CMM 2009-10-11
Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
10th Month 11, 2009
Concord (NH) Monthly Meeting gathered in Meeting for Worship for Business at the Merrimack Valley Day Care Center in Concord, NH. Friends present were Mark Barker, Greg Heath (acting as Recorder), Ruth Heath (Treasurer), Grace Leclair, Linda Peters, Jay Smith, Sara Smith (Clerk), Carol Flavin Veenstra, Kathie Urie, Linda Wilson, David Woolpert. Meeting opened with a period of worshipful silence.
10.1 NEYM General Advice. Clerk Sara Smith read the following general advice from NEYM to open our meeting: “Remember that the Inner Light does not lead us to do that which is right in our own eyes, but that which is right in God’s eyes.”
10.2 Linda Wilson Introduction. The Clerk read a letter of introduction for Linda Wilson from the Clerk of Dunedin MM of New Zealand Yearly Meeting. Linda is a friend of Grace Leclair. She is studying in the US over the next few months as a Fulbright Senior Fellow.
10.3 Minutes. The Meeting reviewed the minutes of our 9th Month meeting. There were two additions. Jay Smith was added to the list of attendees. An addition to the list of items desired in our web site is a “Young Peoples’ page.”
10.4 Building Construction. The Clerk asked to be relieved of her duties for this discussion. Jay Smith agreed to clerk the discussion.
Housing Committee Clerk, Ruth Heath, explained the financial report of the project and the status of pledges vs. expected expenses. A concern was raised that we need to remember the total project cost was that was approved by the meeting.
Housing committee is asking for someone to be the point person to organize price/donation shopping for materials so that we can obtain the best prices available. Linda Peters volunteers with Mark Barker, Kathie Urie and Carol Flavin Veenstra offering to assist as needed.
Clerk of the Works. Greg Heath reported the Housing Committee’s need for a Clerk of the Works and read the job description it has prepared. In response to questions the committee explained the need for the Clerk of the Works in detail. David Woolpert reminded the Meeting that it does not have a general contractor for the building project. Building Alternatives is a construction management contractor. Once the project is complete the subcontractors are directly responsible to the Meeting for their work. This requires the Meeting to have direct relationships with the subcontractors. The Meeting is required to be more involved in the project and attentive to a multiplicity of tasks that would typically be handled by a general contractor. The Meeting has also taken direct responsibility for some of the work in order to reduce the project cost. Furthermore the Meeting needs a point person to communicate with Building Alternatives. Dave Woolpert has been doing this work for the Meeting and finds he needs to pull back for professional reasons. The Housing Committee recommends hiring Steve Booth to provide this function. He has agreed to do this work for $ 15/hr estimating 100 hours of work over the next three months. Greg Heath reported this represents approximately $35/hr. as an in-kind donation. Steve has a personal interest in seeing the project through in ways that his father, Don Booth, would if he were only few years younger. The Meeting approved retaining Steve to be Clerk of the Works with grateful appreciation, noting its good fortune to have someone as capable and committed as Steve available at this critical time in the project.
Ruth Heath reported that operating costs for electricity are now being incurred at the site.
Fund Raising Committee. Sara Smith reported that the committee will need more help to accomplish its goals. Ruth Heath suggested the committee move ahead by brainstorming and planning and then bring its work to the Meeting for more brainstorming and refinement. Linda Peters offered her home for events and suggested the name of a family member who would be a good resource.
Occupying the Building. Greg Heath described his concern about occupying the building prior to having flooring, doors and trim installed and appropriate furnishings in the building. A discussion followed as to how decisions are made relative to interior color decisions. The Acting Clerk suggested Housing Committee come back next meeting with color recommendations. A decision relative occupying the building will be made at a later date.
10.5 First Day School. Carol Flavin Veenstra reported that a group has been meeting as the de facto Youth Religious Education Committee and suggested the Meeting may want to appoint the regular attendees of their meetings as an RE Committee. The question was referred to the Nominating Committee.
Respectfully submitted 10/16/2009
/s/ Greg Heath, Acting Recording Clerk
Accepted as the approved record when signed,
/s/ Sara Smith, Clerk