHFH is very involved in Boston ministries and is sustained by rents and donations.  Two guestrooms in the House are in frequent use.

Meeting rose at approximately 2:35 after a brief period of open worship, purposing to meet Tenth Month, 31, 2010, at Concord, God willing.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Hubner

Recording Clerk